Montana Flats

By: Weasel
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

“Yeah, honey?”
“I have to go.”
Hitchhiking across the country had sounded like fun at the time. Darren had talked Kelly into it right away, and between the two of them they’d managed to win Jill around as well. It would be good for her, they said. She needed to break out of her shell, and a big adventure could help. Darren had done it before, going the other way, and he hadn’t had any trouble; the fact that he was a 6’1” kick boxer was a huge help, of course. So it was just daring and exciting enough to help Jill grow as a person, while not actually taking any risks.
Jill had enjoyed it too, especially when they were just out of Chicago, but every now and then she’d gone quiet and appeared to be regretting her choice. It wasn’t until they’d hit North Dakota yesterday that Kelly had finally figured out just why that was.
“Jill sweetie,” Kelly said over the roar of the truck engine, “You’ve had to go for the last two hours. It’s pretty obvious. You really need to speak up sooner, otherwise some day you’re gonna wet your pants.”
“I can’t,” Jill said. The truck bounced over a pothole, and the small, shy blonde twisted her legs tighter together and grimaced. “I just can’t. It would be okay if it were just us, but not with a stranger.”
“Hell, you don’t even want to admit it to Darren.”
“He’d think it was gross.”
“Gross?” Kelly said, surprised. “This is Darren we’re talking about, right? The boy who pissed into the Mississippi River right in front of us?”
“It’s different for boys.”
“Pissing outside isn’t just for the dudes anymore, Jill. A lot of guys actually get a kick out of it when girls have to take a slash. If you popped a squat, he’d probably think it was hot.”
Jill blushed as only she could, her pale Scandinavian features briefly going cherry–colored. She had a huge crush on Darren, and Darren thought Jill was very cute, but despite all of Kelly’s help, the two had yet to get together– mostly because Jill was being such a wuss.
Darren himself was in the cab of the truck, talking animatedly with the genial old farmer who had picked them up several hours ago. Darren could talk to anyone about anything, and he was a great listener, too. The farmer, being fairly talkative himself, didn’t need much help, and between the two of them they hadn’t paid any attention to the two girls riding in the truck bed behind them for the last 150 miles.
150 miles…through absolutely nothing– North Dakota had been extremely boring, but Montana seemed even worse. Kelly was convinced that whoever had made eastern Montana had cheated and just done a lot of cutting and pasting; all the fences and gates looked identical, every field looked exactly the same. The corn wasn’t even waving in the breeze, as it was still only just coming up, maybe eight inches high in most places. If you stood on the top of the truck, you could probably see for at least 30 miles, all of it the same. Only the clouds changed.
Kelly and Jill had therefore decided to ride in back and watch the clouds while Darren and the farmer rambled. This had been fine until Jill began to get quieter and quieter, and after the incident two nights before Kelly had been on the lookout for the signs. Jill’s bladder was filling fast.
Kelly was beginning to have the same trouble herself. She wasn’t worried, though. She could last a while longer, although the potholes were not pleasant for her, either. They’d stop sooner or later, and then it would be squatting time. Kelly had never been pee–shy, not growing up with two brothers who’d never learned to knock, and to her pissing outdoors was way more fun than going in a toilet.
Jill, on the other hand, had been an only child brought up in fairly sheltered suburban circumstances and had never once peed outside before this trip. This had astonished Kelly, when she’d learned about it earlier on their trip.
Just across the North Dakota border, Jill had whispered to Kelly that she needed to go, desperately. As it was about that time for Kelly and Darren anyway, they’d thanked their driver and piled out on the side of the highway. Darren had let fly without a second thought, and Kelly had cheerfully popped a squat beside him… but when they were both finished, there was Jill, still fully clothed and still squirming, eyes desperate. She refused to pee outside, still clinging to the hope that they could flag down another car and find a gas station. Kelly spent a good ten minutes coaxing Jill to drop her pants and let go before finally persuading the younger girl to take her very first outdoor piss. Even then it had been quite the production. They’d had to find a secluded spot –– even though it was getting quite dark, which made finding cover difficult and fairly pointless. Darren had to walk about half a mile away (and Kelly had to be the messenger, as apparently Jill couldn’t bring herself to even say the word “pee” in his presence). Finally Jill had to position herself just so, and get all her clothing into the right places, and then told Kelly to walk a little ways away and then whistle something so she wouldn’t be able to hear.
After a few minutes with no word from her friend, Kelly had strolled over. “How’s it going?” she called. “Finished yet?”
“No,” said Jill miserably. “It’s not coming out.”
“I thought you had to go pretty bad.”
“I did! I still do! It’s just… not coming out.”
There had been a moment of crisis when Jill had actually started to pull up her pants without peeing a drop. She’d begun to insist –– again –– that they go find a real toilet. But in the half–light of the evening Kelly saw that her friend was actually crying from the pressure in her crotch, and knew that it would either be peeing in the bushes here, or wet pants a few hundred yards away, and refused to consider packing up and moving off. Finally Kelly had poured a little water out of her water bottle, and with that prompting Jill’s bladder took things into its own hands and squirted away.
Jill actually tried to cut off the stream after a little bit; even after nearly wetting herself, and even after all of Kelly’s persuading about how good it would feel to let go, her plan had been to pee just a little bit, enough to relieve the pressure, and then go looking for proper facilities. But wiser organs prevailed; no matter how much she tried, her body refused to stop peeing until almost the very end. Even with that, Jill somehow managed to hold some back, as she insisted on being the first to use the toilet in their hotel room later that night, and let out a stream quite audible to her two friends –– not that they mentioned it, for fear the girl would never dare to pee again.
Over the course of the next few days Jill had decided to take no chances. She used every bathroom they came across. But she still refused to ask for bathroom stops, and never breathed a word of it to anyone except whispering it in Kelly’s ear. Even then, she never mentioned it until she was almost bursting. She did pee outside once, however. The night before they had camped out under the stars, and after briefly attempting to hold her full bladder all the way through the night, Jill had finally gone into the brush to pee. She went so far out that she got lost coming back.
That morning Kelly and Darren had attended to business as normal, but if Jill had peed she gave no sign of it. She didn’t say a word about it to Kelly in the first car they rode in. But, when Darren proposed getting off the main highway she wrinkled her nose a bit– perhaps realizing that rest stops would be even more infrequent off the interstate. She hadn’t protested, however. When the genial and talkative farmer had offered to take them along country roads for the 200 miles to his place, she’d climbed in the back without a word of protest. But soon after that she’d fallen into her telltale silence, and started to fidget a little while after that; finally she’d crossed her arms and legs, shifting position occasionally. Kelly had watched the whole thing, and resisted the temptation to point out clouds that looked like waterfalls or dripping faucets… or toilets.
Now they both needed to pee, and if Jill really hadn’t gone this morning she had to be near the bursting point already.
“Look,” Kelly said. “I’m gonna need a stop pretty soon myself. Do you want me to ask?”
“Well… if you need to.”
“Uh–uh, Jill,” Kelly said. “I could use a stop, but I can hold it for a while longer. I’m only going to ask if you need it. I know you’re embarrassed, so I’m not making you stand up for yourself in front of the boys. But I am going to make you stand up for yourself to me.”
Jill hesitated.
“We’ll go off together,” Kelly said. “And everyone will think it’s me who needs it. Okay?”
Jill kept hesitating, and then nodded at last.
“All right.” Kelly rolled over, noting as she did so that her own bladder was perhaps a little more full than she’d thought, and slid open the window at the back of the truck cab. Darren turned to look at her, and the farmer looked up to meet her eyes in the rear–view mirror. “Could we have a stop soon?” she asked.
“Well,” the farmer said, “I told my wife that I’d be home by lunchtime, and I’m running late, so I’d prefer not to take too long. Rather than stop twice I’d like to just drop you off and part ways entirely. We could do that now, if you like, but I could take you another 30, 40 miles, easy.”
“How much traffic is there on this road?” Darren asked.
“Not much,” the farmer said. “But I planned to leave you at the crossroads. You’ll have more of a chance picking up a ride there, either further along this highway here, or back up to the Interstate. Your choice.”
“Let’s wait until the crossroads, okay?” Darren said.
Kelly opened her mouth to protest for Jill’s sake, but just as she did, Jill spoke up. “That’s fine with me,” she said. And that settled the matter.
Kelly closed the window and turned back to Jill. “Why’d you say that?” she said.
Jill blushed again.
“Oh, fuck, you did it because Darren said so, didn’t you?”
“Sort of….”
“Okay, girlfriend, you have got to stop acting like Darren’s your lord and master. He’s an awesome guy, and if you would just get over yourself and hook up with him, you’d both be a lot happier. But you can’t say yes to him all the time; you can’t go along with whatever he wants. You’ve got to look after yourself too, sweetie.”
Jill buried her face in her hands, beet–red.
“Look,” Kelly began, but Jill stopped her.
“Okay!” she said. “I will. I’ll start looking after myself. But not about this, all right? This is just way too embarrassing.”
“All right,” Kelly said, unconvinced but hopeful. “But I hope you can hold it for another 30 or 40 miles.”
“How long will that take?” Jill asked, suddenly looking worried.
“The speedometer’s broken,” Kelly said, “but I think we’re going about 60 miles an hour. So at least another half–hour, probably more; I can’t be sure.” She sighed, considering the pressure in her groin. Another half–hour, on a bumpy road; it wouldn’t be fun for her, to say nothing of Jill, who was clearly much more desperate.
Jill whimpered a little. “I’m not sure I can hold it that long.”
“Well, I can ask again.”
“No, no. That’s too much, asking again.”
“Hey, I won’t mention you at all. I’ll just say I’m about to spring a leak, they’ll never know you’ve got to go too.”
“If you say so. Just remember, wet pants are probably a little more embarrassing than asking a question.”
The next half hour passed very slowly. Einstein, Kelly remembered, had given an example of relativity: “An hour with a pretty girl goes by in a minute, but a minute on a hot stove seems like an hour.” It seemed to Kelly that half an hour with a full bladder was an eternity. She crossed her legs and held on.
For Jill things were obviously worse. Whenever the truck jerked over a pothole, her fingers made a furtive move towards her crotch. Finally, after one of the more abrupt ones, Jill actually had to make a quick grab, but she pulled her hand back a moment later. Her legs were crossed very tightly, and she could not sit still, squirming and shifting constantly. Kelly had seen the look on her face before: eyes worried and lips tight with discomfort. She wasn’t openly holding herself yet, except after the bigger holes in the poorly maintained road, but soon she would be.
“Sit on your heel,” Kelly said, and demonstrated. Jill gratefully shifted into the position and relaxed for a few moments, but in under a minute she had to squirm again. Kelly was more and more convinced the girl wouldn’t be able to hold it. She was getting less sure of her own ability. Glancing over, she saw that Jill’s belly was beginning to swell.
“Undo your jeans, sweetie,” she recommended, and again led the way by unfastening her own. After a moment’s hesitation, Jill clearly realized that no one except Kelly would see her, and did as advised. The pressure in her bladder was strong enough that the zipper actually unzipped just a little all on its own, before it caught again. Once more, Jill showed some signs of relief –– for about five seconds.
“One more time,” Kelly said. “Do you want me to ask to stop?”
“No,” Jill said, squirming again.
“All right. Well, we’re not going to stop for at least another five minutes, but it’s probably going to be longer. Can you make it?”
Jill shrugged. Her eyes looked moist; unshed tears, brought on by the fierce hot pressure in her crotch.
“Well, if you can’t hold it then we need a backup plan,” Kelly said, practically. “If you’re careful I bet you could pee right here in the truck bed.”
Jill looked panicked at the thought, and shook her head wildly.
“Darren and Farmer Joe are having such a great time talking with each other that they’d never even notice,” Kelly said. “And obviously there’s no one else to see us.” It was true. There was neither car nor house to be seen in any direction, just more fields with foot–high corn.
Jill still refused. “He’ll see the pee when he unloads the truck, he’ll know what we did. I can’t.”
“Okay. But just remember, soaked jeans are awfully embarrassing.”
Kelly sat back and shifted position again. She needed to go quite badly by now herself, but she was sure she could hold it. Well, pretty sure. Then as soon as Farmer Joe was out of sight –– heck, maybe as soon as he began to pull away –– she’d squat and have the best piss in her whole life. She wouldn’t even get off the road.
Fuck! Jill was going to throw a fit about peeing out in the open. In her two previous outdoor pees, she’d found as much cover as she could, and that had been during the night! Here, in broad daylight, with no plants higher than her calfs, it would be blindingly obvious to everyone that she was pissing. Kelly had never really cared that much about pissing in public, and was now getting desperate enough that all her scant modesty was out the window… but Jill’s wasn’t, that was clear.
She hoped Darren was one of those occasional guys who liked wet pants, because if he wasn’t all of her careful plans to get him and Jill together might very well go up in flames, or more precisely trickle down Jill’s legs.
Jill began to glance over her shoulder to see where they were going. One time she got a hopeful look on her face and said they were coming to an intersection –– but the farmer drove on without even slowing. The look of despair on Jill’s face filled Kelly with pity.
“Come on, sweetie,” she said. “Just pull down your pants and do it here.”
“I can’t,” Jill said through clenched teeth. She now had one hand clamped over her crotch.
After a few more minutes, Kelly was tempted to give Jill a demonstration on how to do it –– she was nearing that point of desperation herself –– when suddenly, unexpectedly, the truck slowed and halted. The farmer pushed the window open.
“All right, this is as far as I’m going on this road,” he said. “Travel safe.”
Kelly briefly considered asking him to drive them to his house, so Jill could use the bathroom there and save some hassle –– but Jill was obviously about to explode in about a minute, and Darren was already getting out.
Kelly rose carefully, not bothering to fasten her jeans. Jill, however, fumbled with her waistband and somehow managed to get her jeans closed, and then looked helplessly at Kelly. For her, standing up without wetting herself was the equivalent of running back–to–back marathons. Kelly reached down and helped her up, and by some miracle Jill managed to get out of the back of the truck without the flood getting loose.
Kelly and Darren waved good–bye to the farmer as he drove away, and as soon as Kelly was certain that the farmer would see nothing in his rearview mirror, she unzipped her pants the rest of the way, yanked them and her panties down in one hasty motion, and dropped into a crouch. She was peeing before she even really got into position. The warmth of relief washed over her, and she sighed delightedly. She glanced down to make sure she wasn’t pissing on her shoes, and realized that her prediction was correct: she wasn’t even off the road. Her piss began to pool on the concrete beneath her.
“Crap, you really had to go!” Darren said in amazement, staring at the fierce, thick stream hissing out of Kelly’s crotch.
Jill moaned with frustration. Kelly looked up from her growing puddle to see the girl writhing in pure agony, both hands jammed between her legs. Her head was thrown back and tears were pouring from her eyes, running down to her bared, gritted teeth. Her little body could not hold still, her blond ponytail bobbing with every twitch. She leaned forward, moaning again. Kelly realized that the sound of her piss rushing out had triggered Jill’s bladder. The girl was on the absolute verge of exploding. Kelly suspected she’d already leaked.
Then Kelly glanced at Darren. The boy was transfixed by Jill’s desperation dance, and with every frantic squirm the slight bulge in the front of his shorts grew bigger. Kelly’s eyes widened. There was hope for her matchmaking yet.
“Jill, Jill!” Darren said, stepping forward. “If you have to go so bad, just go! Kelly is pissing a river.”
“I can’t, I can’t, I gotta pee but I can’t,” Jill moaned.
“Why not?” Darren said.
“I can’t pee out in the open,” Jill said. “Anyone could see. You’ll see.”
“All I’m seeing right now is a girl I care about in some serious trouble,” Darren said. “Just pee, sweetie, I don’t want you to suffer any more.”
Jill looked around frantically, but of course there was nowhere to go. No cover.
“Look, Jill, I’m gonna close my eyes,” Darren said, “and I’m not gonna open them until you’ve finished peeing.” And with that he did so, turning away from her for good measure. Kelly, who still had a trickle finishing up, thought that it was as much to hide his erection from Jill, as it was to give Jill what little privacy he could.
Jill kept dancing for a long moment, but then finally screamed and yanked down her pants. Unfortunately, she couldn’t do Kelly’s trick; she lost her grip on her panties before they even really cleared her hips. Just as she bent over to get her jeans all the way down to her ankles, there was a tremendous hiss and Jill froze.
“Crouch down!” Kelly told her quickly. “You’ll drip, otherwise.”
Jill obeyed. Kelly could see the other girl’s pink and green panties darken for a moment, swelling with piss, and then it burst out to either side, streaming down her legs.
“Save your shoes!” Kelly said, at last finishing her own pee. But it was too late; Jill’s frantic bladder didn’t care in the slightest where the piss went, just as long as it left as quickly as possible, and Jill was weeping –– whether in humiliation or relief, Kelly couldn’t tell.
Jill took a long time to finish, and Kelly guessed that she really hadn’t peed since the night before. Now, at least twelve hours’ worth was flooding Jill’s panties, jeans, and the pavement below. When Jill finished, she was shaking and breathing heavily.
“Can I look now?” Darren asked as the furious rush dwindled to a last few drops.
“No,” Kelly said emphatically. She crouched beside Jill and hugged her. “It’s all right, sweetie,” she said. “You couldn’t help it, and it happens to everyone at least once. Now let’s get you cleaned up and into dry clothes.”
Jill didn’t respond for a moment, but then nodded, still crying silently.
Fortunately no one came along while Kelly and Jill got Jill’s pants and panties off, and broke out dry clothes from Jill’s bag. Darren kept his eyes tightly shut through the whole process, but once Jill was safely dressed he came over and gave her a big hug of his own. “Why did you wait so long, cutie?” he asked. “If I’d known how badly you had to go, we would have stopped miles back.”
When Jill did not respond, Kelly decided to go for broke. “She didn’t want to admit it in front of you,” she said. “Would you want to piss in front of your crush?”
Darren lifted Jill’s chin, but she wouldn’t look him in the eye. “Never put yourself in that situation again, okay?” he said. “If you need something, you just ask! I’ll do it for you.” And he kissed her.
That got through to her.
That night, as they lay camped beneath a very starry sky, Jill whispered in Kelly’s ear, “It’s weird. When I started peeing my pants, I was sooo embarrassed, but at the same time… it kinda felt good. I mean, really good. I came –– I mean orgasmed. And then I was embarrassed all over again.”
Kelly smiled. “You’re not the only one who got turned on! I don’t know if you noticed, but Darren got seriously hard when you started squirming all over the place.”
“Really?” Jill said, incredulous. “I felt so dirty. But if Darren likes it….”
Kelly noticed that the girl was still doing everything based on whether or not Darren approved. But in this case, she decided that something else was more important.
“Well, if it’s such a turn–on for you both,” she suggested slyly, “maybe you should make use of that.”
Jill’s eyes widened, and then –– she actually smiled. “Maybe I will.” Then she added, “I don’t think I’ll wait quite that long again, though.”
“Do you need to piss right now?”
“Yeah, I do. I haven’t gone since I wet myself.”
Kelly gave her a little shove in Darren’s direction. “Have fun, girl!”
A moment later, Jill crept over to Darren’s side of the fire, and, in a scared but excited whisper, said, “Hey Darren –– I really need to pee. Can you come with me?”
By: Weasel