The Bird Women Part 4

By: PhilHerUp
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The remainder of that evening was, all at once, the quickest evening the Bird Women had yet spent in the Maxiversity and the slowest. After five months of misery with no hope for rescue, they finally had their first real chance; it’s strange how much time seems to slow down as one comes to anticipate a wonderful event. As the Bird Women went through the nightly routine – being blindfolded in the locker room so that they couldn’t see their fellow prisoners, having the blindfolds removed as they were herded into the bathroom stalls so that they could see the Swineherds watching them relieve themselves, having the blindfolds restored as they were sent to an edible but bland dinner during which they weren’t allowed to communicate with one another – each event seemed infinitely more bearable than normal. No fun at all, but far easier to deal with when they thought it just might be the last time.
Caryn even had the nerve to smile back at her guard as she was relieving herself in the bathroom. The guard was not impressed. “What’re you grinnin’ at, cunt?” he barked.
“Nothing,” she answered casually as she exulted in her still–contracting bladder. “It just feels so good, is all.”
“Wonderful,” the guard muttered. “Enjoy it while it lasts, cunt.”
“Yes sir.” This was no time to risk getting thrown in solitary confinement, separated from her comrades on the cusp of their finest hour.
Dinner went quite quickly; the food was no better than usual, but each of the Bird Women could barely contain her glee throughout the meal. Each time each of them was forced to eat the boring food and drink three glasses of water, each time she overheard a Swineherd calling someone “cunt,” each time she shuddered at the humiliation of having the guards watch her pee, the misery was wiped away by the knowledge that she just might be nearing the last time that would ever happen. Free Hour and the reunion with their little mascot couldn’t come soon enough!
Indeed, it didn’t come quickly enough. Free at last from the day’s torture, Caryn was the first of the Bird Women to return to the lair. She found Charlie safe and sound, but rocking back and forth desperately in his seat on the floor. “I gotta pee, Caryn!” he whispered loudly. “I waited right here like you told me, but now I really have to pee.”
“Okay,” Caryn nodded sympathetically. “Let’s see what we can do.” She recalled Lisa saying they’d help him, and of course she was willing to do so – but she had not counted on being thrust into that role on her own. There was no choice, though, she reminded herself as she looked at the poor kid moaning in discomfort. Could she ever identify with that!
Caryn went out to the abandoned music room, searching for bottles, jars, anything –– but nothing presented itself. She was just about ready to run off down the hallway in search of some container when an old drum in the corner caught her eye. A tympani– a bit big for the job, but it would do just fine. Caryn feverishly unscrewed the sprockets and removed the skin from the body of the drum, and rolled it into the hideout. “Here you go, kid,” she said.
“What? That’s so–”
“You’ve got to, kid. It’s the best I could find.” Seeing he wasn’t convinced, she added, “Be glad you can pee now at all. I have to go too, and I have to wait another two and a half hours!”
Charlie was either convinced, or too desperate to go on arguing. He stood up on a chair so that he was above the drum, and, by then used to peeing in front of girls, pulled his pants down without an argument and let loose. The splash of the water against the metal made a fascinating humming sound, which made Charlie self–conscious. He looked briefly and shyly at Caryn, who was looking away to preserve his modesty but couldn’t help hearing, and being envious as the noise drew attention to her own bladder, both of them wishing she didn’t have to be there.
“Don’t worry, Charlie,” she said, smiling through her discomfort. “We’re all in this together now.”
“I guess,” Charlie grinned shyly as he finished off. “Thanks, Caryn. I feel much better now.”
“Good,” Caryn said. “Now we’ve got to get this out of here before it stinks up the whole room. Wait here.” Drawing in a deep breath and holding it, Caryn wheeled the drum back into the main music room and, checking quickly for guards even though they should have all been in their meeting, rushed it out into the hall. Ten feet or so from the music room door, she pushed the drum as hard as she could and ran back to the music room, watching from a safe distance as it rolled most of the way to the corner leading towards the cafeteria and banged into the wall, sloshing a bit. There’d be hell to pay when a Swineherd found it, but all the Bird Women would be far from that spot by then. Besides, they could prove it wasn’t theirs by the fact that they would all still have to pee!
Soon enough, all five Bird Women had shown up, and the meeting started quickly and deliberately. Let’s make a plan and then get out of here,” Lisa said the minute Jae, the last arrival, was in the door. “I’m getting more and more paranoid about getting caught now that we’re so close.”
“I think we all are,” Katie concurred. She then turned to Penny. You’re in the kitchen in the morning, aren’t you?”
Penny nodded.
“I’m on cleanup, but I can sneak in the kitchen whenever the guard steps into the dining room,” Katie continued. “Tomorrow’s pancake day, isn’t it?”
“Yep,” Penny answered. “Great.”
“What are you going to do to the pancakes?” Charlie piped up.
Lisa grinned at the boy. “They’re gonna pee in the batter. Then as soon as the guys eat the pancakes, they’ll be helpless.” She turned to Katie. “Are you thinking we’ll just wait until the guards switch duty by the doors?”
“Exactly,” Katie continued. “Once breakfast is over, we should have at least a few hours when we can just walk out anytime we want!”
“But we’ve got to make sure everybody else gets out,” Penny pointed out. “There’s no way we can just leave all the other girls here. Or the male slaves.”
“She’s right,” Jae said. “And I want to find Andy before we go!” Recalling her images of Andy from that morning, she shuddered at the thought that there might be no reunion even if they did make their escape.
“Jae…” Caryn was audibly irritated with her sister in arms. “We’ve got to save ourselves! There’ll be other guys.”
“What do you know?” Jae asked, tired of Caryn’s cynical attitudes about boys. “I need to try to find him! I need this.”
“But you haven’t even talked to him in five months,” Caryn ejaculated.
“Calm down,” Lisa snapped. “This is no time for fighting over boys. We need a plan. Jae, you can try to find Andy if you want, but the six of us have to leave here before eleven tomorrow morning, with or without him and with or without saving everyone else. That’s the most–”
Lisa was cut off by a voice just outside the outer music room door. “Holy shit, Ray, look at this mess!”
“The drum!” Caryn whispered before the others roundly shushed her, and they all sat in stony silence as footsteps sounded just twenty feet from the hideout. The muffled voices continued. “Where do you think it came from? Some cunt thought she could get away with a piss.”
“Who the hell is it?”
“How should I know? Think she’s hiding around here?”
“We’d better have a look.”
Most of the footsteps spread out, but one pair seemed to approach the hideout door. Katie, who was nearest to the door, quickly switched off the light. Charlie began to whimper slightly, as if he might cry. Penny all but instinctively pulled him onto her lap and pressed his head to her breasts, hoping that her caress would keep him happy enough to be quiet. It did. Silence reigned.
The footsteps rounded the outer music room. Katie was certain at one moment that she heard a step no more than inches from her on the other side of the door; she refused to even breathe for those few seconds. But when the Swineherd tried the door, perhaps thinking it was a supply closet, the lock held and, after a few confused moments, the footsteps retreated. A minute went by, then two, and then five. No trace of anyone outside, but everyone was afraid to move a muscle just the same. Katie finally broke the tension by bending over to look under the door. She had a clear view of the dim light from the hallway beyond the outer music room.
“See anything?” Jae whispered.
“No,” Katie answered. “Everybody get over here.” She pointed over her shoulder, and without asking why, everyone else moved behind her. Slowly, silently, Katie opened the door.
She peered around the doorjamb and staked out the room. Empty. Fearlessly, she tiptoed out into the room and checked the hidden mirror. No sign of anyone. Triumphantly she returned to the hideout, shut the door, and turned the light on.
“The coast is clear,” she announced.
Jae was in tears. “Katie, you could’ve gotten us all found out!” she murmured.
“We had to see if it was safe,” Katie protested. “What were we going to do, not show up for bed check?”
“Yeah, but…” Jae began, but trailed off.
“Okay. Now,” Katie continued, still standing. “I suggest we stay out of sight the rest of tonight. The worst thing we could do now is getting caught, and they’re probably suspicious now because of that drum. Penny, I’ll get to the kitchen as quickly as I can in the morning, and we can sabotage the pancake batter then. We should know before 9:30 if this works.”
“I say at 9:30 we meet outside the kitchen door and work on trapping the guys in the cafeteria while they’re under the spell. The minute we know they’re locked in, we can work on freeing the others if we can find them. Jae, that gives you a chance to find Andy, too, okay? We can look through the storage room by the cafeteria for our own clothes, take whatever we want. But I say we absolutely have to leave by 10:30. If this works, we should be able to just walk out the front door, and so can anyone else. Sound good?”
Not wanting to get into another argument after their close call, the others agreed. Lisa piped up next. “Now, why don’t we start leaving here now, so we can get out without looking conspicuous? I’m with you, Katie, we must keep a low, low profile until tomorrow.”
“Great,” said Penny, who was still holding Charlie. “Now, who’s going to come get Charlie tomorrow?”
“I will,” volunteered Caryn. “We were just getting to know each other before, weren’t we, Charlie?” The boy giggled along with her. Then Caryn stopped smiling. “Wait a minute,” she said. “How are the two of you going to pee in the pancake batter first thing in the morning when you’ve been on the tubes all night?”
Penny and Katie looked at one another– neither one had thought of that.
“Could you dislodge it?” Jae asked. “Not take it out of you, but unhook it from the valve so you’ll fill up overnight?”
“Great,” Penny said a bit apprehensively. She had often had to get up once a night to pee before the Deluge, and she had come to enjoy that one improvement in her life. But she couldn’t imagine a more worthy cause.
“That’ll be fine,” Katie said, though she didn’t relish the idea either. A good night’s sleep would be essential, after all.
“Fine. Now, 9:30 by the kitchen door?”
All nodded in agreement, and Lisa left immediately afterwards, followed by Caryn five minutes later, then Jae, then Katie and, last but not least, Penny, who lay Charlie gently on the girls’ makeshift couch and kissed his cheek goodnight. “Remember, Caryn will be here for you in the morning. You know you need to stay here and be quiet until then?”
“Yes,” he whispered, barely audible.
“Good boy! Good night, Charlie.” And she shut off the light behind her and meandered as casually as she could down the hall. She was tempted to take a stroll down to the library for the remainder of Free Hour, for a trip down memory lane to that first meeting of the rebellion that was finally about to come to fruition. But she knew for certain there’d be a Swineherd there. Better to just head back for her room, where she at least might have some privacy, and wait until bed check. No sense in tempting the Swineherds at this late hour when there was a chance of never having to deal with them again.
Despite her wish to stay out of sight, Penny couldn’t resist taking the long way back to the bedrooms, past the front of the cafeteria where she could see outside. It was a clear night out there, with the look of one of the first warm nights of the season. The bushes swayed ever so slightly in what appeared to be a light breeze. Five months locked away in hell, and if all went well, she’d be free in barely twelve hours. Would the night seem like five months as well? Perhaps, but in her elation, she didn’t care.
The morning bell came at last, and for once Penny was able to get up with no regrets. She’d awoken quite deep in the night with a full bladder, having pulled her tube out of its valve. After a lengthy but silent struggle, she’d managed to reattach the tube just long enough to relieve herself before removing it again, and had slept peacefully until about half an hour before the bell. She now had to pee again, but for once that was exactly as she wanted it.
Penny tried her best to look natural when Tom burst into the room moments later to remove her and Jae’s tubes. As usual, Tom roused Jae out of bed first, pulling her tube out before she was even really awake and grinning as she stumbled naked out of bed. Once Jae was dressed in her fresh jumpsuit, Tom turned to Penny. He thrashed the sheets back and pulled at her tube, clearly surprised when it came out as easily as it did.
A bit confused, he looked at the tube, at the relatively empty collection unit, and finally at terrified Penny. Was he on to them? To her great relief, he grinned and said only, “Looks like it came out on you, cunt. Too bad, I guess you’ll have to wait even longer to go this morning.”
Penny played along, looking disappointed as she pulled her jumpsuit on, but silently laughing at her tormentor. You pigs, she thought to herself. You think we’re just too stupid to ever get out from under you. Hope you like pancakes.
Penny and Jae were blindfolded and sent to their usual breakfast of generic cereal and a huge jug of water. Penny thought she just might pass out from all the water, with her bladder already full this time around, but it would only be a matter of minutes until she’d be sent to the kitchen to mix up the pancake batter. How satisfying that would be!
When that moment did come, Penny’s patience – and her kegel muscles – were tried a bit further. It took several minutes of gathering large enough quantities of the flour and sugar, eggs and baking powder into the mixer before she was ready for the milk, and before the guard stepped out of the room and the male kitchen attendant had his back turned long enough for her to make her way to the walk–in refrigerator inconspicuously. She could barely walk to the refrigerator in a normal manner, so desperate was her situation!
With the refrigerator door closed securely behind her, Penny filled the milk jug halfway with milk. She then undid the buttons on her jumpsuit and pulled the suit down around her hips. Despite the cold air, it was a welcome feeling as she pulled on the inner knob to ensure her privacy and squatted over the jug.
Aside from the idea that she was about to poison her tormentors, the relief Penny felt was profound to an even greater extent than it had been previously. She watched closely as she filled the jug up, then worried momentarily as she realized she had much more coming than it took to finish the milk serving off, and her urge was much too strong to stop. Praying that no one would walk into the refrigerator, she waddled over to the drain and finished relieving herself there. Leaving a slight trail of drops along the way, she decided against peeing directly over the drain, opting instead for rimming the edge to avoid making any telltale draining noises. It seemed to work; she finished as quickly as she could, then pulled her suit back on and buttoned up again.
Carefully, she carried the jug back into the kitchen and poured the “milk” into the mixture hurriedly, so as to avoid giving away any odors to the guard. She finished just in the nick of time as he returned, barking at her to “hurry up, cunt, we’re hungry.”
“Yes, sir.” But she couldn’t resist smiling to herself as she said it. She felt about twenty pounds lighter at that moment, thanks to both her freshly empty bladder and the fact that the most dangerous part of her mission had come off perfectly. In just a matter of hours, she’d be free! Fully dressed, her heavy breasts supported for the first time in five months, allowed to pee as frequently as she needed to, away from the horrors of the Maxiversity. . .and all she had to do was fry up a batch of pancakes! Penny just hoped she could avoid looking too happy for those next crucial minutes.
Out in the cafeteria, Katie wasn’t feeling nearly as relaxed. She, too, had woken up early with a full bladder, and she hadn’t yet had a chance to escape to the kitchen to contribute to the pancake batter. Negotiating the turns between the tables with the ridiculous blinders she was forced to wear in concealing her identity, she jumped and clenched her legs with every call of “Go get me water, cunt!” Water, coffee, whatever. These final moments were not going to be easy ones for her.
Katie was just about ready to make a bolt for the kitchen when the first ray of sun came through for her. Over her shoulder, she heard one Swineherd or another snap, “I thought I told you to sweep this floor, Andy!”
Andy! Katie waited excitedly for the response – could it be Jae’s Andy? She’d known him slightly from a European history class two years before, but would she recognize his voice now?
“I did, sir,” came the meek reply. It was him!
“Didn’t do a very good job, did you, Andy? Look at that mess.”
“It wasn’t there before, sir”
Don’t argue with me, Andy! Go get a broom and take care of it!”
Katie hurriedly busied herself with pouring water into glasses, waiting for Andy to walk by so that she might corner him in the storeroom when he went in for a broom. As soon as she felt safe walking behind the boy without looking like she was following him, she rushed back towards the kitchen and the storeroom. She stole a cursory glance to make sure none of the guards were looking in her immediate direction, and she followed the boy into the small room.
Andy looked startled as he looked up to see the taller girl. “Katie! I mean, cunt, I mean –” He looked around nervously, terrified that there might be a Swineherd following her.
Katie pressed her finger to her lips, standing bowlegged as her bladder was at its limit. “It’s okay, Andy. Listen. When they start eating the pancakes, you get out of the dining room and over to the hallway entrance to the kitchen. Got it?”
“What the – I can’t just walk out of the dining room! There are guards and…” Confused, he let his voice trail away, still looking dumbfounded at Katie.
“They’ll let you go, Andy, trust me. Just be at the kitchen door.” She dropped her voice to a lower whisper. “We’re getting out. Jae’ll be there.”
Andy looked shocked and delighted at the same time. “How?”
“We’ll explain later. I gotta get out of here before we get caught.” She turned and cracked open the door, then looked back at Andy. “Oh, and don’t eat the pancakes, whatever you do!”
“Okay…” Andy was still visibly confused, but what she’d told him convinced him not to argue.
Nearly buckling from the intense tickle between her legs, Katie made her way to the kitchen door just in time to see the guard coming out with the first platter of pancakes. Wonderful, she thought to herself, though she was too desperate to feel the joy she’d been expecting. She entered the kitchen to see Penny grinning ear to ear.
“He took them!” she screeched happily. “They’re gonna eat them any second now!”
“Great!” Katie managed a smile. “Do you need more batter? Please tell me you need more batter!” Like Penny with Dan the day before, Katie was quickly losing whatever shame she’d had left.
Penny gasped as she realized what was going on. “My God, Katie, you’re still holding it from last night and this morning! C’mon.” Not sure if she’d need more batter or not, she nonetheless led her friend back to the refrigerator and showed her the milk jug. “I used the drain when it was full,” she explained. “Knock yourself out!”
“Thanks!” Katie said, already pulling her suit off. Penny shut the door behind her and, as Katie exulted in her sweet relief, returned to cooking the Trojan pancakes. She had two more platters ready by the time the guard returned from passing out the first batch.
“Got more, cunt?” he grunted at her.
“Yes sir,” Penny warbled. “All set to go.” She lifted the first platter to hand to the guard, but before he took hold of it Katie appeared from the refrigerator, having forgotten, in her relief and glee, to stay out of sight. Penny noticed her just before the guard did, but could do nothing in that terrifying split–second.
“What are you doin’ here, cunt?” he screeched.
Katie stood petrified before the guard. How could she have forgotten he’d be back any second? What to say? Finally, she stammered, “I…was bringing some dirty plates in–”
“In to the refrigerator, cunt?” The guard grabbed her arm roughly and dragged her to the dishwasher. “Strip,” he ordered her, and Katie didn’t dare resist in her fright. Penny had never seen her beautiful friend naked before. Nearly as embarrassed with the situation as Katie herself was, Penny did her best not to look at her friend’s tall, fair, hairless and abused but still dignified body as the guard handcuffed her to the drainpipe. “I’ll deal with you after we have our breakfast,” he grunted. Without another word, he carried the two trays of pancakes into the cafeteria.
The second he was out of earshot, Katie began sobbing quietly. “So close,” she sniffled. “How could I have been so stupid?”
“Penny finally dared to look at Katie in all her naked, captive vulnerability; her friend needed her just then. “It’s okay, Katie. All he has to do is eat some pancakes and he’ll let you go. And we’ll get out of here.”
“Hope so,” Katie said meekly.
“I have to get back to work until we’re sure they’ve all eaten, Penny said. “Don’t worry I’ll be here until it’s all over. You know that, right?” Katie nodded, and Penny gave her a quick hug. “You’re gonna be fine. We all are.”
Looking as casual as she could under the circumstances, Penny got back to work on the last batch of pancakes, then began mixing batter for seconds – using Katie’s urine – while the last of the first round were cooking. On a daring glance out into the cafeteria, she got a glance at the clock– 9:17. All of them seemed to be enjoying the lethal breakfast, but she was afraid to spend much time looking closely at anyone; that was still just a bit too risky. Any moment now, they would know.
It wasn’t more than three minutes later that the guard staggered in the door, looking slightly inebriated but happy. “Great pancakes, Penny,” he mumbled. “Everyone’s asking for more.”
Elated, Penny answered, “Oh, we’ve got plenty more, don’t we, Katie?”
“You bet,” Katie smiled. Though still naked and humiliated, she was over her crying jag and was just as happy as Penny with the results of their efforts. “Has everyone had some pancakes now? Gotta let everyone have some before you go for seconds!”
“You bet they did!” the guard answered, smacking his lips. We all just loved them!”
“Great, Penny said. “But while I’m taking these off the grill, do you think you could unlock Katie? It can’t be too healthy to have anyone naked in the kitchen, you know.”
“Right you are,” said the guard. With no protest at all, he immediately drew out his keys and freed Katie, who immediately looked around in vain for something to cover herself with as the guard had taken her suit into the cafeteria with him. Clothes didn’t really matter too much by then anyhow. Meanwhile, Penny handed him two more platters of pancakes and he hurried back out to the hungry Swineherds.
After a screech of delight and another quick hug, Penny and Katie raced over to the hallway door and found Jae, Caryn, Lisa and Charlie all waiting for them. “It worked!” Penny exclaimed as she ushered them all inside, prompting cheers from everyone. “I’m making one last batch of seconds and then we’re out of here!”
“Is Andy out there?” Katie asked, noting happily that in all the pervading joy, nobody seemed to care that she was naked.
“No,” Jae said sadly. “I couldn’t find him last night.”
“I just saw him!” Katie told her, happy to be able to spread the news. “I told him to meet us here. I sure hope he believed me.”
Jae smiled, but before she could say anything, her buzzer rang. “What the… who could be buzzing me now?” She mused over the question as she pulled the buzzer out of her pocket to check the display. “It’s Dan!” she said angrily. “How can he be doing this during breakfast?”
“Ignore it,” Lisa suggested. “He probably hit it by accident, if he’s had any pancakes.” The others agreed. “He can’t hurt you now,” she continued. “We’ll be gone by the time he gets over the spell.”
“Are we ready to go now?” Caryn asked, somewhat impatiently.
“I have to finish off the last batch of pancakes, Penny said. “The more they eat, the better for us. It should just be a few more minutes. We can go as soon as the guard comes in for these.”
“I have a better idea, said Katie, who was still naked. “Let me take them out, like this. I want to get a look at them all helpless against me, even when I’m the naked one.”
There was no dissent to that sentiment, and Katie promptly set out for the cafeteria with the tray, eliciting hoots and whistles as soon as she was on the other side of the door. “I wonder if that’s for Katie or the pancakes,” Penny mused happily as she listened. The others laughed, but the noise stopped quickly when a knock came at the door. Penny looked nervously through the window, and was relieved to see a boy in servant clothes waiting out in the hall. Must be Andy, she thought to herself.
It was, and there was a shriek of delight from Jae when he entered; she nearly threw herself at him. “You made it! We’re leaving any second now. I can’t believe we found you!” She was nearly delirious, and more low–key Andy was delighted as well, but he remained confused.
“How did this happen?” he asked happily.
Lisa piped up first, patting Charlie on the shoulders. “Our friend Charlie here found out yesterday that the Swineherds feed their girls soup with our pee in it to keep them sedated, that’s why they make us have to pee so much. So Penny and Katie fed them all some pancakes this morning that they’d peed in, and they’re helpless now! We can walk right out of here as soon as we’re sure it’s safe in there.”
“They sure are helpless,” Andy guffawed. “After Katie told me to meet her here, I noticed they were all getting giggly and dizzy, like they were drunk or something. So I tried walking past the guards, and they let me right out without even looking up at me. It’s a miracle!”
Jae took his hand. “Sure is.” She then patted Charlie like Lisa had. “Thank God for you, Charlie.” The little boy grinned shyly; happy as ever with all the adoration from the girls he’d been forced to exploit just the day before.
Katie returned from the dining room, with an empty tray and a grin of her own. “God, that’s priceless, the way they’re falling over themselves out there! I think we can make the getaway now.” Seeing Andy, she grew a bit uncomfortable but turned only slightly aside. “Oh, hi Andy,” she said as casually as possible.
“Hi, Katie,” Andy said. “Um, sorry.” He turned his glance away from her.
“It’s okay,” Katie said, figuring it just didn’t matter at that point. Not after all the torture she’d been through and the fact that she was about to be free of it.
“I have an idea,” Jae said. “We have a few extra minutes. Why don’t we all go in there?”
“What for?” Caryn said, most eager of all to get out of the Maxiversity.
Jae laughed out loud, then looked at her four sisters. “Don’t you all have to go to the bathroom again yet?”
Penny was delighted, recalling all the misery she’d been put through in that department. “Let’s do it,” she said. One by one, the others agreed. Even Andy and Charlie agreed to participate. The younger boy was by then bereft of his modesty after what he’d been through in the previous day, and Andy at least figured he was getting the sweeter end of the deal, getting a chance to see five girls, including his true love, naked. A tortured, unnatural nakedness, perhaps, but they were all his friends now anyway. This sounded like too much fun to pass up.
As Katie stood waiting by the door, the other six stripped off their clothes and walked as casually as they could into the cafeteria, much to the delight of all the Swineherds and many of the girls. Spreading themselves out along the aisles between the tables, they looked at each other over the heads of their audience. Katie didn’t have to go, but she stood back by the kitchen door to observe. On her count of three, her friends let loose. Six streams appeared, producing wonderfully naughty messes on the cafeteria floor while the delusional Swineherds and girls laughed and enjoyed their unexpected entertainment. Katie, who by then wished she could have waited to join in the fun, was doubled over laughing as her friends, stepping over their own puddles as best they could, rejoined her at the kitchen door.
Doubled over laughing and immune to any shame or embarrassment at their own nakedness, the seven friends took a bow each and enjoyed for a moment the cheers and hoots of the crowd. They then opened the kitchen door to find Dan waiting for them, his buzzer in one hand and his gun in the other.
The silence could have been cut with a knife. The Bird Women and their two friends were defenseless, not a stitch of clothing among them, no explanation for what was going on. Dan had traced Jae’s buzzer to the kitchen after she’d twice failed to respond to his call. He’d had a lousy night, fighting off some sort of stomachache, and hadn’t had much sleep. Not hungry at all, he hadn’t bothered to head to breakfast that morning. What he had been in a mood for, in the absence of his appetite, was a good old fashioned touching session with his favorite slave, Jae. His handpicked victim on the day of the Deluge, she’d turned him down last fall. And he’d lived to make her regret it, he suspected, but not as much as she would regret ignoring his page.
He’d rushed down from his office to the kitchen, once he’d traced Jae there, only to find her jumpsuit on the floor, along with three others, a male servant uniform, and what appeared to be the clothes of a little boy. This just might be more interesting than he’d thought. But nothing could have prepared him for the scene that ended up on the other end of the gun he’d drawn.
“What in the hell is this?” he finally asked, as he registered the nude posse before him.
No answer; just dumbfounded stares from the seven of them. He pointed the pistol at Jae. “Cunt? What is this?”
Jae stammered, then answered as best she could. “We were serving pancakes, sir.”
“Serving pancakes naked? Why?”
“We just thought they might enjoy the show, sir.” Jae slowly gained confidence in her answers, sensing that if he would just put the gun down, the seven of them could overpower him.
“They might enjoy the show,” Dan mimicked. “I’ll bet they did. Now why didn’t you answer my buzz?”
“I didn’t hear it,” Jae said. Seeing he was still unconvinced, she went on talking. “I already had my suit off.
“It’s true,” Penny said.
“Did I ask you, cunt?” Dan glared at Penny.
“Sorry, sir,” Penny said meekly. “We were just undressing in the refrigerator, and…”
“Dan softened his expression slightly. “The refrigerator? Why were you undressing in there?”
Seeing that she’d gotten her hooks in him, Penny pretended to be even more scared after his question. “Well…we…”
“Come over here, cunt,” Dan barked at Penny. Squeezing her right breast, he dragged her awkwardly towards the refrigerator. “The rest of you don’t move or she gets it,” he warned. “I’m gonna have a look for myself in the refrigerator.”
Dan quickly opened the refrigerator, still manhandling Penny by her mammary. Looking over his shoulder at her, he stepped into the chamber. He looked around just in time to realize he was slipping on the trail of drops Penny and Katie had left from the milk jug to the drain. Losing his grip on Penny’s breast as he went down, he hit the floor quite hard and lost the gun. Penny, who had never touched a weapon in her life, grabbed the gun and pointed it at Dan.
“Hey everybody!” she called, her voice still shaking. “Get in here! I got the gun!”
Cautiously at first, then hurriedly, they all crowded into the doorway to see Dan lying stunned on the floor, groaning with his new bruises. A collective sigh of relief came from all corners of the doorway. “Get the handcuffs,” Penny said urgently.
Katie returned to the spot of her own confinement, and grabbed the handcuffs from the floor. As she returned, Andy and Caryn pinned Dan on the floor and held his hands behind his back; Katie slipped the cuffs on. “Think we should gag him?” she asked.
“Why bother?” Lisa said from the doorway. “We’ll be gone before the pancakes wear off.”
“Pancakes?” Dan said from the floor, finally shaking off his stupor.
“Yeah,” Caryn said happily. “Penny and Katie peed in the pancakes. We beat you at your own game.”
“Christ,” Dan mumbled, trying to rub his head against something with his hands bound. “Don’t you know you can kill somebody with that piss?”
“What?” Penny said, glancing at the others.
“Yeah,” Dan said. “A few drops of that stuff keeps the girls in line. You put more than a few tablespoons in someone and it can kill ‘em.”
Another silence fell over the gang. As miserable as the Swineherds had made them all, no one had wished to kill anyone, only to escape from their grasp. Finally, Caryn said, “Come on, we don’t have time to worry about what he says right now. Let’s get out of here.” With Dan still struggling desperately to stand up and escape somehow, the Bird Women and their friends cleared out of the refrigerator. Lisa and Andy wedged a pair of bread racks between the refrigerator door and the kitchen wall in hope of jamming the door even if Dan could stand up, and the gang looked nervously at one another.
“You guys think he’s telling the truth?” Katie asked, ignoring Dan’s caterwauling from inside the refrigerator.
“I don’t know,” Caryn said. “But if he is, it’s too late anyhow.”
“Besides,” Lisa added, “I don’t feel good about killing anyone, but look what they did to us all this time!”
“I just hope none of the servants ate any of the pancakes,” Penny said a bit sadly.
“I doubt that,” Andy told her. “Normally they won’t even let us near their food.” Penny seemed mollified by that, at least.
“What else do we need to do before we leave, anything?” Caryn asked.
“Let’s make sure all the doors are open, so the other captives will know they can leave,” Katie suggested. “And let’s make as much noise as we can, just to make sure they notice. We just don’t have time to search everyone out and tell him or her in person. I wouldn’t even know where to start.”
Penny nodded her agreement. “Let’s go back in the storeroom and get some clothes, and then get out of here!”
Everyone agreed wholeheartedly with that plan. Andy helped Charlie back into his clothes – there wouldn’t be any children’s clothes in storage, more than likely – and they were off for the storeroom, calling at every girl who walked past to leave the Maxiversity, that they were free at last. Some didn’t appear to believe the roving hoard of naked boys and girls who walked so joyfully past; the Bird Women could only hope they would discover the truth in their own time. By the time they reached the storeroom, the girls were ready to beat the door down in the interest of getting some decent clothes on and getting out of the Maxiversity. But it turned out that the Swineherds hadn’t even bothered to lock the door. “Figures,” Caryn said. “They must’ve figured girls were so dumb they wouldn’t even need to lock anything against us. Idiots.”
Inside, there was a treasure trove of clothing. Andy went off in search through the boys’ section, rifling through the servants’ discarded vestments in hope of finding anything that had belonged to him on that distant December morning – or anything better. Penny made a beeline for the underwear box, hoping against hope for a 36D bra, not caring if it had been hers before the deluge. After tossing about thirty too–small bras over her shoulder, she let out a victorious gasp at the sight of a tag on a slightly faded red wide–strap model – months of sore backs were history! Everyone seemed to be looking forward to a pair of normal undies as well, after all those months of nothing between their cruelly shaven vulvae and their scratchy uniforms.
Andy decked himself out in a nice pair of olive green corduroys and a comfortable, well–broken–in denim shirt, along with almost–new sneakers that would be good for any running they had to do. The Bird Women were not thinking quite so practically; after all those months of frumpy, boring dressing, they all turned out to be in the mood for shamelessly feminine clothes. Jae appeared first before Andy, in a beautiful, flowing white skirt with pale blue flowers and a matching powder blue sweater, and navy penny loafers. “This feels so beautiful,” she sighed to Andy, floating over to hug him. Exulting in her embrace, Andy noted with delight that, like Penny, she’d opted for a bra.
Katie turned up next, looking preppy as could be in a red and green plaid skirt, complete with pin, and a white blouse. “Always loved looking like a nerd now and then,” she grinned.
Penny found a dark green dress that flattered her generous frame just about perfectly, while Lisa opted for a more casual look in a long, pale green skirt and a white sweatshirt. Caryn rounded out the beautiful crew in a long red dress. Noticing the raised eyebrows at her uncharacteristically formal attire, she remarked, “Hey, even I like to dress up when it’s for free. Besides, I feel like being a girl again!”
“Everyone ready?” Lisa asked. With no objections forthcoming, she continued, “Let’s get out of here, then!”
Looking proud and victorious, the seven friends walked briskly down the hall to freedom. It turned out that the encouraging words they’d spread on the way to pick out their clothes had worked on some of the other captives, for the normally–sealed front door was wide open, with nothing between the Bird Women and the boys, and the gorgeous late spring morning outside. There was a state of near panic in the cafeteria, as the Swineherds and their girls had not reacted well to their breakfast. Despite her hurry to fly away from the captivity she’d endured all those months, Penny couldn’t resist stopping to look in upon her tormentors and the bad end many of them seemed to be meeting. Some were already face down on the tables, others still laughing uncontrollably as their bodies had yet to weaken appreciably. Most of the girls were sitting around looking somber. A foul odor seemed to waft from under the door, which some escapee or other had apparently blocked, just in case.
“Let’s go, Penny,” Katie said gently. “There’s nothing we can do now anyway.”
“Yeah, and Dan could escape anytime,” Jae added.
A bit poignantly, Penny turned and joined her friends as they stepped out into the beautiful outdoors.
Of course, no one’s sadness lasted for long. Words failed them all as they stepped out, victorious at last, into the wide–open, green schoolyard. Each of them seemed to float off into their own little corner of a perfect world as they indulged in the realization that they had won.
Finally, it occurred to Penny that they had better get away from the Maxiversity, lest Dan or someone else escape. Reluctantly, she broke into everyone’s reverie. “Um, everyone? We need to get away from here, soon!”
“She’s right,” Lisa said. “Tell you what, why don’t we go to my house and hide out for now, while we decide what to do next? I just live three blocks down Drinan Road.” Drinan Road was just beyond the school’s athletic fields, and three blocks wouldn’t be more than fifteen minutes’ walk. No one argued.
“I drove here on the day of the Deluge, in my mom’s old Toyota,” Lisa continued. Then she frowned, pointing at the Maxiversity. “But the keys are still in there somewhere. And we’re not going back for them. Doesn’t matter now, anyway, because we’ll need a bigger car for us all.”
“So we’re sticking together?” Caryn asked, still too independent for her own good most days.
“Of course we are!” Jae said disingenuously. “Who knows if things will ever return to normal, if our families will ever come back? We’ve got to stick together, and I think we ought to get a long way away from here.”
“Okay, okay,” Caryn conceded. “You’re right. I guess I never really accepted that things weren’t just going to pop back into place if this ever ended. You’re right, let’s get going.”
Without further argument, the seven headed eagerly for Drinan Road, as quickly as their dressy clothes would allow.
Inside the Maxiversity, Dan had been squirming around on the cold, damp refrigerator floor for nearly fifteen minutes when he finally succeeded in wedging his feet behind a heavy mayonnaise drum and pulling himself to his feet. A few painful efforts at the inner door latch followed before he finally hit it hard enough to crack the door open. Then he went right on throwing himself at the door until he dislodged the bread racks Lisa and Andy had placed on the other side sufficiently to stumble out into the kitchen. He was still handcuffed, but he was on his feet, and the cunts and their friends were out there somewhere.
Not concerning himself for the moment with the fact that his hands were still bound behind his back, Dan raced for the exit, offering only a glance to his cohorts as they lay dying in the cafeteria. Servants and captive girls were swarming out of the Maxiversity almost casually.
“Get away from that door!” he bellowed. But that only encouraged the escapees to run faster. Barely thinking at all, he reached the door and made a pathetic attempt to block it with his body; two servant boys simply pushed him out of the way and he tumbled to the concrete outside. Still screaming for everyone to stop, Dan pulled himself up to his knees just in time to see a group of illegally dressed cunts disappearing around the corner towards Drinan Road.
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