The Benefits of Working Out

By: Sandman
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First– I should tell you that when the opportunity to discuss pee comes up I take it. It happens on occasion and that is how this story starts.
I was with a unit of Army personnel that I am not regularly attached to. I happened to begin talking to the most attractive Specialist and the word PEE was tossed out during conversation. I won’t bore you with all that led up to that point, let’s just say I took the opportunity and “ran” with it. I usually try to relate something to myself or someone else that I know, and this time I used my ex–wife. Knowing that I could relate pregnancy to peeing, I told her how my ex hated to sneeze or laugh too hard because it would cause her to wet her pants, sometimes a small amount, sometimes larger. Then I told her that running really made her have to pee. I was hoping that she would give me something that I could dream about. Well, I got more than I could have imagined.
Sally began to tell me about her experience at boot camp. “We had to run and do jumping jacks all the time. I couldn’t tell my D.I. that I had to go to the bathroom first before I could exercise. So I always ended up with wet pants. It’s a good thing that the work out uniform was black, that way the other girls couldn’t tell if I had peed or not.” I was shocked. Not so much with the info, but with the free way that she talked about it and with the hint of pleasure that I was able to detect. We continued with small talk and a little more on peeing, but nothing substantial.
Later in the afternoon I decided to see if my suspicions were true or if it was my imagination. So I went and asked if she would like to work out. Much to my surprise, she asked, “Grey shorts or black?” in a way that was heavy on the grey. So, naturally I told her to wear grey. Sally came out of her room dressed in tight grey shorts and a grey T–shirt. The work out started out without incident. A few warm up stretches then to the weights. The work out was pretty light until we got to the bench press. With mirrors surrounding the room it’s easy to notice things without direct eye contact.
As I was spotting for her and looking in the mirror I noticed a dark spot in the crotch of her shorts. She noticed my growing excitement and said, “I thought that is what you were after.”
As she strained to push the bar up, she was also pushing out squirts of pee. When she was done with her set, it was my turn to lift. She spotted for me and I had a great view of the spots. My set was cut short when she asked if we could do some jumping jacks. “Sure,” I told her and off we went. It didn’t take many to have her shorts dripping with pee. 50–four counts and I was in heaven. By this time most of the base had been abandoned due to it being a Friday night and also payday. Nothing like freshly paid soldiers to clear out a base quickly. I decided to see how far she would allow me to go and asked if she could use a hand in the clean up.
“Please help me with that. I would hate to just tease you.” Wow, I couldn’t believe it. The trip to her room was full of grab and kiss. Once inside, we stripped our clothes and I set to working my mouth out. I received as much “drink” as I could handle and she ended up with the cleanest pussy on base. The rest of the night and weekend was spent drinking water, pissing and fucking. I may tell you about that later.