The Cruel Cousin

By: PhilHerUp
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Melissa woke up late that Tuesday morning, just as she’d been doing most mornings that summer. It was her last summer before college, too short to get a job and she wanted to relax as much as possible anyway. With her younger brother and sister away at camp and her two older siblings off traveling, there was usually no one in the house to wake her anyway.
No one except the ringing phone, anyway. Melissa rolled absentmindedly out of bed and stumbled across her room to answer it. “Hello?” she heard herself say groggily.
“Hi, honey. You’re not just getting out of bed, are you?”
Melissa snapped wide–awake at her mother’s voice. “No, Mom,” she lied. “I just got back from jogging.” She did her best not to chuckle the way she usually did when telling a white lie like that.
“Mm–hmm,” her mother said, sounding like she didn’t know whether to believe Melissa or not. She never had liked watching her kids sleep all morning, especially not Melissa, who’d always been a bit lazy anyway. “Listen, I need a favor. Your aunt Martha just called. She’s having clients over to her house this afternoon and she needs somebody to watch Randi and Billy. Their father was supposed to take them out to Buck’s Lake this afternoon, but he cancelled. I want you to take them.”
“Aw, Mom, I don’t know. I–”
“It’s not a question, Melissa, I want you to take them. You know you’ve got nothing better to do anyway, honey. And you like Randi and Billy.”
“I like Billy anyway,” Melissa said, still a bit resentful. But she knew the battle was lost.
“None of that, Melissa,” her mother said firmly. “You were impossible when you were Randi’s age too. Look, do this for me and we can do something special tonight, maybe go out to dinner.”
“All right, Mom. Fine. I’ll go get them as soon as I shower.”
“Thank you, dear. See you tonight.”
Still feeling put upon, Melissa hung up the phone and looked out the window. It was a beautiful, cloudless summer day, and she conceded that there were worse things to do on a day like this than spend an afternoon at the lake with her favorite cousin, even if her least favorite cousin would also be tagging along. She couldn’t, of course, tell her mother why she didn’t care to go to Buck’s Lake in particular. Already, images of the last time she was there flitted through her mind as she stood at the window. Homecoming weekend last year, the back of Steve McClegg’s station wagon, how disappointing the whole thing was and how Steve’s first question after it was all over was why she didn’t shave her pussy more often. Good thing I dumped him so quick after that, she thought to herself now as she ambled out in the hall toward the bathroom, pulling her nightgown off and dropping it in the hamper. She strolled naked down to the other end of the hall, thrilled as always to have the big old house to herself. It’ll be nice to go back there with the kids, really, she thought. Just because I gave my virginity to the wrong guy there doesn’t mean it’s not still a nice place.
And Billy was a sweetheart, of course. He was not quite ten that summer – nearly a decade younger than Melissa, but a joy to have around all the same. His sister Randi was a different story altogether, selfish and manipulative and generally no fun to be with. Melissa couldn’t help remembering her mother’s comment about how she’d been a handful at thirteen too, as she shut the bathroom door. I’m sure I was, Melissa thought, recalling how she despised junior high and everything associated with it, but I couldn’t have been that bad!
Safe inside the bathroom, Melissa remembered all at once, amidst her nasty memories of Steve and the mixed feelings about taking her cousins to the lake that she needed to pee rather badly. It’s funny how just thinking about other things can take your mind off having to go, she mused as she flipped on the bathroom light and sat down to relieve herself. Then, as she felt her bladder empty, another thing about her cousins occurred to her. Poor little Billy had to pee a lot, or so it always seemed to the family. They’d been on more than one road trip together in which he was the first to ask where the next rest area would be, time and again. He was wonderfully open and unashamed about it all, but Randi did her best to change that. Blessed with a stronger bladder than her brother, Randi rarely missed an opportunity to tease him about his predicament. Melissa had witnessed as much several times.
Melissa, for her part, prided herself on her bladder control. Her younger sister Ellie was the weak link in her side of the family, much as Billy was in his, and Melissa had watched her parents get exasperated with Ellie many times for asking for too many bathroom breaks on trips and in stores. Melissa’s response to this, from a young age, was to keep her mouth shut about such things no matter how badly she needed to go, and to practice self–control all the time. It worked: at eighteen, she was able to outlast all her brothers, sisters and cousins if need be. But she was also well acquainted with holding off in a desperate situation, unwilling to draw attention to her needs, so she felt for Billy when Randi gave him a hard time.
That won’t be a problem today, Melissa vowed as she flushed and stood up to start the shower. An ingenious idea came immediately to her mind. Nearly an adult, she had self–confidence to spare when it came to her body, certainly more than Randi did. Nothing that little wretch could say would embarrass her, regardless of what it might do to Billy. Melissa made up her mind to drink lots and lots of water before heading over to her cousins’ house, so that she would have to pee at least as frequently as Billy. That way Randi could pick on someone closer to her own size for a change, and Melissa would know how to handle her.
Today should be fun after all, Melissa thought to herself as she stepped under the warm water.
She put her plan into action immediately after drying off. After wrapping her hair in her towel, Melissa called out to ensure no one else was home and, receiving no answer, slinked naked down the stairs to the kitchen. Feeling deliciously naughty but aware that she was vulnerable to a glance from the neighbors or a meter–reader or some such, she quickly drew two big glasses of water and walked briskly back upstairs. Time being of the essence, she’d already downed half of one of the glasses by the time she returned to her room.
Not wanting her aunt to report back to her mother that she was clearly fresh out of the shower, Melissa turned the blow–dryer on her long black hair for a good five minutes, gulping water periodically as she did. Her mane was too thick for drying that quickly, but she figured it was close enough to be fine by the time she got to Aunt Martha’s place. She then turned to the matter of getting dressed. Might as well wear a swimsuit in case I feel like taking a dip, she thought.
With that, Melissa retrieved her favorite swimsuit from the closet – a modestly cut, bright green one–piece. Somewhat shy and endowed with an unusually big bush – as Steve had rather tastelessly reminded her that night at Buck’s Lake – Melissa had never cared for bikinis. It was just too much trouble to try to cover herself entirely in anything that small. Even a one–piece suit could be tricky for Melissa, as she was unsubtly reminded now. With the straps comfortably over her shoulders, she somewhat begrudgingly engaged in the same ritual she’d gone through every time she’d put on a swimsuit since she was Randi’s age or younger: standing in front of the mirror, tucking all the stray wisps of hair inside her suit on either side of her crotch. Trimming or shaving solved the problem, but she’d always loathed the way she felt after doing either – too prickly down there – and after the adventure with Steve, she liked the feeling of being defiant anyhow. “Nobody cares if men are hairy there, why can’t we be?” she said out loud but in a low voice as she took one last look for strays.
When Melissa was reasonably sure her modesty was intact, she finished off the last of the two glasses of water, and walked back down the hall for a refill at the bathroom sink. She had to smile at herself in the bathroom mirror as she watched the glass fill. What an idea, she thought, making myself desperate to pee on purpose with other people around. Admiring herself in her favorite swimsuit, comfortable with her body at last after all those years, she felt more than a little bit horny over the whole thing, until she remembered that it was all for Billy. That, of course, just made her laugh as she sipped the water on the way back to her room.
With the third glass of water out of the way, Melissa pulled on her favorite sundress over her suit, a very innocent looking white flowered one. This ought to keep me in line, she thought happily as she tied the straps and smoothed the dress out along her hips. The perfect country teenager, that’s me. To complete the outfit, Melissa slipped on her sandals and grabbed her purse up from beside her bed, making sure her car keys and wallet were there. Grabbing a fresh towel from the linen closet along the way, she returned downstairs to the kitchen with the empty glasses, and refilled one of them. Number four should make it almost half a gallon, she mused. Just to play it safe – or unsafe, she reconsidered – better have one more glass after this.
In a hurry to get the show on the road by then, Melissa gulped down the fifth glass of water and headed out to the backyard. Her dad’s ancient Pontiac, the one all the kids had free reign with once they were old enough to drive, sat just as majestically as ever by the tool shed. Melissa tossed her towel and purse on the passenger–side of the front seat, fished the ever–present bottle of sun block out of the glove compartment, gathered her skirt out of the way to swing the big door shut, and she was off.
The big engine roared to life, and Melissa bounded off down the bumpy road toward her cousins’ house. It was probably about half an hour since that pee–break, she figured, glancing at her watch, and she was already noticing the first fruits of her big idea trickling into her well–toned bladder. Nothing she couldn’t handle, but it was making its presence known even before she got to Aunt Martha’s. Hope I didn’t overdo it, Melissa mused as she gunned the old car up the hill toward Kingston Way, the main drag into town. Nah, she reconsidered. The whole point was that she was supposed to have to pee soon and often, after all. This’ll show Randi, she thought as she approached her cousins’ house.
Randi was already out on the front stoop as Melissa pulled into her aunt’s driveway. She waved cheerfully at Randi, hoping for the best and not expecting any response. Sure enough, no response is just what she got. “Hi, Randi,” she forced herself to say pleasantly as she stepped up to the front door and knocked.
“Melissa, there you are!” Aunt Martha said pleasantly as she opened the screen door and welcomed Melissa inside, kissing her on the cheek as she did. “Thanks so much for helping out with this.” Decked out in business attire for her big meeting, Aunt Martha looked ever so slightly envious at Melissa’s own casual attire. It was certainly too nice to be indoors if she’d had a choice in the matter.
“Hi, Melissa!” Billy came bounding down the stairs, beach towel in tow behind him, before the two women could start any kind of conversation. “Nice to see ya!” He leapt up to hug his cousin tightly.
Melissa couldn’t help laughing a bit. “What a big boy! You sure are growing up, Billy.” She squeezed him tightly and then set him back on his feet. Unbelievable – she could vaguely recall watching Aunt Martha change his diapers when he was a baby and Melissa was just about the age he was now. Speaking of diapers, Melissa thought in spite of herself, she was at the point by then where using the bathroom would be a good idea. But the urge was still fairly minor, and saving it for the lake was the whole point anyhow. Nonetheless, she was looking forward to getting to the lake for that reason. Just don’t think about it for now, she told herself.
Aunt Martha had other ideas, though. “You have been to the bathroom, right, Billy?” she asked.
“Of course!” Billy said defiantly, but a bit shyly.
“Good,” Aunt Martha said, turning to Melissa. “You know how he is. Him and Ellie, we’ve always had to watch them! But I know you’re fine. The family camel.”
Melissa smiled shyly. “Yep, that’s me.” But with all the talk about it, she had to remind herself not to turn one leg sideways or roll back and forth on her feet. Who’d have thought I had a reputation to live up to, she thought to herself. Not that she wasn’t happy to hear it; that was just the sort of thing she’d been aiming for by working on her endurance all those years. More eager than ever to change the subject, she said, “Okay, we’re ready to go?”
“Yep!” Billy said enthusiastically as ever.
“Absolutely,” Aunt Martha agreed, checking her watch. “Try not to let Randi bug you. She’s in one of her moods. But she’ll be fine.”
“No problem,” Melissa said, guiding Billy in front of her to the door. “C’mon, Randi, we’re ready,” she added upon seeing that Randi still hadn’t budged from the step.
“Fine,” Randi said flatly, standing up. “But don’t be telling me what to do, Missy.”
“Knock it off, Randi,” Aunt Martha said firmly from behind the door. “What Melissa says goes, I mean it. She’ll tell me if you don’t behave.” Then, more pleasantly, “Have a nice time, kids.”
“See you soon!” Melissa called from beside the old car, where Randi was calling dibs on the backseat. “I don’t wanna sit with her!” Randi muttered under her breath.
“Fine with me,” Billy replied, happily climbing in alongside Melissa, whose purse he held on his lap. Melissa silently agreed that she liked this arrangement best too. Nobody had called her “Missy” since she was about Randi’s age, and she liked it that way. Don’t let her rattle you, she reminded herself as she put the car into gear and set off for the lake.
Buck’s Lake was about a twenty minute drive from Aunt Martha’s, and the last half–mile or so was down a rather bumpy gravel road. The ride itself was agreeable, with Melissa chatting pleasantly with Billy about school and some of the teachers they’d both known so many years apart, and Randi at least keeping her mouth shut in the back seat. But the bumpy road and the car’s old suspension kept Melissa keenly aware of her plan at all times. By the time she parked the car by the ramshackle boathouse, it was over an hour since that first glass of water and Melissa’s bladder was approaching balloon–like status. She suspected the same of Billy, although he said nothing to that effect.
Being that it was the middle of the week, the lakeshore was pleasantly uncrowded. There were other parties there, but Melissa, Billy and Randi found a patch of fairly dry sand to spread their blanket out on that was comfortably distant from anyone else. More importantly to Melissa, it was not far from the restrooms, though the entrance was behind them. Randi wordlessly helped Melissa spread out the blanket, then plopped down on it and opened a magazine. Melissa surveyed the contents of the beach bag Randi had brought along: towels, a cheap–looking toy snorkel, baggies of some kind of trail mix, a few juice boxes, a Frisbee, and some more magazines. Perfect for the afternoon, Melissa figured.
Billy, obviously eager for the water, was already down to his swimming trunks by the time Melissa got done looking through the bag. She smiled at him. “I see where you want to go,” she said pleasantly. “Let’s get some sun block on you first.”
“Good call,” grumbled Randi. “He’ll burn to a crisp if you don’t watch him.”
“Well, you can put some on too,” Melissa said as politely as she could stand to. Also thinking a dip sounded nice, she dropped the sun block bottle on the blanket, crossed her arms over her middle and pulled her dress off, to Randi’s annoyance and Billy’s apparent interest. Without a trace of self consciousness, she told Billy, “Okay, let’s get you lathered up.”
“Okay,” Billy said willingly, openly eyeing his cousin up and down as he picked up the bottle and rubbed the lotion on his arms and chest.
Melissa was a bit nonplussed. So her sweet little cousin was checking her out? This was going to be an even more interesting day than she thought, perhaps not all in a good way. But I can handle this, she reasoned. “Turn around, let me do your back,” she said.
Billy did as he was told, and Melissa gently rubbed the lotion up and down his back, then his legs. He got a bit ticklish as she was doing the latter, and wiggled around a bit. “Silly,” she told him, “You’ve got to be safe.” Satisfied that he was now as safe from ultraviolet harm as she could make him, she turned around and said, “Okay, now you do my back, Billy.” This earned another grunt of annoyance from Randi, who was thus far keeping all her clothes on, but Billy willingly took the bottle and, as Melissa sat down in front of him, rubbed the sun block on her back. Lightly at first, almost as if he was afraid to touch her, then more firmly as he got used to it, Billy covered the exposed part of Melissa’s back, all the way down to the cut of her suit just above her behind. He was giggling by the time he finished.
“Silly,” she told him, turning around and kissing him on the cheek. “Girls don’t bite, especially if you don’t stare!” By then they were both laughing, and Melissa felt much better. It’s just as well that he gets a good idea of what women really look like before he gets into Playboys and stuff, she mused.
“Thanks,” Billy said, still laughing and blushing a bit.
One last thing before she let him in the water, though. She stood up and stretched her arms and legs out a bit. “I have to go to the bathroom.” She almost sounded proud as she said it, but that’s just what she was after. “Be right back.”
Melissa hesitated for a second before setting off for the restrooms, to see if Billy would say he had to go too. He didn’t – a good sign, Melissa thought to herself – but Randi chimed in. “Yeah, get used to that with him around. He has to go all the time.”
Billy seemed about to hurl an insult in response, but Melissa knew how to handle the moment. “Aw, you and me both, Billy. We’ve got her outnumbered!” She touched him affectionately on the shoulder as she set off for the restrooms. Billy smiled smugly at his sister, who looked more put out than ever, as Melissa jogged off up the embankment toward the old green building.
Mission accomplished, Melissa thought delightedly as she walked around the building toward the entrances. Billy wouldn’t be embarrassed all afternoon now, and Randi might even keep her mouth shut about the whole thing. Best of all for Melissa herself, of course, was that the timing was perfect. Her urgency was still under control but quickly approaching the level of real discomfort, and she was grateful that she got step one out of the way now rather than later.
That sense of well–being was shattered when Melissa reached the entrance side of the building. Men on the right, women on the left as always, but both doors were locked and each featured an “Out of Order” sign. Melissa stared, disbelieving and wrapping one long leg around the other as she pondered the shock. How can they both be out of order at the same time, she wondered? Where has everyone else been “going”? Or has anyone else been doing so at all today? No wonder it was such a small crowd, she thought, people must just be coming for an hour or two at a time, or else peeing in the woods. Melissa seriously considered doing just that, but the thought of being seen in there with her swimsuit down around her ankles and pee gushing out was too much.
She turned around and surveyed the scene. The woods beckoned, and there were other people close enough to be heard, but she couldn’t see them at the moment. If only there were some way to ensure that she’d have a minute and a half to herself out there…but there wasn’t. As an afterthought, it also occurred to her that she had no mirror to avail herself of while tucking her public hair back inside her suit when she was done. As if Billy wasn’t already more interested in her body than he should be…oh my.
Melissa bounced on her heels one or two last times and gave up, heading back for the shore. She wasn’t sure what the next step would be, but there was nothing to do for now but hold it a while longer than she’d planned. One thing was certain: she wouldn’t be telling Randi she hadn’t really used the bathroom. No way is she going to gain the upper hand on this, Melissa thought to herself. But that means I can’t tell Billy yet either.
That thought brought another worry to her mind: Billy would inevitably have to go too fairly soon. What would she tell him then? Randi was on her own as far as Melissa was concerned, and she didn’t think that issue would arise anyhow. But there was no doubt about Billy. For now, all Melissa could do was brainstorm and try not to think about her own situation, which was growing increasingly desperate.
Good thing I know how to hide it, Melissa thought as she returned to the blanket. Billy was splashing happily around in the water – a sound Melissa did her best to tune out as she sat back down – while Randi was still engrossed in her magazine. Perhaps reading was a good idea just then. “Can I borrow a magazine, Randi?” she asked, standing over the beach bag.
“Sure,” Randi replied without looking up.
How generous of you, Melissa thought, picking up the one on top of the pile in the bag without even checking the title. Any reading material will do, she reminded herself. Gingerly, she sat down on the blanket, stretching her left leg out and tucking her right heel carefully against her vulva to help hold the dam back – a posture she’d learned from Ellie over the years. It worked wonderfully, Melissa found to her delight; the extra pressure was perfect. Her only concern was that Randi might notice, but Melissa doubted that. Randi never seemed to have to go much, so she probably didn’t know that trick. At least Melissa hoped not. She also bitterly regretted having taken her dress off. It would be relatively easy to hide an accident if she had it on, but it would look too odd for her to put it back on now.
Feeling ticklish and bloated but narrowly in control at least, Melissa delved into an article on men’s fashion – sufficiently interesting to keep her mind only partially on the pickle she was in. Her well–trained muscles clamped firmly shut and her foot firmly between her legs, she was even able to enjoy the reading and the light breeze that was blowing in from the lake. This will all seem funny later, I’m sure, she thought. Something will work out. I could always chance the woods…oh God, think of something else! Her ankle began to get pins and needles after she didn’t shift at all, so she simply rubbed it and hoped that would help. When it didn’t, she simply tried harder to concentrate on the magazine. Randi turned this way and that beside her, but never said anything or drew attention to herself. At least that was one thing that was going right.
Melissa had just about managed to tune out her throbbing bladder and her almost–numb foot when Billy came out of the water. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, as she knew better than to ever look at her watch in a situation like this, but at least it was passing. Melissa looked up and forced herself to smile. “How’s the water?” she asked, surprised at how cheerful she was able to sound through her agony.
“Great!” Billy enthused. “You gonna come in later, since you’re in a bathing suit, aren’t you?”
“Of course,” she smiled, thinking to herself that being desperate probably wasn’t any worse in the water than out of it. And there was always…no! That was disgusting! No matter how uncomfortable she was, she told herself, especially with other people in the water, I will just have to wait. Geez. “I’ll come in a little bit,” she told Billy, who was by then rummaging through the beach bag.
“Hey, come off it!” Randi piped up as Billy splashed a drop or two of water on her.
“Relax, Randi, it is only water,” Melissa said, wondering if it was safe to stand up.
“But he’s getting my stuff wet!”
“Then you shouldn’t have brought it to the lake,” Melissa said firmly, clear out of patience in more ways than one. By then she saw what Billy was after: he’d retrieved the Frisbee from under the magazines and towels.
“Wanna play catch?” he asked Melissa, who threw caution to the wind and stood up, bearing down on her bladder muscles with all her strength as she did.
“Sure,” she replied, relieved to see that she hadn’t leaked as she straightened up, although her bush was now making its presence known on both sides of her swimsuit. Nothing to do about that in front of the kids, though, except hope they didn’t notice. Besides, she had a bigger problem now. Might as well move my legs, she thought to herself. It might even help.
Fortunately, Billy was pretty good with throwing the Frisbee towards Melissa, so she didn’t usually have to make any sudden or quick moves to catch it. Moving around also helped keep the urgency in check, she found, although running too hard was out of the question. Also, recalling that part of the plan was to make them think she had to pee frequently anyhow, she realized that it was probably even a good idea to squirm a bit and wiggle her legs as needed. There was nothing to be ashamed of, even if she was in physical pain. All in all, this was an improvement over sitting on the blanket.
Still, her mind was only on the Frisbee to the extent that it absolutely had to be.
After ten minutes or so, Billy and Melissa were having such a good time that Randi finally set her attitude aside and stood up, kicking her shoes off for the first time. “Can I play?” she said a bit meekly.
“Sure!” Melissa called back, tossing Randi the Frisbee and fearlessly wiggling back and forth as she watched the younger girl grab for it. The goodwill was short lived, as Randi threw the Frisbee much too hard and high for Billy to have any chance at catching it, but he gamely went after it without complaining. “Don’t do that, Randi, really,” Melissa called as she watched Billy chase the toy into the water.
“You can’t stop me,” Randi sniffed. Melissa ignored her, and began dancing on her patch of sand while she waited for Billy to throw the Frisbee back to her. They’d just continue throwing it back and forth between them, she decided. She also conceded to herself, as she waited, that she was ready to take her chances on the woods. I can’t just keep spinning around all afternoon, she admitted, and I don’t think I can drive in this condition either.
Billy finally caught up with the Frisbee and hurled it back towards Melissa. His aim was off this time with the longer distance, and she had to run hard to her right to catch it, lest Randi get it instead and try something worse. She positioned herself under it just as it began its descent, and reached up and grabbed it, steeling herself down below for another jolt. As her heels hit the sand, Melissa felt the unmistakable sensation of her urethra opening, however momentarily.
Safe back on the ground, she staunched the flow and bent over to observe the damage, holding up the Frisbee in triumph and hoping Randi and Billy would just think she was catching her breath. With her legs shut tightly against each other, Melissa saw a dark spot slightly bigger than a quarter where the green fabric reached its southernmost point. Perhaps I can pass it off as sweat, she thought – she had been sweating with the heat and movement and sheer nervousness, of course – but I definitely need to let go. The woods it is, she conceded. But first, I’d better bring the Frisbee back and let them know where I’m going.
Steeling herself for what she was sure would be Randi’s nastiest remark yet, Melissa walked gingerly back to the blanket, feeling herself leak slightly but uncontrollably along the way. At least there was only so much that could have escaped from her bladder in that instant, she reminded herself.
When Melissa returned, Randi had stripped down to her swimsuit and was heading for the water. Before Melissa had a chance to set the Frisbee down and reveal her predicament, Billy piped up. “I have to go to the bathroom, bad,” he said. “I’d better go before we play any more Frisbee, sorry.”
Randi giggled haughtily, and Melissa’s mind raced – terror, anger, inspiration, and joy. All at once, she knew just what could be done. “No problem, Billy. I really have to go too, actually. Let’s both go.” She held her hand out to walk up the hill together with him.
Randi laughed louder than ever. “You two deserve each other! Have fun!”
Melissa kept her cool. “Don’t go in the water ‘til we get back,” she said. “I don’t want you swimming alone.”
“You’re not the boss of me,” Randi retorted, not even looking back. Just as well, Melissa thought to herself, as she suspected the wet spot on her suit was probably visible from a distance by now. Besides, it was part of her plan to have Randi not listen.
“C’mon, Billy, never mind her,” Melissa said loudly enough for Randi to hear, and she guided Billy alongside her.
“It’s fine,” Billy said. “I’m used to it. She always teases me about this. Do your brothers and sisters tease you ‘cause you have to go a lot?”
“Sure,” Melissa lied, trying to remember if there had ever been a time when she was the first to ask for a restroom break before today. “It’s their problem, though. Who cares, right?”
“Right!” Billy agreed, happily squeezing his cousin’s hand.
As soon as she was sure they were out of Randi’s earshot, Melissa turned and looked straight at Billy. “I have something to tell you,” she said softly as they turned the corner out of sight behind the building. “The bathrooms are broken.”
“What?” Billy said frantically. “I have to go!”
“Me too,” Melissa confided. “Desperately. But I have a plan.”
“What plan?” Billy said, his voice wavering as he stared disbelieving at the “Out of Order” signs just as Melissa had earlier. His modesty out the window in desperation, he clasped one hand over his crotch like an even younger kid might do. Melissa shamelessly did likewise, thinking she’d rather he see her holding herself than let him see the wet spot on her suit or see her leak even more, which she feared she would do without the blockage. I can’t believe I’m doing this in front of him, she thought, trying to remember how old she’d been the last time she’d let anyone see her like this. Seven, maybe? Unbelievable.
The good news was that the sight of his grown–up cousin in the same embarrassing position he was in made Billy relax a bit. He even giggled at the absurdity of the sight, and Melissa joined him. “What a pair we are, huh?” she said brightly. “Now, the plan.” Openly squirming and holding the men’s room doorjamb with her free hand for support, she explained her idea to Billy, who looked grossed out and delighted all at once.
“Are you sure that’s…safe?” he asked when she was done.
“Just as long as we’re quick,” Melissa assured him. “She’ll never know.”
“I love it!” Billy decided. “I’ll do it.”
“Good. Now let’s go before we wet ourselves.” Melissa again took Billy’s hand in her dry one and, steeling herself for one last burst of endurance, headed back toward the lake. Randi was still in the water. She’s probably hoping I’ll yell at her for going in, Melissa thought happily. If only she knew.
For Melissa, at least, holding on actually became easier in those last few seconds as she waded quickly into the water, towards Randi. She wondered if the same was true of Billy. Probably, since he had to put up with her teasing all the time, but of course she couldn’t ask. Enveloped in the pleasantly chilly water, Melissa flitted her legs as much as she could under the circumstances, propelling herself towards her cousin with Billy keeping up alongside her.
Randi raised her head. “That was fast,” she said to them both. “Gonna go again as soon as we’re out of the water?” she smirked.
“Oh, I think we’ll be fine,” Melissa said as pleasantly as ever, coming to a stop and treading water just a few feet from Randi. “I feel much better, don’t you, Billy?”
“Yeah!” Billy agreed, as he and Melissa both watched for a response from Randi. “I’m great!”
“You should be his sister instead of me,” Randi snarled. “You’re even worse than he is!” She looked at Melissa, waiting for a response of some kind.
The response came, but Randi wasn’t aware of it. Melissa just smiled a bit shyly and looked over Randi’s shoulder at Billy, exhaling happily as she opened the floodgates. She was pretty sure she recognized the moment when Billy did the same, as he couldn’t help giggling a little. Melissa just held her head back and looked happily up at the sky. “It’s a great day to be out here, isn’t it, Randi?”
“‘Course it is,” Randi admitted, apparently having given up on getting Melissa’s goat.
“We should do this every week,” Billy laughed, and Melissa joined in. She figured Billy was probably done by then, but she was still going at it, remembering all those glasses of water all those hours ago as she did. She’d forgotten how good it felt to pee underwater. No wonder kids do this, she thought to herself as she felt her bladder contract wonderfully down to its normal size as the warm stream tickled her thighs endlessly, or so it seemed. Not slowing down, she kicked up her legs and paddled backwards in circles around Randi while Billy headed back for the beach. She hadn’t thought to try to count time, but she figured it was probably two minutes before she felt herself bottom out.
“I’m glad your mom asked me to do this, Randi,” Melissa said as she kicked back to backstroke towards the shore. Even the sound of her very own voice seemed infused with relief. Randi said something in response, but Melissa was off in cleaner waters – she hoped! – by then and didn’t catch what she said. No matter, she thought.
Back on the beach, Billy was laughing hard as he pulled his towel out of the bag. “We did it!” he giggled.
“We sure did,” Melissa said, bending over and hugging him. “We sure did.” She followed his lead and picked up her towel, wiping herself down and trying to convince herself that the swim back to shore was enough to clean them both off. There was a VERY long, hot shower waiting when she got home. But it certainly beat the woods.
Keenly aware that she had more pubes showing than ever, Melissa gratefully pulled her sundress back on before Randi had a chance to get out of the water and comment on such things. Indeed, by the time Randi did emerge, still oblivious to what had happened, Melissa and Billy were just about ready to go. “Go ahead and dry off,” Melissa said, “and let’s head home.”
“Glad to,” Randi said flatly. “I’d rather stay out there, but I don’t want to keep you two waiting,” she added sarcastically.
Melissa and Billy just looked at each other and smiled.