Hi, you're on CCTV

By: PeeJay
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Susy and Carly had left the nightclub and were taking a short cut home through the new Retail Park. Blonde haired Susy hadn’t been too keen to go this way. She considered it kind of creepy, deserted, and as it was midnight, she also thought it might be a pretty good place to get mugged, beaten up, or worse.
Red haired Carly, older (though not necessarily wiser) by five years, pooh–poohed the younger girl’s fears, pointing out that the area was well lit; in fact probably better lit than the route they’d have had to take through town.
So they ended up walking past the various collections of shops and stores. Carly was stopping at virtually every shop to look in the windows at what was on sale. Susy though, was getting ever more frustrated with her companion’s window– shopping. It wasn’t just that she wanted to get away from the area and back to the safety of her home, but also because she was bloody desperate for a pee!
As Carly stopped once again to admire clothing she couldn’t afford, Susy’s frustration finally bubbled to the surface.
“For God’s sake will you stop staring in every shop window, Carly? I need to get home!”
“So go ahead,” Carly said, sure the younger girl wouldn’t go on without her.
“Carly, I need to have a piss!”
“So have a piss. No one’s around.”
“Oh for God’s sake.”
“In fact.”
Carly set off along the line of units (as the shops were poetically called) looking upwards. Susy, her frustration and discomfort growing ever more, wondered what the hell her mate was up to now. Finally Carly came to a halt and grinned at her chum.
“Fancy doing something really dumb?” she asked pointing to the roof of the end unit.
Susy now added a feeling of dread to the feelings of having a bursting bladder and fear.
“Carly, if I don’t get home soon I’m really going to do something dumb in my knickers.”
“That’s what I’m on about. Ever wet yourself?”
“What did you say?”
“Have you ever wet yourself? You know, pissed your knickers.”
“No, but I’m this close to doing so. Why the hell do you want to know that anyway?”
“Tell you what, let’s give the security guys a treat to liven up their dull underpaid jobs, eh?”
Susy stared at Carly like she’d gone mad. What the hell was she rambling on about?
“Look,” Carly said pointing to the roof of the unit, where Susy saw a security camera staring down at her. “How about we give the peepers a bit of a show to liven up their night.”
Suddenly what she was getting at hit home with Susy. She looked at her friend like she was mad.
“Are you suggesting that we pee right here in front of the camera?”
Carly grinned. “The girl gets it at last.”
“You are N.U.T.S!”
“Well I’m going to do it.”
With that Carly positioned herself where she reckoned the camera would pick her up and hiked her black leather skirt to her waist revealing her white knickers and black stockings. She then bent slightly at the knees, parted her legs and with a gasp began to release her urine. Susy stared with stunned fascination as a wet patch grew over the crotch of the knickers before beginning to trickle down the bare flesh of her upper thighs until it soaked into her stockings and continued on down her legs leaving a distinctly darker trail on the stockings. It then ran into and over her shoes.
As more urine left her bladder, it began to pour down into a little waterfall between Carly’s legs, splashing to the concrete ground with a noise that sounded very loud to Susy’s ears. The cotton of the knickers got ever wetter and soon Carly’s pubic hair could be seen quite clearly through the wet and clinging material.
Susy watched as a puddle of piss began to grow between Carly’s feet. All the while she was pissing, Carly was pouting for the camera. Susy occasionally gave a look around; half expecting enraged security guards to appear at any moment.
And then Carly was done. With the last drop of piss she let out a fart and stood straight again. She gave a thrust of her urine sodden crotch to the camera and let the leather skirt drop back into place. Then she turned back to face Susy.
“That felt really good. Your turn.”
Susy shook her head. “No way. I can’t do that.”
“I thought you were desperate to go.”
“I am, believe me, I am. And thanks to you doing that I’m now worse than ever. It hurts–”
“So would it be fair to say that you’ll not actually be able to make it home before the inevitable happens?”
Susy realized that as a statement of fact. There was no way she was going to be able to hold this until she got home.
Carly continued, “And there’s no public loos between here and home. So you’ll have to do it somewhere public.”
“But not on bloody camera, Carly.”
Carly moved alongside Susy who could smell the urine on her friend. Suddenly Carly grabbed Susy from behind and held her tight in a grip around her midriff. Susy struggled, but Carly was the stronger of the two. And the real problem was that the more she struggled the worse her problem became. She felt a squirt of urine soak into her white tights and knickers. She just managed to stop the full flow.
“Look, the truth is there’s probably no film in the stupid thing and if there is I bet you a pound to a penny that there’s no security guard sat watching a monitor all night long. I bet they only even bother to look at any film if something has happened during the night. And I doubt that finding a dried up piss stain will have them bashing down our doors.”
Susy whimpered, knowing she was going to let loose any second.
“Just do it, girl. Be a devil for once in your life.”
With that Carly gave a big squeeze around Susy’s midriff and that was enough to open up the floodgates.
Susy gave a little squeal as she finally lost control of her full and aching bladder. With a sob she felt her warm piss begin to flood into her knickers and tights and over and up her rear. It pooled there for a moment before gravity took over and she felt the full flow begin its journey down her legs, soaking through her tights and then through her new jeans.
Carly still held her tight as the flood continued. Susy looked down at herself to see the light blue denim turning an ever–darker shade where the piss was soaking its merciless way down her legs. The insides and front of the jeans were now pretty much soaked right through and she could feel warm piss sliding down the backs of her legs as well.
Then it was into her shoes – her ’100 shoes! She hoped like hell that they wouldn’t be ruined because once the piss found its way into them it just filled them right up until it was flooding right out of them. The only good thing was that the pain in her guts was at last starting to ease.
Carly gave a little giggle and said, “If it is any consolation I’m getting your piss all down the front of my skirt and legs.”
It wasn’t any consolation so far as Susy was concerned. It would be a long time before she forgave her so–called friend for this humiliation. Eventually the flow ceased and Carly let her friend go. Susy stood and looked down at the piss soaked mess her jeans had now become. They were well and truly soaked and as she moved, her equally soaked tights clung horribly to her legs and rubbed at her wet crotch and arse. Every step was accompanied by a squelching from the piss puddled in her shoes. Susy took a look at the puddle she’d left on the ground. It had started to flow into Carly’s.
“Now wasn’t that fun?” Carly said and with a wave to the camera they walked off.
It’s OK for you, Susy thought, watching her friend go. All you’ve got is wet knickers and stockings and no bloody obvious stains to advertise what you’ve just done to yourself. I, on the other hand, have a pair of very obviously stained jeans that I’ve now got to walk home wearing.
Muttering a curse at her friend Susy walked after her stiff legged and in discomfort because of her pissed condition.
Meanwhile in a building at the opposite end of the Retail Park, a lone security guard made a note that this particular videotape would most definitely not be re–recorded over!