The Bird Women Part 1

By: PhilHerUp
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Jae and Penny hurried uncomfortably through the Maxiversity hallway to the next exam session. One hellish semester, six humiliating months, behind them, and still no sign of the promised revolution. Even Lisa, the eternal optimist of the Bird Women, and Caryn, the most muscular and intimidating of the oppressed group, were losing their hope. Doing her best to ignore the intense summons emanating from between her long legs, Jae shuddered to think what she and her friends would do without Lisa and Caryn to give them hope.
“D’you think this bunch will be as rude as the boys from last week?” Jae asked Penny between short breaths.
“Hope not,” the shorter girl answered. “You’d think they’d never seen a girl before at all. Even the Swineherds aren’t that clueless about us.” As she said it, Penny gathered up the baggy pant–legs of the shapeless jumpsuit she and all the girls were required to wear, hoping to lessen the friction. They were, after all, in a big hurry.
“Cruel, but not clueless,” Jae concurred.
“Yes!” Penny sounded near tears as she struggled with her bladder. Even before the Deluge, she’d needed to use the bathroom rather often, like both her parents before her; the Swineherds’ policy made each moment of the day even more excruciating for her than for the other Bird Women. Fortunately, her friends recognized the severity of her predicament and did what they could to help her. But such sympathy, kind as it was, could only help Penny so much.
The Bird Women– smiling through her discomfort as she and Jae approached the appointed classroom, Penny marveled at the one victory she and her friends had achieved in the five months, two weeks and five days since the downfall of the McGlown Administration: keeping the gang and its beautiful name a secret from the Swineherds. It was Penny herself who’d thought of the name, which had been inspired by her friend and cohort Kathleen. Katie to her friends, Kathleen to the teachers before the fall; she was beautiful. Tall, poised, and exceptionally well–dressed, with fine brown hair which hung nearly to her waist and a classically beautiful figure – all of which had been her downfall – she’d struck Penny as the definition of all that was positive about women, even in a culture that hated them. Graceful like a bird, Penny had thought. And birds were the perfect inspiration for the gang, wishing, as they did, to fly away– to be free of it all– to be far from the Maxiversity.
It didn’t look like Penny and Jae had much hope for anything that beautiful as they entered room C–14. Dan McGowan, whom Jae the ex–cheerleader knew as a second–string linebacker on the football team before the Deluge, was waiting by the door. “Aw, here they are,” he said with a bombastic grin. “How you ladies doin’?” He greeted Jae with a clap on the rear end. Jae – a onetime party girl who had many memories of Dan coming on to her and her friends like a Mack truck at house parties – winced and clenched her Kegel muscles harder than ever as his pat jarred her full bladder, but she knew better than to say a word against Dan.
“Fine, Dan.” Jae even managed a smile as she spoke for herself and her shy cellmate.
“Hey. Don’t ever call me by my first name, cunt!” Dan’s face was inches from Jae’s; she’d slipped up again!
“Sorry, sir.” It was almost physically painful for her to show this note of respect to the boy who, she strongly suspected, had put her in the misery she’d been in for the past five months. It had to be one of the Swineherds…
“That’s more like it,” Dan said, backing off a bit. “Now, do we need the bathroom before Showtime?” The grin was back. He looked at Penny first.
Fighting back tears, Penny said, “Yes, sir.”
“You?” he said to Jae.
“Yes, sir.”
The grin disappeared. “I knew it all along. You do know how to say yes.” Jae flushed as she recalled the episode after the homecoming dance last fall. How different these months could have been – but she wasn’t sorry. Dan led the two Bird Women across the hall to the locked restroom, and unlocked the door into the outer chamber. “Okay. Strip.”
It never got any easier, no matter how many times they had to do it, but all the girls knew better than to disobey; they all had their own coping mechanisms. Jae’s was to imagine the boy in front of her – whoever he really was – was Andy, the shy boy in her French class the year before with whom she’d had one great study date just days before the Deluge. They’d been casual friends for over a year before she’d started inviting him over to practice their verbs. Each of their study dates had come to be increasingly interspersed with personal conversation, then the occasional hug, and so on until a full–blown romance appeared to be in progress. Her parents had been gone that last night. After the studying was done, she’d taken him to her room and let him strip her down to bra and panties while he took it all off. Then he’d held her gently for the longest, nicest time, nothing like the jocks she’d usually dated before. He’d said he’d call her before the weekend as he’d kissed her goodbye, but the Deluge had intervened. Jae often wondered where Andy was now; she was certain he wasn’t among the Swineherds.
But even imagining Andy wasn’t going to help this time, as it was the first time she’d had to undress for Dan. As she dropped the jumpsuit, she could almost imagine him drooling at what she wouldn’t let him see before, even if she no longer looked the same naked as she had before the Deluge. Her body was waxed from the nape of her neck downward with no trace of hair anywhere save her head, while her vaginal area was red and puffy from her perpetually distended bladder. Her body was no longer her own. And now it was bare before Dan.
But Dan was more interested in Jae’s shy cellmate. “There they are,” he said, reaching out to jiggle Penny’s D–cup breasts gruffly. “Nicest tits in the school, and you were never gonna let anybody see ‘em!” Penny – her own once–hairy body rendered smooth so that she looked like a seven–year old with breasts, looked at the ceiling and smiled to force herself not to cry. At least, she reminded herself, she’d soon be allowed to pee.
Dan headed for the door to the inner chamber – the stalls – but decided against unlocking it just yet. Instead he went to the two sinks next to the door and turned the water on. Grinning, he leaned against the counter and watched his two prisoners as they reacted to the sound of the running water. First Penny and then Jae were soon wiggling their legs; Jae swallowed hard and blinked away a tear or two as best she could. Penny, desperate beyond all shame, finally grasped her vulva with both hands and began bobbing up and down on the balls of her feet.
“Pathetic,” Dan announced. “Grown women, almost.” He finally unlocked the inner chamber door and herded the girls inside. The stalls had no doors and the toilets were of a singularly undignified type in which a woman placed her feet in stirrup–like holds on the floor and leaned back against a cold metal backrest so that her knees were bent just enough to probably keep the stream from running down her legs. But whenever the Bird Women and their fellow prisoners were allowed in the bathroom at all, they were far too desperate to care. Penny and Jae both eagerly stepped into the contraptions and, finally given the consenting nod by Dan, let go. The twin hard splashes echoed throughout the room for nearly two minutes, as first the girls’ natural bladders and then their artificial additions from the chemistry lab drained out at last. In spite of the humiliation of being watched by Dan, both Bird Women were clearly more comfortable when they finally stepped back out to the outer chamber.
Dan handed each of them a clean white bathrobe and stuffed their jumpsuits into the laundry chute. “Girls, getting everything dirty,” he grumbled as Jae and Penny wrapped themselves in the robes. “You’ll get new suits after your show.” Without another word, he directed them back across the hall to C–14.
This time the boys looked around twelve or so – nearly twenty of them. Giggles abounded as Dan prodded Jae and Penny to front and center. Jae noted to her surprise that a female teacher had accompanied the boys this time. An older–looking woman, she stood near the back of the room with her hands folded, looking out the window and refusing to acknowledge the presence of the girls at all. At least she was uncomfortable – as well she should be, Jae thought disgustedly, as Doug Nelson the ex–quarterback launched into his spiel.
“These,” Doug read from his notes, “are young women, fairly average specimens. Girls?” At this cue, Jae and Penny removed their robes, prompting gasps from most of the boys. “That’s right, it makes a lot of us guys uncomfortable seeing them,” Doug continued. “That’s why we have to keep them down like this, otherwise they control us. Notice girls in general are a cheaper cut, that’s why so many of them are flabby like this.” He tickled Penny’s belly, forcing her to break her stony composure and whimper a bit. “And, they don’t take well to being touched.”
While Doug continued – “They bleed for a week at a time without dying, they have an inside readily accessible for our enjoyment, which is the main reason why we keep them around at all…” Penny did her best to zone out and blend in with the surroundings as best a naked young woman might do in a room full of prepubescent boys. But Jae, more accustomed to nudity than her sister–in–arms, refused. Instead, she turned to look boys in the eye– if he didn’t look away first, hoping to make them all uncomfortable with the exploitation they were unwittingly subjecting her to. She was the naked one; therefore she demanded far more of them than they could hope to demand of her. Most of the boys turned away uncomfortably, much to her delight – but one fair–haired youngster in a green rugby shirt did not. He stared back, looking sympathetic and not at all happy about the position he found this poor girl in. Realizing he wouldn’t be cowed like the others, Jae finally allowed a smile for both him and herself. Perhaps there was hope out there after all.
Doug had his hateful lecture wrapped up within about ten minutes. Like most of the girls who’d been through it before, Jae and Penny had learned to tune out the horrible things the Swineherds said about women and were just glad to make their escape from the classroom. Still naked, they were led out of the room by Dan, who handed them fresh jumpsuits with another sarcastic grin and ogled them both as they put them on.
“Now get lost ‘til you get buzzed again,” Dan ordered.
Gratefully, the two Bird Women complied and took off for their hideout, off in the music department. As soon as they were out of Dan’s sight, Penny began crying the tears she’d been holding back through the whole episode.
Jae took her friend’s hand. “It’s okay, Penny. It’s over.”
“For now,” Penny sobbed.
“Yes,” Jae admitted. “For now.” Hand in hand, they filed as inconspicuously as they could past the other girls, male servants and Swineherds in the hallway. At least they wouldn’t have to go to the bathroom for another hour or so. Penny tried not to bounce too much and jiggle her breasts. What I wouldn’t do for a bra, she thought to herself, much as she’d thought every day of the oppression. But all women’s underwear was strictly prohibited in the Maxiversity.
Back at room C–14, the teacher herded her boys back outside to the school bus. At the end of the line out of the room was the fair–haired boy Jae had smiled at, eagerly looking around the room and the lobby outside. At just the right moment when Mrs. Pearson and the other boys wouldn’t notice, he broke from the line and jumped into the nearest darkened classroom, hiding under the teacher’s desk and waiting for a time when the coast would, he hoped, be clear.
Penny – a shy bookworm with a small bladder and a chubby figure – was an unlikely leader, and by this May morning she was not really among the leaders within the small band of rebels. But all the Bird Women knew that they never would have found each other without Penny’s diligence, and that if they ever won their freedom they would owe it all to Penny for being the only one never to give up. Penny knew it too, and the fact that she never rested on her laurels or suggested that her sisters owed her anything only made her even more esteemed among the Bird Women. Her quiet voice was always assured of an ear, and on the inevitable occasions when the misery boiled up in anger, the anger was never directed at Penny.
For all her apparent awkwardness back in the McGlown Administration, Penny was a very intelligent young woman from a large and supportive family. That nurtured background, along with the rock–solid character built from years of taunting from classmates over her appearance and her bathroom habits, had contributed to a steely constitution and a degree of common sense which the Swineherds just hadn’t been willing to believe could exist in a girl. Especially not Penny Syriakis. Conservative in the Greek–American tradition, she’d always been rather quiet and had studied hard, and was sure to show up to school dressed in the most feminine of styles most days. As she grew older, those beautiful clothes could do little to hide the fact that she was growing quite hairy, just like most of the women in her family. The boys – and even some girls – had delighted in attacking her for this. But however much pain the teasing had caused her privately; she’d merely channeled that pain into energy that she spent on cracking the books each night. That fall she’d appeared to be heading for the Ivy League and a very bright future indeed.
But that was before that weird, warm, December day. All the students in what was then known as Farnham High School had woken up to find the adults gone. Vanished. No sign at all of foul play, but not a parent in sight. A few of the kids had elected to stay home from school in the absence of any parental supervision; all these months later, it was anyone’s guess what might have happened to them.
For those who did choose to go to school – about 80% of the student body, apparently – the next surprise had arrived as soon as they’d stepped out the door to head to school. It was well into winter, and the snow from earlier that week remained on the ground, along with the gray skies above. But it was well over seventy degrees outside. No coat necessary, and no sign of melting. For the morning, things had proceeded as normally as could be expected. But towards lunchtime, it all fell apart. No one except the Swineherds knew just what had happened or how long it had been in the works. But there was no escaping the results, the Deluge.
At 11:09 AM, the teachers had fallen– all of them. No matter where, in class, at lunch, or in the teachers’ lounge, each one had simply expired. Panic ensued, with most attention focused on the centrally located cafeteria and, naturally, Doug the quarterback. With no adults around, the popular Doug was the natural leader in the midst of the catastrophe. Probably no more than twenty minutes had passed before he and his buddies had the whole student body rounded up in the cafeteria; without fanfare, two of the blockers from the football team closed and locked the doors and stood by the exits with their rifles. (Most of the football team liked to shoot for sport out of season.)
The truth slowly trickled out to the bewildered mob, which was slowly growing quiet for some reason. Doug and a group of his friends, to be known from now on as the Swineherds, had captured the principal’s office the previous morning and bound, gagged, and frozen Mrs. McGlown. A former junior–high civics teacher whom many of the students had studied with back in the eighth grade, she was a lovely thirtysomething woman who was beloved among the populace ever since taking the reins that September. But she couldn’t have cared less about football, and unlike the old boys’ club her administration replaced, she did not favor the boys over the girls. It was unacceptable to Doug and his friends, who’d been accustomed to running the school for three years by then, like their brothers before them.
The pieces slowly fell into place for the students. With the kingpin captured and dealt with, all authority figures fell. The parents? They were in limbo along with Mrs. McGlown, incapacitated by the trickle–down effects of the kidnapping after the kids had gone home and spread the school air and its remnants of the unique ether used in the coup around their homes. Doug assured everyone that they were quite happy in the netherworld they had gone to, and the kids needn’t worry.
He then read off two lists comprising the names off all the girls in the school, and had them cordoned off into separate parts of the kitchen complex. Unknown to the girls at the time, all of the boys not on the Swineherds roster were then marched to the main library, issued servant’s uniforms, and set to work as servants and laborers throughout the school, which was rechristened the “Maxiversity” (short for “maximum university”) by Doug.
But that injustice paled in comparison to that which awaited many of the girls. Those that were in the good graces of the Swineherds (you couldn’t say the Swineherds really liked them; they didn’t genuinely like any girls) were treated fairly well as long as they remained in the guys’ good graces. They were allowed full use of the teachers’ lounge, gym, library and all the other amenities of the school, on the condition that when they appeared outside of those restricted–access areas they wore the shabby jumpsuits accorded the less–fortunate girls. The lucky few were allowed to wear whatever they liked elsewhere, it was explained, but in public the other girls must be prevented from knowing which were privileged and which weren’t.
Those who weren’t privileged – if one could use such a benign term for such an abusive, repressive lifestyle – were a surprisingly diverse bunch. The one common thread they all had was that sometime in the past, they had all angered one Swineherd or another. No one was told just why she was chosen; perhaps it was rebuffing a sexual advance at some party, belittling someone in class, turning down a date, or simply saying the wrong thing at some point. Whatever their offenses, it was deemed nothing that couldn’t be remedied by an indefinite sentence of having to go to the bathroom frequently but not being allowed to do so very often; wearing nothing but a shapeless, bland jumpsuit everywhere; having all body hair removed on a regular basis; and having their femininity shamelessly exploited in any way that struck the Swineherds’ fancy. It was made abundantly clear to one and all that failure to obey the Swineherds would bring fury untold upon the disobedient girl.
Worst of all, each girl would be brainwashed during her “initiation” so that she wouldn’t know who else was suffering along with her. Due to space limitations, each girl would have a cellmate in the darkened dorms – formerly music practice rooms – where they would all sleep in the back of the school, but beyond that one other girl, none of the victims would be able to recall who else had been herded into that kitchen on that dark December day. Too much knowledge is always dangerous in a dictatorship.
Sure enough, Penny recalled nothing about the pig–scene that had ensued in the kitchen that day. She didn’t recall being forced at gunpoint to remove all her clothes and have them locked away along with Mrs. McGlown’s dormant body, or being lined up and sent one by one into the dishwashing room. No one knew just what had happened there, but every girl who emerged was completely hairless below the nape of her neck and had no idea who else had been in the kitchen. No, the first thing Penny recalled of her enslavement was being led blindfolded into the chemistry lab, where she was belted down onto a table, naked in the presence of two Swineherds and a girl she recognized as Angela from chemistry the year before. Angela was a science whiz, but she’d slept with most of the football team; there wasn’t much question to Penny that she wasn’t a victim. Spreading Penny’s legs, Angela had said, “I’m sorry, Penny, they’re making me do this.”
She’d injected Penny with what turned out to be a local anesthetic, and proceeded to assemble a set of six small pouches connected by a plastic tube. Numb from the waist down and helpless, Penny had watched as the other girl had stuffed the contraption, one pouch at a time, into her vagina. Angela had reached quite deep inside Penny’s body, but Penny had felt nothing except a minor prick somewhere in there. Later she would learn that she, and all the other victims, had been outfitted with what the Swineherds called a “secondary bladder.” Stuffed deep inside the girls’ wombs, the pouches were connected by a catheter into their bladders. Each girl could now hold her water much longer than before, but – quite intentionally – she also became much more uncomfortable when she did have to go. All the girls were forced to drink large amounts of water each morning, but trips to the bathroom were strictly regulated, always supervised, and often as long as six hours apart.
The one bit of relief the victims received came at night, when the Swineherds ran bed checks. On the principle that those under their control would serve them better with a good night’s sleep, the Swineherds placed a water–collection unit under each bed and ran a tube from the machine inside each girl, to a valve Angela had placed near her cervix. Thus all urine went straight into the machine, and for eight hours each night the girls could look forward to no urges. The installation was humiliating and not a bit physically uncomfortable, but within the first week each and every girl welcomed the procedure.
Every girl, even Penny, who heretofore had never let a boy see her less than fully clothed, much less touch her vagina. Modesty just made no sense. And, she’d mused during that gloomy first week, modesty was probably what had landed her here in the first place. Still quite shy around boys and not especially interested in sex, she never would have dated any of the football players. Then there was the fact that she’d been so demure in class all those years and took herself so seriously. All that perceived standoffishness, not to mention Penny’s D–cup breasts, must have given some football player an inferiority complex and landed her on the hit list. Now, for never doing any guy a favor, here she was expected to drop her clothes at the drop of a hat at any time of day, for any reason, not allowed to use the bathroom anywhere near as often as she needed to, and even had to be supervised by a boy whenever she was allowed to go. In those heavy first days as she worked through her depressing situation, it had never occurred to her to wonder whom else shared her misery.
But it hadn’t taken long for the brainy girl’s natural curiosity to win out over her troubling circumstances. Surely all the shy girls like herself were at a very high risk, and the ones who weren’t afraid to act smart in front of the guys were just about certain to be victims. That thought immediately led her to Katie. The “Bird Woman,” as Penny had thought of her in the past, was tall and bookish and friendly enough with guys, but definitely not the type who’d mess around with the football team. It had taken Penny quite some time to track her down in the chaos that had yet to settle throughout the Maxiversity, but she’d done it.
Beautiful even in that awful jumpsuit – which was much too small for her 6’1” frame so that the crotch of the suit put even more pressure on her bladder – Katie was washing dishes in the kitchen, just a bolted door away from where the privileged girls were eating lunch. Penny ducked in from the hallway while trying to avoid a Swineherd who had been trying to feel her up earlier that morning. Feeling lucky to have made it into the kitchen unnoticed, she was overjoyed to discover Katie standing before her after having eluded her for all those weeks.
The taller girl turned to see Penny hiding behind the bread carts. “Hi…Penny, isn’t it?”
Penny nodded. “Right. I need to talk fast. You’re another one of us victims, aren’t you?”
Katie immediately turned back to the sink. “I can’t talk about that. They’ll torture us.”
“They already are torturing us!” Penny said impatiently. “You are one, aren’t you?”
“Can’t talk about it.”
But there was no backing down for Penny. “Look, we’ve got to talk about it. We can beat them if we find each other and work together. We’ve got to.”
Katie seemed convinced. “Yes. We’ve got to. But what can we do? It’s been two months already and they’re getting away with this!”
“The first thing we need to do is find other girls like us. Let’s not worry about anything else until we’ve got a group.” Penny was breathing heavily as she said it. Besides needing the bathroom, she had suddenly realized that a Swineherd would probably be in any second, looking for her or checking on Katie.
“We need to think about who else would be with us, and which of them can work with us.” The taller girl only nodded, so Penny went on. “I have to go before they find us. Why don’t we meet somewhere tonight, and think about who we can ask in the meantime?”
“Great!” Katie said. “How about the library by the history rooms? Free hour?”
They both heard someone’s footsteps entering the kitchen, so Penny disappeared through the same door she’d entered before she could answer Katie. Katie could only hope Penny would show up in the history library that night at eight.
The footsteps did belong to a Swineherd, and he’d heard Katie say something or other. “Who you talkin’ to, cunt?” he asked.
“Myself,” Katie answered, blinking back tears. Growing up in an all–female household since the age of five that was one word she’d never thought she’d have to answer to. “It keeps me from getting bored when I’m washing dishes.”
“Don’t,” he’d answered, stepping up so close behind her that she could feel his breath on her upper back. “You don’t need to worry about bored.” With that, he reached around her front and cupped both hands over her breasts. “That ain’t one thing you need to worry about.”
After he’d had his fill, he went back to the dining room, leaving Katie to go over the dialogue with Penny and hope she’d heard everything. “Free hour” was from eight to nine each night, the one time when the girls and the male prisoners were left to their own devices – in separate wings of the building, of course – with minimal supervision while most of the Swineherds were busy with more important things. It would be a long day for Katie until then.
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