Wear them all Week

By: Robert
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Have you ever heard someone say they wouldn’t wash the place where you kissed for a week? It’s usually a jest. I’ll never hear it again without a shiver. We met up with a couple from Swindon soon after returning to the boat one Friday evening. We asked them round for a drink after our custom when tied up next to another boat for the night.
The weather turned cool so we remained inside chatting and the conversation got round to wet matters because they asked about the line of damp clothing hanging by the fire. Our regular hold–it had degenerated into a mass spraying just as we settled down to the evening meal. You already know about May and me, how we have been in the watersports way for a few years together. Our guests were Nathan– a stocky bristle–headed chauffeur, and his beloved Anna Marie. They had come on a boating holiday to help Anna Marie get over a nasty business closure, which left her without a job. Her firm had been promising pay rises until a week before the main client to her advertising consultancy did a runner with the cash. Anna Marie had put months of work into the account and was feeling wasted. She would get another job easily enough but not until the administrators were done.
Her soft mousy hair, pale skin, tight bosom and bewitching smile made her a head turner. In addition she did everything heart and soul. That night she wore what I could only describe as a fitted T–shirt above spray on jeans. In their late twenties they had never come across watersports and were broad minded enough to hear our funny stories with concentrated attention. An hour of talk was enough.
“Can we try some of your games with you?”
Looking across to May she nodded and so began one of our more memorable sessions. Being in party mood we felt that a round of ‘Stand up sit down’ was called for. You will recall that this required the partner to do the opposite of whatever the leader chose. First we drank enough to make the game exciting. Two pints of warm water each in the space of an hour ensured that the game couldn’t last beyond midnight.
May kicked off proceedings with hopping the length of the cabin on her left leg knowing that when I hopped the same on my right leg it would nearly finish me. (I’ve never known why it made me want to pee so badly) I survived and so did the guests. I stood still and insisted that the opposite was standing on your head. Each of the others did as required. Nathan cunningly put on a shirt, which meant we all had to take one off. Anna Marie pondered for a while then took off her jeans with some difficulty. We all found pairs of jeans and put them on.
The second round again started with May. She did a series of raised arms and legs whilst we had to work out which were the opposite limbs. Watching Anna Marie doing these exercises in thin cotton panties was an exercise in self–control for Nathan and me. May had warned me not to do my usual peeing in the measuring jug so that the opposition had to drink an equivalent amount (of water). Instead I kissed the top of May’s head, which meant kissing the soles of her feet for the others. Even May managed it but there was a pay off in the increasing urge to pee.
By now Anna Marie had got into the swing of the game and insisted that it was her turn next. She’s very lithe, almost a dancer, she spun on the spot a dozen turns getting faster and faster anti–clockwise. To say that we all achieved the opposite meant only that we turned clockwise a dozen times. Being dizzy and wanting to pee is a sure way of losing control of either your balance or your bladder.
Nathan was getting very hot in his two pairs of jeans and being unused to holding his water he concentrated on that and fell about knocking over the jug of water. He immediately claimed that we must do the opposite which he managed to convince us was drinking the equivalent volume of water. “No I can’t,” wailed Anna Marie. There was a good two pints to consume. The attempt took a very long time. May and I accepted that we would spring a leak soon so we threw caution to the winds and downed our glasses within ten minutes. Then we sat around in anguish while Anna Marie gamely struggled with 1 and a half pint at which point we let her off.
My turn would clearly be the last. Someone was going to lose in the next few minutes. All of us were holding ourselves and giggling. With a suitable flourish I stood cross–legged in the middle of the cabin. “The opposite is to stand with your legs as far apart as they will go.”
May is a wonder when it comes to holding on. Slowly she spread her legs till they were over a meter apart and she stood there quivering. Nathan followed with surprising ease. Anna Marie had a serious expression on her face as she made a valiant attempt to join the others but before she had attained more than half a meter she looked down at her hands between her legs and they could not contain it. “I’ve lost,” she sobbed between bursts of laughter. Watching her had been so entertaining for Nathan that he forgot to be competitive and as she called out her failure he was joining her without realizing it. Both pairs of jeans suffered badly.
May clasped her hands between her legs and hollered “The champion.”
I replied “Not yet.”
“Oh yes I am you’ve got to do the opposite, clasp your hands above your head.” She was right. Letting go of my double–jeaned crotch I raised my hands experimentally. I wasn’t quick enough in returning them and made an ignominious second in the competition.
During the aftermath there was a lot of clearing up and laughing. As the winner May was allowed to go to the toilet like a civilized human being. Removing all the wet clothing we sat wrapped in blankets discussing the pleasures we had enjoyed.
Everyone was a little high and in the hilarity Nathan picked up Anna Marie’s cotton panties. “Lucky panties to be so close to a lovely woman” he said holding them up in front of his face. He kissed them tenderly.
Joining in the spirit of the moment Anna Marie seized them from him and put them back on. “Kissed by my lover I’ll wear them all week and never take them off.” That’s how this story came to be written.
She put them on at 10.30 that Friday evening and undertook to wear them continuously till the next Friday pm. They took their leave a little while later and we saw their light go off just before midnight when we went for our good night piss and kiss on the back deck.
Saturday was as cold as the previous day. We joined them for a sandwich and a glass of wine at 12 and decided to stay put for the day. In the afternoon they challenged us to a game of ‘hold it’ being full of enthusiasm for the new found pleasures of watersports. Anna Marie lost in fits of giggles before 3 o’clock. She kept her panties on.
We saw them again on Sunday afternoon. “I’ve just got to let go,” were Anna Marie’s first words.
Quoting Mick Jagger, I said thoughtlessly “Piss anywhere man.”
“No I mean I’ve got to dump,” she said looking ever so serious.
“Not in front of the neighbors” said Nathan hardly believing she would carry on with her vow. May and I felt a bit awkward since that’s not one of our pleasures. We offered to leave but Nathan said not to. He appeared to be willing to let her make good the intention.
She was so wound up that it would have been churlish to dissuade her. Later we decided that it was their affair and if their affection could survive this it would be a triumph.
May kissed Nathan on the cheek and put an arm round Anna Marie and whispered something I didn’t hear. “Right, see you tomorrow, downwind.” We returned to a quiet evening with the radio.
Monday morning May had to leave before Nathan and Anna Marie surfaced. She phoned later that day to be told that Anna Marie was soldiering on and Nathan was in a fairly good humor. He said, “I’m getting used to it and it’s making me horny.” As I motored along behind their boat I could see the evidence of Anna Marie’s boast.
It was surprising how happily they both accepted the situation. Monday evening the two of them came to the door of my cabin and asked if I would let them in. I couldn’t really refuse since I was the part cause of Anna Marie’s state. We ate a meal together and the smell wasn’t very noticeable. Anna Marie stood and thanked me for the curried Turkey and said, “I’m just going outside; it may be some time.” When she came back she remained standing whilst smiling and telling me “I won’t sit down and spoil your chair.” Nathan had to go and sort out his boat engine so Anna Marie and me were left to chat. She admitted that her vow had been a bit wild but she was determined to go through with it.
The rest of the week they continued to travel along the same route as me, and Anna Marie was much fresher each time we met at the locks or in the evenings. The pair became such firm friends that they came with me to meet May straight from work as we had brought the boats to within a mile of where she lived. Seeing May coming out of the office Anna Marie called out “I’ve kept my knickers on all week” much to the embarrassment of May’s office manager who was right behind her.
Then we began another weekend. Aren’t women amazing?