
By: Piccolo
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

“I don’t know if I can hold it much longer,” Kati snapped. “Well you’ll just have to,” replied Captain Turner, “just until we can determine who is and is not contaminated. You saw what happened to Joshua.” Behind the captain, trapped behind a solid greenish force field, a terrible dark creature thrashed and bawled, all teeth and claws. What remained of Joshua’s previous human body dangled in fleshy strings from its black, bloodstained fur, swinging as the creature tried to move.“But, captain,” she pleaded, “you were there, you know how terrifying this ordeal has been for all of us. Since this all started yesterday evening I’ve been waiting, too scared to stay in one place for long enough to go. Please, while there is no longer a threat, can’t I be excused just for a few minutes?” “I’ll have to think about that, lieutenant,” the captain replied, showing no emotion in his aged eyes. “What if she’s trying to trick us, sir?” first navigator Strump said, keeping a sideways glare locked onto Kati. “What if she is already under the influence of the alien virus? We already know it is activated by the application of fluids, the creature might want to get to a bathroom so that it can break out of her human body and kill us all.” “What? That’s crazy,” Kati protested, but the captain nodded. “Agreed. For now we must all stay put until the tests can be administered.” Kati squeezed her crossed thighs together even tighter. “Sir,” she gasped, “don’t listen to him. I’m not infected. I swear. This is the real me. Just let me go, I won’t be more than a few minutes – ohh!” She suddenly doubled over. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Strump raise an eyebrow, his eyes still locked onto her. She knew what he was looking at. The white uniform, the uniform he had praised so many times. It was one of his kicks. The regulation white boots up to just below the knee, with an orange stripe around the zip, the very short white skirt with the crossing circuit diagram decorations, the tight white top that reached down to a couple of centimeters above her navel, its zip passing up in a diagonal just over one breast, through an orange circle on her chest and all the way up to one blue shoulder patch, and of course the light orange hair that swept those shoulders. She had been told it matched the color code of the uniform when she joined the crew of this ship last year at age nineteen. But that was just another of the stupid, irritating little facts that were skipping through her mind as she tried to keep it away from the feelings lower down. “I’m sorry, but the answer is no. The doctor will return shortly with the test equipment.” Katy suddenly yelped as the feeling shuddered downwards, feeling as strong as though it had begun somewhere above her head, but it all finally collected in one distinctive place. A hand darted between her legs. Frantically she spun round and pelted for the door, as fast as she could go. “Restrain that woman,” the captain barked, and before she could duck out of the way three pairs of hands had clamped down over her arms. Her left hand was yanked away from her crotch, and she screwed her legs tight to compensate. She was practically knocked down by the men, but they jerked her to her feet. Her toes twisted together inside her standard issue space boots, one foot pressing down hard on the other. Strump marched round in front of her, the highest ranking crew member left alive besides the captain and Kati. Slowly, painfully he looked her up and down as she twisted and writhed, her arms held tightly in the air to her sides by the others. “I think,” he said, with a slight smile, “we have found our alien.” “No!” Kati breathed, but it was too late. The captain pressed a button on a control panel attached to his leg, and red balls of energy appeared around Kati’s wrists, generated by the metal cuffs they all had to wear on board the ship. The red energy balls lifted her arms, followed by the rest of her, up into the air and against the nearest wall. There she hung, her legs wrapped around one another, a line of sweat running down her cheek. She could feel her bladder like a suit of armor, it surrounded her body, it weighed her down, it pushed at her skin and churned thickly inside her. She felt as though if she let it go it would feel like milk pouring out of a bottle. “Let me down,” she gasped, “please let me down – I can’t hold it any longer!” “Then you’ll have to just let go,” Strump sneered. “Negative,” the captain quickly interrupted. “If she is infected, then the fluid hitting her skin will break the creature free. We can’t risk that. Lieutenant Treikler, you are forbidden to let even a drop go until the doctor returns and tests you for the virus.” “Ooohhh,” Kati moaned, squirming as best she could with her hands clamped firmly above her and her legs dangling. “Please tell him to hurry!” “Doctor Jeeler, please respond?” the captain said into the radio fixed to his arm. “Doctor Jeeler report, how long will you be, over?” “I’m currently mixing the chemicals I need,” came the crackling reply. “There is a certain waiting period – the formula must be mixed just right. I must wait for this chemical to drip very slowly and carefully through, it must only be allowed to dribble with a very thin stream for the mixing to work properly, but then soon I will be able to open the floodgates as it were and let the rest flow.” “How long, Jeeler?” the captain demanded, eyeing Kati carefully. “Only another forty minutes, sir.” Kati let out a cry. Her lower body jerked left and right as she tried to hold on. Strump stifled a snigger. She was already at breaking point and there were another forty minutes left to go. “I c – cc – I can’t do it,” she whispered, her eyes shut and her teeth gritted together. “You’ll have to try, Lieutenant,” the captain replied, his voice softer than before. “I’m here to offer whatever help I can. Just don’t let any go.” The next few minutes passed without being too different to those previous. How many minutes, she did not know. Ten, maybe even twenty. Half the time. Half the wait was over. Her legs were growing numb from squeezing together. She couldn’t feel them enough to know whether she had loosened her grip or kept it strong, but it felt as though they weren’t gripping at all. The feeling consumed her. She was moving involuntarily now, doing anything she could to make the feeling seem less intense. It was like her innards were made from rubber, and it was flexing and stretching inside her. She squeezed her legs together and lifted herself up as hard as she could, trying to reach up above the feeling, but it was no use, and she dropped down, her legs squeezing at the thigh, crossing once at the knee, crossing again underneath at the ankle. Her feet rubbed against one another. “Cap… captain,” she murmured, her voice sounding as though she were in a trance from the sheer effort. “Lieutenant?” “I can’t hold on any more,” she whimpered. “How long is left?” It had to be less than half the time. Five minutes… she had to prepare for the worst though – ten minutes at the most. “Only thirty minutes to go, Kati. Hold on there.” Kati let out a quiet whine as she heard the words. There was no earthly way she could hold on for thirty more minutes. She brought her knees up to her stomach and then let them drop. She squeezed with all her might. Below her, the men were in conference. She couldn’t hear all of what they were saying, but it was clear that they had realized she could not possibly hold out for another thirty. “All right,” the captain said at last, out loud. “Kati, I’m going to personally see if I can help the doctor to hurry up any more. Strump is in command while I’m gone.” He turned and marched out of the room. The door slid closed behind him, leaving only Strump, a couple of other men, and Kati, suspended in the air against the wall. She kept her legs locked together and looked down at him, wondering what he would do. The feeling inside her was almost unbearable now. Like an inferno. “Kati, I see you’re having a spot of trouble there,” Strump said, his voice a slick slither in her ears. She nodded. “I can barely hold on… it’s going to…” “Then I think we ought to help.” He added with a smirk, “Hold on a moment.” He pressed at a button on his arm and Kati felt herself lowered slowly to the floor. She stopped just before her feet touched the ground. “I think Kati has a lot to be thankful for,” Strump commented. “We’re going to help her hold on, so I hope she doesn’t ever decide to spread nasty rumors about us…” he put his fingers under her chin and lifted her head. “After all, if she ever tried, she knows she’d only find herself bound again,” and he tapped the panel on his arm. “Officer Tent, why don’t you go first?” “Really sir?” the officer was a newbie, this being his first space flight. He was fresh out of the academy, still young, still not used to the benefits of command in space. He stepped forward, in front of Kati. She closed her eyes and bit her lip. “Go on, help her,” Strump coaxed. With a brief hesitation, Tent eased his hand in between Kati’s thighs, and gently pressed upwards. She screwed her eyes tight shut. Her legs were now pressed slightly apart, putting no pressure where it was needed. “Oh harder than that,” Strump said, “that won’t help her at all!” Without another moment’s thought, Tent pushed up, hard, against her. Ordinarily she would lash out, disgusted, but this was exactly the kind of relief she needed. She almost let her muscles relax, but caught herself just at the last moment and held on harder. “That will be enough,” Strump said, and the young officer took his hand away. As soon as the extra help was removed, a shock wave raced up through Kati’s stomach. Bending at the waist again, she locked her legs together and grimaced. Her head jerked slightly with the force, and her shoulders shook. “I would help you too,” Strump announced, “but I have to go as well.” He pressed a finger to his arm and Kati was lifted, rather roughly, back up to hang by her wrists from the wall, her feet now just below head height. “Still, I must set an example, I can’t go skipping off to a bathroom when I was the one to keep you here.” Kati clenched her teeth. She wanted to scream, but all she could manage was a whimper. She rolled her head left to right, her bouncing orange hair swishing with it. Her hands were clasped above her, her feet dangled below, there was almost nothing she could do to calm the feeling that wanted to burst out. What was he going to do? Strump walked very slowly to the side of the room. He reached down, facing the wall, and Kati heard a distinct zipping sound. A few agonizing seconds passed, while Kati bore her fists and sucked hard on the inside of her mouth, but nothing was helping, nothing would make her need lessen. Then, Strump looked back at her, and raised one eyebrow. “I’ll just have to go right here, won’t I?” he said. It was too much. Kati jerked upwards, her spine suddenly straightening up. A single droplet wormed its way down the inside of her leg to her boot. It was followed by another, and another, until steadily, drip, drip, drip, the droplets began to hit the floor below her. Strump’s eye was on them as they fell, sparkling, down through the air. Strump breathed in, and relaxed. It wasn’t easy. The room was filled with the distinct sound of water hitting metal, coming from the wall in front of him, which was now spattered wet. Kati saw, and her eyes widened. She couldn’t take it. She felt like she could explode. As if a beast had run its claws down her legs, wet streaks split the creamy skin, twisting between one another, forming thicker streams, where clear waves fought one another and spilled over onto the floor. A thick puddle spread out to the wall beneath her. The three men watched with glee as she twisted and writhed, but she did not change shape as the water flowed out of her, did not grown claws or sharp teeth. Instead she remained a young lady, free of the dreaded virus, humiliated in its name. Strump watched, wide–eyed. His own stream had strained to a stop some time ago, no longer able to squeeze out. His smile widened as he watched her there, legs dripping, clothes darkened, panting and gasping on the nearby wall. Having stopped only moments into a much–needed release, the pain in his abdomen was more than Kati’s had been, but for this moment, he was happy. He let out a small chuckle… Then he felt a hand clap down on his shoulder. “What’s so funny?’ asked the familiar stern voice. He looked around, and felt a chill run down his back. There stood the captain, arms folded and angry, and next to him the ship’s doctor, examining a scanning device still pointed at him. The captain pressed his arm, and Kati was lowered to the ground, where she collapsed, sobbing. “Kati turned out to be clean,” he said, all the while keeping his eyes locked on Strump’s. It seemed the navigator was expected to offer a reply. “I…” he began. “Bad news, Strump,” the captain snapped, and practically punched his arm this time. As the pain streaked harder through his bladder, Strump felt his arms lifting into the air.