The Army Girls

By: Nigel
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

On joining the army the first thing you learn is to obey the orders of your senior officers. Little did Beth know how difficult that was about to become the day they trudged into barracks that cold, damp November morning. Their first sight of sergeant Willis was that very morning as they gathered on the parade ground. He was a fiercesome character, tall, muscular; an imposing figure if ever there was one. Willis loved his job. He loved making soldiers out of raw recruits. He loved being a hard man and in the army the only way was the hard way. It didn’t matter to him one bit that it was women he was in charge of; to him one soldier was just like any other at the end of the day no matter what sex they were. Beth ended up in a billet with five other girls. The first few weeks training passed relatively smoothly. At the end of their second week they had to do a 3–mile run in less than 16 minutes. Each failed which started to get them noticed by the sergeant. The following day he was having them run the course again with him pounding close behind them all the way, forcing them into greater efforts. Needless to say each passed, but from that day on the sergeant had his eye on them. Then came the day of a surprise night exercise. It had been an afternoon off up to then. The girls had enjoyed a few beers and a laugh with some of the male soldiers on the camp, returning to their barracks late in the afternoon. As they tumbled into their room they were greeted by the sergeant. He immediately announced they were off on a night exercise and to pack their kit bags for immediate departure. While Beth started packing her friend, Jane tried to walk past the sergeant to the loos. He stopped her in her tracks, “And where do you think you are off to Torpee?” “The loo sir!” Jane replied. “Have I said you can go?” “No sir.” Jane said. “Well get packing as ordered! This is not a holiday camp, if I say move you move, if I say pack you pack. There is no time in the army to spend beautifying yourselves. This is an active exercise, you do nothing from this moment on unless commanded by me.” “It wasn’t beauty I was going for, sergeant,” Jane pleaded, “I really need to pee.” Some of the other girls sniggered at Jane’s brazen admission. “Need to pee?” The sergeant said, ignoring the others. “Yes sergeant.” She said trying not to scrunch her legs together too much. “There will be no peeing until I give the order, is that understood?” Jane thought he was joking but one look up at his face, black as thunder, told her otherwise, “Yes sergeant.” She replied, returning to her bunk and reluctantly starting to pack her kit bag. The sergeant turned to leave and after the giggles had died down Jane was told that it probably wouldn’t be long before he came back and gave her permission. At this point Beth realised just how much she needed to go as well. She’d had about two and a half pints of lager, about 1250ml, and knew from past experience that she would be bursting before too long, once all that liquid hit home. She kept one eye on the door to their billet, praying for the sergeant to return. Half an hour later he had not returned and the first they heard of him was when he bellowed down the corridor for them to get fell in on the courtyard outside. Jane was obviously still in some discomfort and Beth guessed most of the other girls from her billet must need to go as well, even if they weren’t showing any outward signs. As for herself she was aching to go and could feel a growing pressure pushing down towards her pee hole. Out in the courtyard they were ordered to lay their kit out for inspection. Jane could barely stand still as the sergeant came towards her. She sprang to attention; grateful to have her legs pressed together for a little while. All too soon the sergeant told her to stand at ease while he inspected her kit. As Beth watched she saw Jane almost twisting her thighs together and reaching a hand down towards her groin. Her hands were locked into two tightly clenched fists as she battled to avoid wetting herself. She was clearly bursting and probably only seconds from peeing her panties. In desperation she asked the sergeant if she could pee before they left. He eyed her up and down as she took little hops in front of him, willing herself to hang on so she did not disgrace herself in front of him. For an age he seemed to just stand there looking at her before finally nodding, “Dismissed Torpee, but be quick about it!” He yelled. Jane swiveled, saluted, and literally sprinted across the parade ground, one hand clutched underneath her bum. Jane and the others watched her disappear. They were so dumb struck with her desperation they forgot about themselves, however none of them dared ask to go as well for fear of getting the sergeant cross again. Jane was bursting to go but was still in control. She thought that all the beer she had drunk must have reached her bladder by now and if she was as full as she was going to get she’d probably be okay until she could sneak off into the bushes when they had a rest break or made camp. As soon as Jane returned the sergeant led his troop out into the countryside. The plan was a twenty mile route march before making camp. They would then be met by a truck and driven back to base. The sergeant marched on at the front and the twenty girls marched in three ranks behind him. Beth was dying for a piss. She could feel a strong ache in her abdomen and only the fact they were constantly walking was stopping her from reaching down between her legs. She was praying for a rest stop soon. Another hour later and they were finally given permission to fall out for a rest and a smoke for those that wanted. Much to Beth’s joy, One girl went over and asked the sergeant about going for a wee. She returned shaking her head however, “He says if we were in the jungle we couldn’t just squat. We need to make camp first and set up proper facilities.” “Proper facilities, “cried Beth, “I’m close to facilitating that bush over there no matter what he says!” “Me too!” chimed in another girl and as Beth watched she did just that. Out of sight of the sergeant she quickly crouched, lowered her army trousers and peed quickly onto the ground. Several other girls did the same. Despite her growing torment Beth couldn’t bring herself to go in front of everyone. She took a cigarette instead and crouched, rocking back and forth to ease the pressure of her rapidly growing desperation. Ten minutes later they were on there way again. It was another two hours before they stopped and by now Beth was almost beside herself with desperation. The sergeant ordered them to make camp. He came over while Beth’s group was starting to pitch their tent and Beth found herself asking about a wee. She was now that desperate all inhibitions or fears about the sergeant were lost. “If one of you asks me again I’ll have you hanging on until morning!” He bellowed. Beth suddenly dropped a hand to her crotch and squeezed herself through her trousers. The sergeant eyed her, “Need to go badly eh?” “Yes sergeant!” she squealed, bending forward in an effort to stop wetting herself in front of him. “Bursting are we?” “Yes sergeant.” “Really bursting?” “Yes sergeant!” “Good, you’ll enjoy it all the more when I do finally let you go!” And with that he left. Beth couldn’t believe it. She was in agony and she wished now she’d gone when she had the chance. Somehow she held on though while they finished the tent. Then they were all called into the middle and the sergeant had them standing at ease with while he went through the rudiments of making a campfire. This was almost too much for poor Beth. Her bum was quivering madly as she struggled to hold in her pee and before long she could feel it teetering on the very edge of her urethra. She grabbed hold of herself and squeezed hard, just bringing herself back under control before any found its way into her knickers. Her bladder felt huge and rock hard. She was longing to disappear from the group behind a nearby tree and she was barely concentrating on what the sergeant was doing. All she could think about now was having a wee. The fire building continued, followed by the boiling of a pan of water for some tea. Tea was the last thing poor Beth wanted. They were sat now by the fire, Beth having one heal lodged firmly against her tortured pee–hole. She was rocking in short, barely noticeable movements, but just about refraining from holding herself. Then they were told to get their mugs from their kit bags for tea. At last Beth sensed a chance to escape into the bushes. She struggled to her feet and managed to reach her tent. While the others went inside she quickly looked behind her and then quickly trotted by the tent towards a waiting line of trees. She was clutching herself now as the thought of being so close to the pee she so desperately needed came closer. Through the first line of trees she quickly spotted a bush and was already unbuckling her belt as she approached. Frantically she dragged her trousers down to her knees, pacing up and down as she then fumbled with the tiny waistband of her oh so tight knickers. She’d never been so desperate before in all her life. Her bladder was huge and she gasped as her knickers inched away from her bum. All she had to do now was crouch. She could hear the sergeant shouting for their return but she just HAD to pee first. Crouching, her pee poised on the very brink of the release she so badly needed, she suddenly became aware of the sergeant standing over her. She stood, fumbling for her clothes to hide herself. The sergeant smiled as she yanked her knickers back on, followed by her trousers. Oh how she needed to pee! The sergeant said nothing, he didn’t have to, and Beth silently followed him back to camp. She found her mug and joined the rest back by the fire. She wanted to just let go there and then but didn’t dare; besides the sergeant would ensure she was the laughing stock of the group. Instead she pressed her thighs together with all her might as she sipped some tea. As far as the others were concerned she had just found relief in the bushes. For the next hour the sergeant’s eyes barely left her, giving her no chance of escape. By now the hot, strong tea was adding to her intense discomfort but she’d made up her mind to wait it out, no matter what. That would be the only way to spoil the sergeant’s fun. Besides she knew the truck to take them back would be here very soon and it would surely only take them about twenty minutes to reach camp once they set off. Sure enough, about ten minutes later they could hear the sound of the distant truck engine as it twisted through the woodside track towards them. Beth’s heart pounded hard, but she had found a new inner strength, and besides that, now she had made up her mind relief was not to be had until they got back to base it was somehow helping her hold on to her raging, bulging bladder. Their tents were dismantled and their kit bags packed as it drew up. With twenty girls and the sergeant, plus their kit, it was a tight squeeze for them all to get into the truck. Beth waited until near last to get onboard, enjoying a final squeeze before the agony of the journey ahead. Already crammed the sergeant then stopped her getting in the back, saying she should sit up front with him and the driver. She knew his game but was powerless to object. So she clambered up front, squeezed between the driver, who was another male soldier, and the sergeant. Setting off she had her hands lightly folded over her lap, enabling her to press a little harder when the urge to pee got too great. Five miles into the journey she really needed to squeeze herself badly. Her bladder felt ready to explode and it was taking all her will power to stop herself from leaking. She longed to cross her legs and despite the cramped space she quickly succeeded while the sergeant was temporarily gazing out of the side window. This brought temporary relief, but unfortunately coincided with the roughest part of the journey as the truck lurched down an uneven part of the route. She was nearly squealing out loud each time they hit a divot and began to seriously doubt her ability to hang on. Each passing second saw her desperation grow worse still, but she guessed they were no more than a few miles now from base, indeed as she strained her eyes ahead she could just make it out down below them. Her eyes glued to her salvation she willed her pee back. She found it impossible to think of anything else but peeing and the nearer they got the worse it became. Although they were in sight of the base it was still longer than she thought. Over five miles in fact, due to the twisting, turning trail of the track. She willed the driver to press down on the accelerator. Then the sergeant pulled out his last trump card. He ordered the driver to stop for a smoke break. Beth couldn’t believe it. She thought how stupid she had been to think he would allow her to reach the loo she craved so badly and cursed under her breath. While most got out for a stretch and a smoke Beth stayed firmly in her seat. The sergeant lit up by the doorway and with the driver also out of the vehicle she was able to give herself a long hard squeeze for the five minutes the sergeant gave for the break. Back inside she had to stop squeezing herself, which she now found almost impossible. She needed to go so badly her pee hole was aching beyond belief and she could feel a flood of pee pressing right against her entrance, just bursting to get out. Wriggling her bum as much as she dared she managed to stop from wetting herself, but she knew she was on the brink now and there was nothing more she could do to stop it. The five remaining miles became three, and then two. It was a faster journey now as they reached flat ground, but just getting closer was making it even worse for her. The pressure was simply becoming too great and suddenly she felt a hot surge of pee squirt into her panties. With alarm she managed to clamp it off immediately. She stared down and was amazed to see nothing showed.
The release had felt SO good, but she didn’t dare do any more. Her panties were wet but the thick material of her army uniform kept the wetness from show. As she released her clamp a few more dribbles trickled luxuriously from her frantic pee hole and she gasped with joy before pressing really hard down on her crutch as the next wave of desperation hit. Having let a little go she felt better, but not much. She prayed that even just that tiny squirt had maybe given her the time needed to scramble back to barracks without a further devastating accident. Concentrating with all her might she managed to hang on until the main gates approached. She was screaming inside but determined not to let out any more. The driver parked near the parade ground and as they got out Beth could feel the dampness between her legs from her earlier release, but it didn’t show to anyone else. She was absolutely frantic to pee and barely able to control herself any longer. Instead of feeling angry at his failure to make her pee the sergeant was instead full of admiration at her will power, despite her disappearance into the bushes earlier. He told her so and even gave her permission to sprint off to the toilets while he collected her bag for her. “That’s okay sergeant, I feel fine. I can manage my own bag thank you.” Beth said, triumphant, but through gritted teeth. Although her bladder was fit to burst she waited in line for her bag to emerge out of the back of the truck and then turned and smiled at the sergeant as she walked calmly across the parade ground towards her barracks. As she smiled at him her exhausted bladder finally let go and a surge of pee ran like a waterfall into her knickers and quickly spread down the inside of her legs. Fortunately the sergeant couldn’t see what was happening as she was now too far away. She clamped off again with a valiant effort and made it to barracks without any further leaks by taking shorter, shuffling steps. Dumping her bag on her bed she sprinted to the ladies, but was peeing again before she finally yanked down her trousers and sodden panties as she slammed the cubicle door shut. At last she sank onto the loo she’s needed for SO long. She was crying but happy at the same time. That pee was the best she could ever remember but what really put the smile on her face was her triumphant victory over the sergeant. Never again would he look down on her on that parade ground. From here on in army life was going to be a breeze!