
6 stories

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Below you can find the list of all stories written by Weasel sorted from newest to oldest. You can use page navigation at the bottom of this page, filter by author or tag.

Home from the Beach
By: Weasel (31 Aug 2008, Sunday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, and Accidental & Deliberate Wetting. The Girls Andi: the driver, and leader of the group. It's her dad's Camaro that they've borrowed for the day. Andi's got a fantastic body – she is all curves, with none of them too big or too small, just perfectly proportioned. Her hair was a sandy blonde to begin with, and she's improved on it with pure–blonde highlights; today she's wearing it in a classic ponytail. At the moment she's wearing a blue bikini (to match her eyes) with tight jean cut offs over it, plus flip–flops and sunglasses. Andi is a fairly dominant personality, take–charge, very self–confident. Cassie: tall and leggy (5'10"), with cute freckles. She used…

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The Gentleman Rocks the Suburbs
By: Weasel (31 May 2008, Saturday)

It was late summer. In six days Anna was leaving for college. Kayleigh was taking off in five. And in exactly 42 hours, Parker was leaving himself, off to a rather distant school. He and Anna had only been going out since May, and while it had been fun, they had agreed that with the distance between their colleges, it probably wasn't going to work out. With the cloud of impending break up looming over their heads, they hadn't been hanging out much the last few weeks, but when Anna called Parker up and proposed a small gathering at her house, he'd cheerfully agreed. There had been maybe six or seven people, all old friends, and it had been good to hang out with them. But Parker knew that Anna had something…

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Brad and Carrie's Day Out
By: Weasel (31 May 2008, Saturday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Masturbation. Carrie and Brad were a happy couple in their late twenties, their strong marriage made stronger by a great sex life. Carrie was slim and fit; she'd been a swimmer in school. She was small–breasted with a tight butt and gorgeous natural blonde hair. Brad was taller and more substantial, oftentimes looming over her, but she was the more forceful personality; Brad was a gentle soul, but with a mischievous streak. Carrie was not terribly pee–shy; she'd grown up with three brothers, and when they'd been small they'd routinely peed in front of each other. So Carrie was never overly concerned about anyone seeing her…

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The Gentleman Returns from the Parade
By: Weasel (30 Apr 2008, Wednesday)

Parker wasn't in the school marching band –– he couldn't have kept step if he wanted to, which he didn't –– but he often hung out with band kids. When the band director asked his musicians if they knew anyone who could use a video camera well to film their practices and performances, Parker's name came up, and as such he was roped into being the band's AV guy. He didn't mind; it meant he could spend time with his band buddies, and while he wasn't getting paid, the band director always had free food for him, and that was pretty awesome. Plus, Parker was thinking about being a movie cameraman, or somehow work in films, so it was great experience. Last but not least, it meant he soon got the job of filming the…

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The Gentleman's First Encounter
By: Weasel (31 Dec 2008, Monday)

Let me first explain why I'm writing these stories. I've got kind of a dilemma. I really enjoy desperation stories, but whenever I encounter such situations in real life, I'm far too much of a nice guy to try and prolong a girl's need. In fact, on the most notable occasions, I've felt extremely bad for them, and even worse at the simple idea that I'd enjoy such a situation. So I've concocted Parker. Parker isn't really me; most of the stories I'm telling here are entirely fictional. But Parker's got my approach: when a girl needs to pee around him, he tries to help her as much as he can. He doesn't get off on it until later (and I don't do that, not if the girl in question is a friend of mine; it would be way…

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Montana Flats
By: Weasel (30 Nov 2007, Friday)

"Kelly?" "Yeah, honey?" "I have to go." Hitchhiking across the country had sounded like fun at the time. Darren had talked Kelly into it right away, and between the two of them they'd managed to win Jill around as well. It would be good for her, they said. She needed to break out of her shell, and a big adventure could help. Darren had done it before, going the other way, and he hadn't had any trouble; the fact that he was a 6'1" kick boxer was a huge help, of course. So it was just daring and exciting enough to help Jill grow as a person, while not actually taking any risks. Jill had enjoyed it too, especially when they were just out of Chicago, but every now and then she'd gone quiet and appeared to be…

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