The Perils of Alcohol

By: PeeJay
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The office party had been a riot as usual. Henry from Accounts had copped off with Doreen from Human Resources, Fred from I.T. had ended up drunk in a pool of his own vomit in the toilets and Sue and Gina from Reception were weaving their way home.
Sue was in a red mini dress with black tights and black boots and she had a necklace of tinsel and glitter in her black hair. She was the least drunk of the pair. In other words she could still walk in a vaguely straight line and remember where they were going.
Gina was in a slightly worse state. She could still walk, but she was swaying and had that far away smile on her face that happy drunks have. She was dressed in a white trouser suit. It was looking slightly frayed now. The jacket was open to reveal a low cut top that showed the tops of her large breasts and they bore the marks a few heavy male kisses. Her long straw colored hair was all over the place.
After a near accident with a bus, Sue decided it would be best if she held on to her colleague, so they were walking along the pavement arm in arm. Sue was virtually pulling her friend along. She would be glad to get her home not just because of the pain she was in, but because she was also getting desperate for a pee.
Suddenly Gina stopped and Sue turned and winced. For one horrible moment she thought Gina was going to throw up and if she saw Gina throw up Sue had a nasty feeling that her own stomach’s contents wouldn’t be far behind! But instead her friend had simply stopped to stare into a dress shop window.
Sue muttered a curse and went to pull her friend away from the window. She was becoming really desperate to get home to the toilet. As she gave Gina a tug on her arm, Gina gave a little gasp and held her ground. Sue muttered another more audible curse and was about to pull a little harder and rougher until she heard what she thought was a splashing sound. It stopped her and puzzled, she listened– it was definitely a splashing sound.
Water running onto concrete, but where? Then she located the source of the sound. The water was dripping down from Gina’s crotch onto the pavement between her feet. Sue blinked in surprise. She pulled Gina around slightly and saw a dark stain covering her friend’s white trouser crotch. The stain was now spreading itself over her thighs and snaking down the insides of her legs.
Sue couldn’t quite get her head around the fact that her normally sensible, respectable work colleague was pissing herself in the street and she seemed utterly oblivious to the fact she was humiliating herself in public. OK, so there was nobody walking around at the moment, but there were cars passing.
Sue stared as the wet stain covered Gina’s thighs and started to make progress down her calves. The splashing on the pavement was getting louder as more piss flooded out of her trousers. There was quite a sizable puddle now at her feet. Gina finally looked away from the window and blinked at Sue. “What you starin’ at?” she slurred.
“Don’t you know what you’re doing?” Sue asked. Gina stared blankly.
Sue said, “Good God, Gina, you’re wetting yourself like a little bloody kid.”
Gina looked down at her trousers at last. She stared at the scene of sodden devastation for a moment. The front of the white trousers were now thoroughly soaked in her piss and as a consequence had gone transparent enough that her equally piss sodden black tights showed through the material. Gina lifted her right leg as if attempting to study her piss sodden leg more closely and when she put it back down there was a distinct squelch and piss oozed out of her shoe.
To Sue’s surprise Gina didn’t seem the least bit ashamed or embarrassed. In fact, she giggled as she pulled at the clinging material around her crotch and thrust her right hand down the waistband. Sue could see her hand pulling at her panties and tights through the transparent material.
“Me knicks is wet an’ all,” Gina giggled. Pulling her hand out of her trousers she began to slap her wet thighs. Sue winced at the sound and then stared in shock as Gina began to lick her piss soaked palms.
“Did you know that pee’s lovely an’ warm?” Gina said. “Here, taste some.”
She shoved her piss–covered hand towards Sue who jerked back to avoid the disgusting thing. Unfortunately the heel of her right boot caught in a crack on the pavement and with a yelp Sue fell down, bum first.
She hit the ground with a thud that slightly winded her. She was stunned for a moment, but as she recovered her senses so she became uncomfortably aware of warmth around her crotch and bum. It was then that she realized to her absolute horror that she was now pissing herself as well and try as she would, she couldn’t stop her bladder from emptying.
Her face burned red as the piss kept pouring and pooling around her bum. She became horribly aware that the puddle she was making was spreading out around her. Her knickers were soaked, the tops of her tights were soaked, the rear of her dress was soaked and so was some of the front of the dress. She didn’t move until she’d stopped pissing and then with a whimper she stood.
Warm piss that had pooled around her rear poured down the backs of her black tights and into her boots. Some even dribbled down the front of the tights. Sue gingerly put her hands over her rear to feel the sodden patch that now felt considerably bigger than she’d thought it would be. She also noticed the large stain on the front over her crotch.
Suddenly Gina started laughing and pointing. “Sue, you pissed yourself,” she yelled.
Then Sue noticed across the other side of the road a group of about half–dozen young men were standing and watching with wide–eyed interest. They all had stupid grins on their faces and then one of them actually started flashing away with a camera.
That did it for Sue. With a yell of horror she fled as the men started yelling wisecracks. She thought she heard Gina shouting something at her, but as far as Sue was concerned Gina could now look after herself.
Sue just hoped and prayed that Gina wouldn’t remember this the next day or that she’d be too embarrassed to ever mention what had happened. Either way, the first day back at work after the Christmas break was going to be a tense time…