The Princess and the Pee

By: Nigel
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

A tale set deep in Middle age England. The Kings daughter had been kidnapped. The King naturally distraught immediately offered a substantial reward to the person who could bring her safely back to court. Travelling through thick forestland the Kings convoy had been ambushed. As well as much gold and jewels the Kings prized possession had also been snatched from him. Before even the most alert guard could react she had disappeared into the dense trees. Listening to the tale a humble but handsome member of the Kings guard decided to set out to seek the fortune the eighteen–year–old Princesses safe return would bring. As Day broke the next morning he saddled his trusty steed and set off towards the forest that had brought the Kings misfortune. As the mist rose slowly above the treetops he reached the outskirts of the forest. Dismounting he tethered his steed to a nearby tree and inspected the ground carefully. It was now almost twenty–four hours since the Princess had been snatched and the tracks of the resulting scuffle were still clear to see. Finally the young man decided upon his route. He knew the forest reasonably well and had determined that somewhere within he would find the kidnappers camp. From there he would somehow release her and return in triumph to claim his reward. Many hours later he reached a crossroads. The tracks he had been following disappeared on down the left–hand track. His steed paused, panting steam into the crisp morning air. The young man dismounted and stooped to take a closer look at the road ahead. As he returned to his mount he suddenly spotted similar tracks leading off into the dense foliage. He walked his tired horse through the bushes and then tied her to a nearby tree, out of sight of the main track. Here the sky darkened as the trees closed ranks about him. His eyes soon became accustomed to the strange dark green luminescence and the footprints he sought soon became apparent once more. Treading carefully he walked onwards, weaving between trees and sweeping back thick tangles of vegetation. He could feel his sword at his side almost buzzing with a sense of the action that was soon surely come. The man too could feel butterflies grow in the pit of his stomach and his lips felt dry as he stepped further into unknown territory. It was an hour later that he stopped in his tracks, his nostrils clearly picking out the distant smell of smoke from a small fire. Unable to see further than a few feet he allowed his senses to take him nearer. Stepping carefully now so as not to make a sound he finally reached a small open circle where three men sat round a small fire talking. Beyond them rested a small wooden shelter and close by lay the bodies of maybe twenty other men, resting peacefully in the now sultry afternoon sun. With such overwhelming numbers against him the young man decided to wait bide his time. He could see that the kidnappers had only just feasted as the body of a deer’s carcass lay next to the fire along with wooden tumblers that the young mans keen sense of smell determined as the finest Kings wine. As the heat of the day grew the three set on guard slowly found themselves laying back to rest. The young man didn’t wait a second longer and softly stepped around the perimeter towards the small wooden shelter, keeping himself hidden from view. He crept towards the rear of the shelter and peered inside through the roughly gathered wood. Inside her could see his prize tethered while standing against a pole driven into the centre of the ground with hands bound behind her back, her mouth gagged. She seemed fidgety to the young man but not in any sort of way that meant she was trying to loosen the bounds that kept her. He could not explain it. With no time for idle thoughts he loosened one of the slats and crawled inside, hurriedly pressing a hand to his lips as the princess looked up in alarm. “I am a friend” He whispered, hurriedly reaching for the gag across her mouth. Releasing it she gasped, “Oh thank you sir, thank you! I have been tethered here for an amount of time I do not know. Do you know who I am?” “You are the Kings daughter.” The young man said firmly as he struggled with the binding to her wrists. She had been bound so tight they were bleeding as he inched the blade of his sword between them. “I am indeed, and you shall be mightily rewarded if you get me to safety. But pray sir the Princess must first relieve the aching contents of her bladder. Pray disappear while the Princess attends to her growing need for I could not go while standing to that pole for the embarrassment my dampened garments would surely bring. My captors have been cruel but have been free to ply me with drinks to keep my senses from me and now I MUST pee.” “There is no time for such pleasures” The young man said, “We must leave now and you can attend to your need soon I promise.” The princess gave a pained expression and while her bosom heaved heavily from within her tight light purple dress the young man could see too an equally firm bulge at her waist and the princess urgently pressing her shivering thighs together. She would have loved to press a hand against herself but could not possibly do so in such company. “You are right sir, we must flee this place first, but my need is truly great and will need the most urgent attention before too long.” The young man nodded but guided her down towards the gap he had created in the shelter. Once outside the Princess allowed him to take her hand and they crept quietly back into the forest. They had made it several feet before the Princess again urged the young man to allow some time for her urgent call of nature. Stopping in his tracks he guided her towards a nearby bush and retired a discrete distance, out of her view. The Princess was now in great distress. Terrified that some poor peasants may view her embarrassment she gazed around for an age before daring to raise her skirt to her waist. Her royal under garments were straining from the pressure contained within her bladder yet she could not bear to release them with the young man so close by. As her courage wavered her bladder reminded her of the utmost urgency of her discomfort. She knew now that she must forget all modesty before her aching loins could contain herself no more. At the point of decision her young savior was suddenly heard shouting that they had to leave and as she hurriedly pressed her dress straight she too could hear the advancing cries of their enemy. She needed relief more now than she had ever done so before in her life but had no choice but to reach for the young mans hand and allow herself to be dragged onwards, her bladder screaming its displeasure. They did not stop until they reached the track where the young mans steed stood proudly waiting. Only then, while they paused just a while, did the Princess feel again the urgent pressing fullness of her overfull interior. With the raging voices of their pursuers still sounding so close she found herself having to be pushed astride the young mans beast before he too clambered on behind her, flicking the reins to instill the utmost urgency in the horses gallop. Quickly he veered their mount to the right and back down the puddle–strewn track. The princess felt herself more in control with the horses mane pressed between her thighs but the pain within was becoming so great she could scarcely breath as they galloped on. Taking a glance behind her she could see that some of the chasing men were also mounted and an arrow whistled past her ears, thudding against a tree close by. Crouching down the young man urged more from their steed. Oh how the Princess wished they could spare just a few seconds for her to dismount, attend to her bursting bladder and return, but clearly this was not possible as the chasing men seemed to be gaining with every stride. At last they reached the edge of the forest and raced out into open countryside. Here the chasing men brought their horses to a stop for fear of recognition. The young man urged even more from their tiring steed. The Princess was dying to ask him to pause again for her but did not dare. Instead she braved the time it took to return to the Castle thinking only of returning to her chamber as soon as possible where her chamber pot would be filled to the brim within moments, of this she was certain. Finally the Castle loomed into view and the young man galloped at full pace through the main gates and into the courtyard. The Princess was overwhelmed now with the relief of her escape and the burning desire to pee. As the young man dismounted she literally fell into his arms and allowed herself to be carried inside. Naturally the King was overjoyed at the return of his daughter, meeting them both within the banqueting hall. He hugged his daughter close, which almost had her screaming from her discomfort, “If you please sire,” she begged, “I must return quickly to my chamber to recover from my journey.” “Indeed you must!” The King bellowed now shaking the young man heartily by the hand and laughing riotously. The Princess curtseyed her excuses as she felt the first leakage squeezing past her already tightly clenched muscles. The young man watched as she retired, for only he knew of the real reason for her urgent escape and he had nothing but admiration for her courage. Very soon she would feel the same about him but for now she fled to her chamber, her relief finally arriving as she closed the heavy door to her room. Hurriedly she removed her garments and squatting with utmost pleasure, just moments before a cascade of pee burst through her tortured opening. Nigel