Country Lanes

By: PeeJay
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The urge had come upon her quite suddenly. No gradual feeling of fullness in her bladder, she seemed to go from not wanting to pee to being bloody desperate in a matter of minutes.
This was not good. All she had on either side of her were tall hedges. Occasionally there was a gate that led to a field, but now that she wanted one there wasn’t a gate to be seen. As she walked, so the feeling in her bladder became more acute. It was obvious to her that unless she could get into a field pretty soon she was going to have to empty her bladder on the path.
The trouble with that was that the lane was pretty twisty which meant that anyone could come around a corner at any moment. The thought that someone would stumble on her squatting and having a pee wasn’t worth thinking about.
Now walking was becoming distinctly awkward and a dull pain had started in her belly. Desperately, Debbie rounded each corner in the hope that there would be a gate or some break in the line of hedgerows that she could nip into and get that little bit of privacy that she needed. But as each corner was rounded so her desperation grew, as the hedges remained horribly unbroken.
She stopped and let a little squirt into her knickers. She was wearing white slacks, a blue blouse and sandals. The squirt relieved a little bit of the immediate pressure, but she realized it wouldn’t be enough. Luckily there was barely a sign of the wetness on her slacks, though she felt the little trickle of warm pee start down the inside of her thighs.
Another corner was rounded and then about 100 yards ahead she saw a gate. She moved as quickly as she dared, each desperate step threatening to unload the contents of her bladder into her underwear. But as she neared the gate she saw to her horror that the top of it was covered in vicious looking barbed wire. With sinking heart Debbie realized that there was no way that she was going to climb over the gate without doing her clothes and worse, herself, serious damage.
Well that’s it, she realized. Now she had no choice in the matter. She’d have to take the chance that no one would come around one of the bends and run into her relieving herself. Hell the odds were on her side. She’d not seen anyone in the half hour she’d been walking so far. It wasn’t often she envied men, but when it came to getting caught short they were at an advantage. They could just whip out their dicks and pee where they stood, and best of all cover up quickly in an emergency. Debbie began to unbutton the slacks and was about to pull them down along with her tights and knickers when she heard the ringing of a bicycle bell from around the bend ahead of her.
She froze as a group of some 20 or so cyclists came around the corner like refugees from the Tour De France. As they passed Debbie they made some comments and gave her looks that suggested they were impressed with her. Had they not been ringing their bells they’d have been a lot more impressed seeing her with her slacks around her knees! As they passed so Debbie valiantly hung on to her dignity, but even before they were fully past her she felt her resistance giving way. Try as she could she couldn’t hold the pee back and more dribbled into her knickers. Just when it seemed they’d all passed a final straggler came around the bend and in his hurry he hit Debbie. He swerved enough so that the blow was glancing rather than full on, but it was enough to knock him off his bike and her into the hedge.
However the real damage to Debbie wasn’t the few scratches she picked up from the hedge, but from the fact the collision also resulted in her finally losing all control of her bladder. As soon as she hit the hedge and fell into a sitting position she began wetting herself. Unfortunately the shock meant Debbie didn’t even realize she was wetting herself until her bladder was emptying in full flow. And even then it took another few seconds before she really became horribly aware of the wet warmth that was pooling around her bum and down the back of her legs. She looked at her crotch to see the white material of her slacks darkening. Desperately she tried to stop the flow by shoving her hands over her crotch but it was all to no avail. The piss was flowing and that was that. Debbie closed her eyes in horror as she felt the piss pooling around her bum in even greater volume. In her horror she had forgotten about the cyclist until she became aware of him looming over her, concern on his face. Then he noticed the spreading puddle around where she was sitting and embarrassment showed on his face.
“OK?” he asked, unable to take his eyes off the sight of Debbie’s pee.
She simply nodded and silently screamed for him to get the hell away and leave her to die of shame with what little dignity she had left.
“Sure? I can get some help if…”
“I’m fine,” Debbie croaked. “I’ll be fine. I’m just a little wet, that’s all.”
He nodded, seemingly relieved that she was willing to leave it at that. He remounted his bike and with a final look at Debbie he sped off to join his mates. What a story he would have to tell. She just prayed they wouldn’t come back this way on some sort of mercy mission – or worse, to gawp at her. By now the flow from her bladder had ceased, but the damage had been done. With a little sob, which was partly pain, mainly humiliation, Debbie gingerly stood. Some piss from her crotch dribbled down the front of her slacks, but most of it ran down the backs of her legs in a little flood and into her sandals. She gasped as it did so.
She looked down at where she’d been sat. The big wet patch bore testament to her accident. She ran her hands over her rear, wincing as she felt the piss soaked material clinging to her butt. She then took a few steps and winced again at the feel of her wet slacks clinging to her legs. Well the fact was that she had no option but to walk home in this state. Desperately she hoped that the warmth of the day would dry the material out enough so that her accident wouldn’t be too obvious, but she knew it was going to be a long walk home in more ways than one.