
10 stories

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The Perils of Alcohol
By: PeeJay (31 May 2003, Saturday)

The office party had been a riot as usual. Henry from Accounts had copped off with Doreen from Human Resources, Fred from I.T. had ended up drunk in a pool of his own vomit in the toilets and Sue and Gina from Reception were weaving their way home. Sue was in a red mini dress with black tights and black boots and she had a necklace of tinsel and glitter in her black hair. She was the least drunk of the pair. In other words she could still walk in a vaguely straight line and remember where they were going. Gina was in a slightly worse state. She could still walk, but she was swaying and had that far away smile on her face that happy drunks have. She was dressed in a white trouser suit. It was looking slightly…

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By: PeeJay (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

Tracy and Cathy were walking through the nature reserve, using it as a shortcut from the restaurant where they worked to the flat where they lived. Cathy was still dressed in her work clothes that consisted of mid–thigh black skirt, black tights and white blouse. Tracy had changed out of her skirt into a pair of blue jeans.. It was a warm day and before leaving work both girls had helped themselves to the remains of a half full bottle of white wine left by a customer. Neither was anywhere near drunk, but they were slightly merry. As they passed a small pond, Tracy nudged Cathy and said, "Dare you to go in with your clothes on." Cathy looked at her friend and then at the pond. If it wasn't for the wine and…

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The Four Horsewomen of the Pisspocalypse
By: PeeJay (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

I was innocently walking down the street when I saw Kelly and her three mates outside of her house. I should have turned there and then and headed back the way I'd come, because Kelly and her three mates aren't known as the Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse for nothing. They're trouble. Nothing serious you understand. We're not talking violence here, but they do have weird senses of humor that leave the victim often failing to see the funny side. For example a girl I know was walking past one of their houses when she got utterly drenched by a bucketful of water dropped on her from a bathroom window. Bad enough, but she'd been on her way to a job interview and dressed up in her best suit – black jacket, white…

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The Worse Piss of my Life
By: PeeJay (31 Mar 2003, Monday)

I was seated at the computer and surfing the Web. I'd only just got online and this was a new experience. Well, not so much the Web surfing, I'd done that at work, but obviously there were certain kinds if sites that I didn't dare look at in work. I couldn't afford to lose my job because I'd been on an inappropriate site. I don't know how they found out what you've been looking at and I didn't want to find out. But now I had the Web at home, I could go where I liked. I'd done a lot of the porn sites, but basically I find staring at naked women rather boring. I have my own girlfriend I can see naked and she's better looking than most on the Net. So I started looking for something different. A magazine I bought…

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The Schoolgirl, the Nurse and the French Maid
By: PeeJay (31 Mar 2003, Monday)

Gina, Carol and Fiona were 24 year old triplets, and pretty much identical. The only really obvious difference between them was their hair. Gina wore her natural blonde locks flowing down to the middle of her back. Carol had dyed her hair black and wore it to the shoulders with a severe fringe halfway up her forehead. Fiona had kept her hair blonde but had it cropped close to the scalp. The girls were sitting in the garden of a man whose money they loved. Uncle Joe, as he liked to be known to them, was celebrating his 65th birthday and he'd invited only three guests – the triplets. He'd known the girls most of their lives as he'd been their fathers business partner. When the girls were 17 their parents were…

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Hi, you're on CCTV
By: PeeJay (30 Nov 2002, Saturday)

Susy and Carly had left the nightclub and were taking a short cut home through the new Retail Park. Blonde haired Susy hadn't been too keen to go this way. She considered it kind of creepy, deserted, and as it was midnight, she also thought it might be a pretty good place to get mugged, beaten up, or worse. Red haired Carly, older (though not necessarily wiser) by five years, pooh–poohed the younger girl's fears, pointing out that the area was well lit; in fact probably better lit than the route they'd have had to take through town. So they ended up walking past the various collections of shops and stores. Carly was stopping at virtually every shop to look in the windows at what was on sale. Susy though, was…

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Country Lanes
By: PeeJay (30 Sep 2002, Monday)

The urge had come upon her quite suddenly. No gradual feeling of fullness in her bladder, she seemed to go from not wanting to pee to being bloody desperate in a matter of minutes. This was not good. All she had on either side of her were tall hedges. Occasionally there was a gate that led to a field, but now that she wanted one there wasn't a gate to be seen. As she walked, so the feeling in her bladder became more acute. It was obvious to her that unless she could get into a field pretty soon she was going to have to empty her bladder on the path. The trouble with that was that the lane was pretty twisty which meant that anyone could come around a corner at any moment. The thought that someone would…

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Embarrasing Moments
By: PeeJay (30 Sep 2002, Monday)

Lucy and Jayne were walking home from work past the fountain in the town square when a teenage girl sat on the side of the fountain and overbalanced– to fall backwards into the water in front of several hundred people who were gathered around enjoying their lunch break or just relaxing. When the girl emerged from her soaking she looked as embarrassed as hell, her face red and obviously quite close to tears. The two friends watched her step out of the water, her jeans and blue t–shirt clinging and shining on her body, water pouring off of them. Some well meaning people fussed around her, but it was obvious that all she wanted to do was get the hell away from the spotlight. Lucy and Jayne walked on not wanting…

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How Much Do You Love Me ?
By: PeeJay (31 Aug 2002, Saturday)

? I was sitting on the patio with my girlfriend Faith. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon and we'd just finished tea. "How much do you love me?" I asked. Faith looked up from her magazine with a puzzled expression on her face. "Why?" "Just wondered what you'd do to prove how much you love me," I replied. She pushed a stray strand of her black hair away from her face. "Why?" "Don't look so worried. It's just that I finished reading a book this morning." "Congratulations. Give yourself a Gold Star. But I still don't see how your finishing a book leads to that question." "Well, in it this man and woman are in a restaurant and that's the question she asks him. And he has to prove how much he loves her by…

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Never Trust a Train
By: PeeJay (31 Aug 2002, Saturday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental Wetting and Humiliation There shouldn't have been a problem. The train journey took only 20 minutes but as it was a sprinter with only 3 carriages there were no toilets on board. Still, there really shouldn't have been a problem. When Carol got on the train she had a slight fullness in her bladder, but nothing serious. Besides she didn't have time to use the station toilet because the train was ready to pull out and she sure as hell didn't want to be waiting 90 minutes for the next one at this time on a winter evening. She went to the front carriage where the only other occupants were an elderly lady reading a book and a businessman at work on his…

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