Embarrasing Moments

By: PeeJay
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Lucy and Jayne were walking home from work past the fountain in the town square when a teenage girl sat on the side of the fountain and overbalanced– to fall backwards into the water in front of several hundred people who were gathered around enjoying their lunch break or just relaxing.
When the girl emerged from her soaking she looked as embarrassed as hell, her face red and obviously quite close to tears. The two friends watched her step out of the water, her jeans and blue t–shirt clinging and shining on her body, water pouring off of them. Some well meaning people fussed around her, but it was obvious that all she wanted to do was get the hell away from the spotlight.
Lucy and Jayne walked on not wanting to see the girl’s further embarrassment.
Lucy said, “God if that was me I’d just want a big hole to open up and swallow me.”
Jayne agreed. “Same here. Mind, I know the feeling.”
“Oh? Have you fallen in a fountain then?”
“No, but I did have a bit of a wet accident after a big business meeting once.”
“Wet accident? What does that mean exactly?”
“I pissed myself.”
“Yeah. A couple of years back it was. I was at this big meeting. You know the sort of thing where your career can depend on what goes on there. I was fine when I went into the meeting, but I didn’t realize how long the bloody thing was going to last. Anyway after a while I started to want to pee, but I didn’t dare leave it. I was the only female there and I guess the idea of disturbing everyone kind of intimidated me. I assumed they’d have a break for a cup of tea at some point, but they didn’t. It just went on and on.”
Lucy winced. “And you pissed yourself at the meeting?”
“God no, but it was a close run thing. The meeting ended just as I was about to ask to be excused. It sounds like I was a silly schoolgirl doesn’t it, but that’s what the atmosphere was like. Anyway I got out of the room trying not to be too obvious about how I was shuffling along trying to keep my legs crossed. I got into the corridor when the inevitable happened. I just couldn’t hold it any longer and when it came it just flooded out.”
“So there I was running down the corridor to the Ladies’ while emptying my bladder into my knickers and down my legs. By the time I reached the toilet I was in tears because I was really soaking myself and I hate to think what sort of a trail I was leaving behind me. Luckily the toilets were in the opposite direction to that taken by everyone else at the meeting so at least I was spared that indignity.”
“A small mercy.”
“Very small. When I got into the cubicle I just let what was left in my bladder spill out. There wasn’t any point in sitting on the toilet by then. When I finally stopped I just looked at myself and nearly died of shame. I was wearing a light gray trouser suit so you can imagine the stain that showed up on the trousers. They were soaked all down the front and back and around my crotch.”
“I can imagine.”
“And my tights were clinging and had gone all itchy where they were wet, but at least they kept the feel of the wet trousers off my legs. The really irritating thing was that I had been going to wear a black suit with a skirt which would have disguised the stain pretty well, but the gray trousers couldn’t have advertised the fact of what I’d done any more clearly.”
“So what did you do then?”
“I tried to dry the trousers off with toilet roll but what a complete waste of time. It was like trying to empty a lake with a ladle. The only good thing was that the toilets were by the stairwell that led out into the car park. I used my jacket to hide the stain as best I could and was able to get down the stairs without meeting anyone and once outside I just had to take the chance that I’d see no one in the car park or no one would be looking out of an office window and notice me.”
“Did they?”
“I met no one and if anyone did see from a window then I wasn’t aware of it. I made it to my car, but every step was a nightmare, not knowing if I’d be seen and it was so uncomfortable once the chilly wind hit my wet legs. I know now why people walk all stiff legged when they’ve had an accident like that. The drive home wasn’t much fun either with the smell of piss and always wondering if, when I had to stop in town for traffic lights, someone would look into the car and notice the stain.”
“In retrospect I guess it could have been worse. Imagine if anyone had seen me. Especially anyone at the meeting; what an impression that would have made– the woman too dumb to go to the toilet. Do you really want an idiot like that working for you?”
Lucy grinned. “I must confess that I know the feeling.”
“I too have wet myself in public and I didn’t get away with it like you did. Worse I did it at school where such humiliations are not forgotten, but emphasized.”
Jayne gave a smile. “Well at least you were at school. What was it? Infants? Lower Junior? I don’t think that strictly counts to be honest. To wet yourself as a kid is one thing, but I did it as an adult.”
“Less of the kid stuff. I was in the Fourth Year at Comprehensive.”
“Oh. Now that is bad.”
“I’ll say. And I’ll never forgive the teacher who was responsible either. My school life was rotten before the incident, but after it what had gone before seemed like a picnic in the park.”
“Do tell.”
“Well at the end of lunch break we all had to line up in the playground in our classes and then march back into the school building for afternoon lessons. On this occasion the lines weren’t straight or something and Mr. Scott was probably suffering one of his frequent hangovers. As a consequence he decided that we all deserved to come back after school and spend half an hour practicing our lining up.”
“There’s always one in every school. Punish everyone for the sins of the few.”
“You got it spot on. Now as I was going to the playground at the end of the day I intended to go to the toilets first, but as I was about to go into the toilet Scott told me to get into the playground and line up.”
“The bastard.”
“I know. I didn’t have the nerve to tell him I needed the toilet. I just did as he ordered and hoped the punishment wouldn’t go on for too long.”
“But it obviously did.”
“Oh it did. When we were all lined up he stood at the front and told us we’d be there for half an hour. As soon as he said that it was like my bladder just filled up on the spot. I knew there was no way I could keep it in and I didn’t have the nerve to ask if I could be excused.”
“Hey, I know that feeling.”
“We were half way through it when I knew I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I tried to let a bit out at a time in the hope I could relieve the pressure and maybe avoid a total flooding, but as soon as I tried to squeeze a drop out I just gave way completely and the next thing I knew I was pissing all down my legs.”
“What were you wearing?”
“Knee length gray skirt and gray socks.”
“That gray color again. It’s not to be worn by the incontinent.”
“I’ll say. I can still remember how it felt with my pee pouring down my legs and into my socks and shoes. I watched this big dark strain start to appear on the front of the skirt and I soon heard a giggle from the girl behind me as the stain started on my rear as well. But worst of all was the sound of it splashing onto the ground. It sounded so loud and it wasn’t long before almost everyone’s attention was drawn to the fact I was pissing all down my legs.”
“Serious embarrassment.”
“I just kept looking at the ground where this pee puddle was getting ever larger and my skirt getting ever wetter. It filled my shoes and all. I was in tears by the time old Scott came to see what all the fuss was about. Then he started yelling at me. Stupid this and stupid that.”
“Even though it was all his fault?”
“I doubt that even occurred to him. Probably didn’t even recognize me as the girl he stopped going to the toilet. I lost it then and just ran off keeping my gaze to the ground. I couldn’t bear to look anyone in the face. I ran home not caring who saw me as I went and I know plenty did.”
“Hells bells. I thought my incident was bad enough but yours sounds worse.”
“Even worse was my mother. When I turned up home in my pissed skirt she didn’t want to know how it had happened or anything like that. She walloped me for wetting myself like a little kid.”
“So that teacher got away with it?”
“Yes. In fact whenever he saw me after that he gave me a sneering look.”
“What a pervert.”
“Oh I don’t wish ill on many people, but I smiled when I heard he’d died a few years ago. Shame it was old age and not a horrible illness that took him.”
By now they had reached the point where they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. As Jayne walked down the lane to her house she realized how full her bladder felt. She looked around to check there was no one about and with a sigh she relaxed her bladder. Gradually wet warmth began to soak her crotch and move around her bum, soaking through her white tights and then her cotton knickers. Then the wet warmth began its journey down the insides of her thighs soaking and staining her light blue dress to drip off the hem. It continued down her legs leaving a distinct tell tale trail on the white nylon of the tights until it reached her shoes where it pooled in them before flooding out to add to the ever growing puddle at her feet.
Jayne stood there motionless until her bladder was empty. The soft breeze blew on her wet legs sending a little thrill up her body. She looked at her soaked skirt and legs. She felt the material around her bum and gave a little slap enjoying the feel and sound her hand made as it came into contact with piss sodden material.
Slowly she walked to her house, enjoying the feel of the wet nylon of her tights on her legs, aware of the big stains on the front and back of her skirt. You see, what she hadn’t confided to Lucy was that while the accident at the meeting had been a genuine accident and embarrassing at the time, the feeling it had ultimately left Jayne with was one of pleasure and she’d been wetting herself regularly ever since.