Home from the Beach

By: Weasel
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, and Accidental & Deliberate Wetting.
The Girls
Andi: the driver, and leader of the group. It’s her dad’s Camaro that they’ve borrowed for the day. Andi’s got a fantastic body – she is all curves, with none of them too big or too small, just perfectly proportioned. Her hair was a sandy blonde to begin with, and she’s improved on it with pure–blonde highlights; today she’s wearing it in a classic ponytail. At the moment she’s wearing a blue bikini (to match her eyes) with tight jean cut offs over it, plus flip–flops and sunglasses. Andi is a fairly dominant personality, take–charge, very self–confident.
Cassie: tall and leggy (5’10”), with cute freckles. She used to dye her hair blonde, which is a shame because her natural brunette color looks great on her; now she’s wisely settled for a few red highlights. She’s wearing her hair loose right now. She’s not flat, but she’s not built like Andi at all, with smaller, rather cute breasts. Her bikini is red, but instead of cut–offs she’s wearing a matching sarong. Cassie is the best friend, the one all the other girls turn to.
Helena: in some respects she’s Andi in miniature. While Andi is 5’5”, Helena is 4’10”. Their hair matches, however, and Helena is equally curvy, especially in the breasts. Today she’s got on a strapless black bikini top, very tight to accentuate her boobs, and jean cut–offs like Andi. She’s wearing her shoulder–length hair loose. She looks like the youngest of the group, but she’s actually the oldest (by a few weeks). She’s extremely vivacious, uninhibited, and lively, lots of energy –– the life of the party.
Penny: Her hair is straight brown, not terribly interesting or exciting; she’s tried without success to liven it up. She’s only recently lost her baby fat and still isn’t really used to being attractive, which she is –– her curves aren’t perfect like Andi’s, but she’s got a body no straight man would kick out of bed. Reflecting this basic lack of confidence, she’s wearing a one–piece bathing suit, but as it’s a little old and small on her, she’s unintentionally made herself all the more interesting to look at. She’s wearing a sarong like Cassie, in green however, and a little longer. She trails in the wake of the other girls, not that she’s at all unwelcome –– these ladies have been friends for a long time.
The Boys:
Dio: the son of Greek immigrants, Dio has the classic Mediterranean beach–boy look. He’s incredibly well built, 6’3”, with naturally olive skin and curly hair that makes Orlando Bloom look like he’s wearing a mop. At least one woman has literally swooned over him. He is, of course, Andi’s boyfriend. They hump like bunnies –– who wouldn’t, considering what they have to work with? –– And if they ever have children, the kids will probably grow up to be supermodels. Reserved, almost laconic, he usually says what he means and gets what he wants.
AJ: Dio’s sidekick. He’s much more compact, maybe 5’9” or so, but pretty fit himself. He smirks a lot. Short–cropped hair. He looks like he’s in Dio’s shadow, but the reality is, AJ is entirely his own man, secure in the knowledge that he can beat Dio’s ass any time he wants. Years ago AJ dated Helena for a while, but eventually got tired of her. Now he’s interested in Penny, but they aren’t an item yet.
The seating arrangements are:
Andi in the driver’s seat, Dio in the passenger’s seat; behind Andi is Cassie, with barely enough legroom. Sitting bitch in the middle is Helena. AJ is sitting next to her, with Penny on his lap (exactly where he wants her). Penny doesn’t really have enough room at all. Helena is giving her as much room as she can, but frankly, no one is entirely comfortable other than Andi, who refuses to be uncomfortable while driving.
Bladder status:
The sun at the beach made them all fairly dehydrated, and they’ve all been drinking sodas. Most recently Helena and Andi got giant sodas, which have been passed around; everyone had at least a few sips, but Helena probably had the most. Cassie and Penny went off to the bathrooms most recently, but it was mostly to talk about AJ, and as the line was fairly long they decided to just go back. So, at the time they get on the highway, all four of the girls are feeling the need for a bathroom. None of them have pissed in the last hour and a half, Cassie and Penny haven’t peed for even longer, and they’ve all had something to drink. Helena is probably the worst off, having had the most to drink and being the smallest, but even still she’s not in trouble yet. The boys are both okay. AJ’s only problem is that Penny’s on his lap, which adds a little pressure.
It’s usually just a fifteen to twenty minute drive from the beach to Andi’s house, which is where they’re headed. It would be closer to AJ’s place but they pass that exit fairly early on, so it’s Andi’s place or nowhere.
And now for the final piece of the situation– a mile ahead of their car, there’s an immense pile–up, involving not one but two jack–knifed semi trucks and no less than seventeen other vehicles. Amazingly, the most severe injury is a bloody nose. However, the wreck seals off all four lanes of the highway, and at the same time blocks the nearest exit. Considering the size of the accident, it will be at least an hour before any traffic starts moving again, and that’s extremely optimistic. Andi has to slam on the brakes, and within seconds they’re completely surrounded by stopped cars. Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, and the girls are filling up fast.
Let’s get started, shall we?
It’s no surprise at all that Helena’s the first one to say something. “Hey, Andi, how long are we gonna be stuck here?”
“How should I know?” Andi replies. “It’s gonna be a long while, that’s for sure. I can’t see what’s happened, but nobody’s moving.”
“Well, let’s get off as soon as we can.”
Andi sighs. “No chance. The only way we could get out of here any time soon is if this car could fly.”
“So it’s gonna be, like, hours?”
“Could be.”
“Shit! I really need to pee.”
“Me, too,” Cassie says.
“Didn’t you and Penny just go?” AJ asks.
“Yeah, but the line was real long. We figured we could hold it until we got back to Andi’s place.”
Andi groaned. “Crap. Quit talking about it, okay? You’re making me have to go, too.” Cassie says nothing but she’s starting to fidget a bit as well.
They all shut up and talk about other things for a while, but soon the conversation comes right back to how much of a bitch it is that they’re stuck in traffic, and real soon after that Helena bounces up and down in her seat (giving AJ quite an eyeful, not that he hasn’t seen her tits before) and whines, “Andiiii! I really gotta pee!”
“I know, ‘Lena, you told us already. There’s nothing I can do.”
“I can’t hold it much longer, Andi. I’m gonna pee in your car if we can’t stop soon.”
“Technically, we are stopped,” AJ says, unhelpfully.
Helena sticks her tongue out at him, and bounces a little again.
“You fuckin’ better not pee in my dad’s Camaro,” Andi says. “If you’ve really gotta go, use that giant soda cup you got.”
“I threw it out the window,” Helena says.
“Here, you can use mine.” Andi finishes the last of her soda in a swift gulp, not realizing the potential consequences of this, and hands the cup back to Helena, who immediately passes it to Cassie and starts fumbling at the crotch of her jeans.
“You’re really gonna do it?” Cassie says, incredulous, and beginning to wonder if she dares follow suit afterwards.
“I’ve gotta go,” Helena says. “If I don’t pee now, I’m gonna explode. That soda went right through me.”
“But people could see you,” Cassie says.
“Well, nobody’s gonna be able to see past AJ and Penny on that side, so if you turn in your seat nobody’s gonna see in on your side. As for all of you, you’ve all seen me naked except Dio, and all he has to do is ask.”
“Which he’s not going to do,” Andi says, flashing a warning look at her boyfriend. Dio says nothing, just smiles.
Helena’s cut–offs are super–tight, however. Their purpose is to show off her butt, not be easily removed. Helena gets the button undone with some difficulty, but then it takes several minutes of tugging to finally get the zipper down. Then, it’s all the harder for her to get them off her ass. She has to ask AJ and Penny to press themselves against their door in order to undo her seatbelt, and once she’s free she can finally slide the shorts down her legs. Then she has to repeat the process for her bikini bottoms. All through these elaborate maneuvers, she has to occasionally stop and press her legs together, or even grab her crotch, to hold back the enormous amount of piss building inside her, and she keeps saying, “Ohh, shit, gotta pee, gotta pee” –– to the dismay of all the other girls. Cassie is definitely squirming by now, and Penny’s not far behind. Finally Helena’s naked from the waist down, and she gets herself into position.
“You just watch the splatter, okay, ‘Lena?” Andi commands from the driver’s seat.
Helena is, for once, without a ready reply. Instead, she’s sighing with pure bliss as her piss runs out of her into the cup. But then, a crisis strikes.
“Helena, you’re about to overflow!” Cassie warns. She’s been watching, fascinated.
“Don’t spill!” Andi yells.
“You gotta stop, Helena,” Cassie says urgently.
With an effort, Helena turns off the flood. The cup isn’t brimful, but it’s awfully close.
“Shit, I wasn’t finished yet,” Helena says.
“That’s a 64 oz. cup, ‘Lena,” Andi says, turning around to look. “Where did you put it all?”
“I don’t know, but I still need to go bad,” Helena replies. “Quick, Cassie, pour it out.”
“The window’s not working,” Cassie says, already trying to do this.
“Shit,” Andi says. “I turned the car off to save gas.” She turns the key– and power restored, Cassie’s window descends. She pours Helena’s pee onto the side of the road.
“Hurry,” Helena says, fingers pressed against her naked, dripping pee–hole. “It’s coming out again, I don’t think it likes that I stopped…”
In the nick of time, Cassie gets the enormous cup back into place, and Helena lets fly again. This time her moans of relief are almost like orgasms, and AJ points this out.
“It feels so fucking good!” Helena says with her eyes closed in bliss.
“Shut up, I have to go really bad too,” Andi says.
“The cup’s all yours,” Helena replies, content, as Cassie pours the second batch after the first.
“No way I’m pissing in a cup,” Andi says.
Nothing pee–related happens for the next few minutes, but then Cassie uncrosses and recrosses her legs for the fifteenth time, and Helena says, “You need the cup?”
“No…” Cassie says, clearly wanting it very much but not willing to repeat Helena’s performance just yet.
“Suit yourself,” Helena says, and tosses the cup out the still–open window past Cassie, who looks at her, dismayed. “What?” Helena asks, not understanding the look yet.
Cassie shakes her head. “Nothing.”
“Oh, so you did want to pee in it?” Helena asks slyly.
Cassie shrugs. “I’ve gotta go really, really bad, and we haven’t moved in, like, half an hour,” she says. “Andi, could you check the radio, see if there’s anything on the news about this?”
Andi grumbles at having to turn off the music, but she complies. It takes a long time to find a news channel, and even longer to get anything useful. As they wait they inch forwards a few feet, but not much. By the time the radio announces that a semi has jack–knifed and has yet to be cleared, Cassie has her legs knotted around each other like braided hair (as much as possible in the cramped leg room), Andi is sitting on her heel, and Penny is squirming restlessly on AJ’s lap. AJ whispers in her ear, “Thanks for the lap dance!”
Penny flushes beet red. AJ chuckles, strokes her neck. “You’re incredibly cute when you blush, you know? And seriously, thanks –– you’re making me hard.”
Penny blushes even more, and whispers back, “I’m sorry, it’s just I’ve gotta pee so bad…”
“Me too,” AJ says. “Getting hard helps me hold it. So please, keep up the good work.”
Penny grins uncertainly.
AJ kisses her hair. “There’s no other girl in the world I want sitting on me right now,” he says.
“Fuck!” Andi says, interrupting this interlude. “I’m gonna piss my fucking pants in a minute.”
“Me too,” Cassie admits at last.
“I wish we still had that cup,” Andi says, “because there’s no fucking way anyone is gonna to piss in my dad’s car, okay?”
Helena looks back. “I think the car behind us ran it over,” she says.
“Andi,” Cassie says, “I’m sorry, but if I can’t get to a bathroom in the next thirty seconds I’m gonna pee on your seat. I’m gonna explode.”
Andi nods. “I know, I know, I’ve gotta pee too… but we just can’t piss in the car, okay? My dad would kill me.” She sighs. “We need another way, all right?”
“Pee out the window,” Dio suggests.
“What, and have our asses hanging out for everyone to see?” Andi says. “I don’t think so.”
“What’s wrong with hanging your ass out?” Dio asks innocently.
“First, you jerk, only you get to see the magnificence of my ass,” Andi says. “Remember that before you start suggesting I flash the entire highway. Second, I really don’t think Cassie wants to try that. What about you, Penny?”
“No way,” Penny says. “I need to pee so bad –– but not that bad.”
“Third,” Andi says, “there’s a cop car about three cars back. I really don’t want to get cited for indecent exposure.”
“Do it between the car doors,” AJ says. “You open your door, Cassie opens hers, and you pop a squat.”
Andi thinks about this. “We’re not moving fast, but we are moving. I don’t like it.” Suddenly she grabs her crotch. “But I just leaked a little, so I guess I have to. Cassie, open your door!”
As the girls open their doors, Andi undoes her seat belt, unbuttons her jeans, and swings her legs out of the car. She scoots off the seat and drops down to the edge of the open car door. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she chants as she pulls her shorts down. “Shit, I’m pissing my bikini,” she mutters, fumbling at her crotch. Finally she holds the crotch of her bikini bottoms out of the way and pisses freely.
At the sound of Andi’s stream, Cassie jams both hands between her legs, and Penny squirms uncomfortably on AJ’s lap.
Andi sighs with vast relief. “Oh, fuck, that’s good,” she says. “Oh… oh, fuck. You have no fucking idea about how good this feels.”
Cassie squeals with frustration.
“Cassie, seriously, do this,” Andi says. “And you too, Penny. Fuck… it’s better than sex!”
Dio pouts at this, but nobody’s paying attention. Cassie is crying now.
Andi finishes at last, still sighing, then contemplates the damage. Her bikini bottoms are soaked. “Dio,” she says, “hand me a tissue, I need to wipe.” He does. She cleans herself off but there’s no dealing with the pee–soaked bikini. After a few moment’s thought, she slips out of her flip–flops, then pulls her shorts and her bikini bottoms off. Putting her flip–flops back on, she swings back into the car naked except for her bikini top. She hands her damp clothes to Dio. “Here,” she says. “Hold onto these.”
“Why?” he asks.
“Because I’m going to have sex with you as soon as we get home,” Andi says.
“Yeah. I’m kinda hot for you right now.”
“I thought you said peeing was better than sex.”
“Well…” Andi says, and then smiles. “I guess I kinda want to compare the two.”
Meanwhile, Cassie is writhing in complete panic. Helena tells her, “Cassie, go like Andi did!” But Cassie says, “I can’t, she was between the doors so no one could see her, but the people behind will be able to see me…”
“Whoever’s behind us must have a pretty good idea of what Andi just did,” AJ puts in.
“Yeah, but I can’t, I just can’t…”
“You’re wearing a sarong, Cassie,” Helena points out. “You could just stand there. Pretend to be stretching or looking around or something, and just pee.”
“They’ll see the puddle.”
“Yeah, but they won’t see anything else.”
Cassie thinks about it, groans, and then says, “Okay.” She’s about to open the door when Helena puts a hand on her arm.
“No, silly. You’ve gotta take your panties off, otherwise it’ll just run down your legs. Then you’ll be soaked and get the seat wet.”
Cassie whimpers, then says, “Okay, just keep AJ from looking.”
AJ promises not to look, and tucks his head against Penny’s right shoulder as proof. Cassie undoes her seat belt, hauls up her sarong, and then pulls her bikini bottoms off. The process is complicated by how long her legs are and how little room Andi has left her, and she whines in frustration but finally gets the red bottoms off. Then she gets out of the car, looking around as if to see any way out, and lets go.
There’s a series of honks, followed by cheers, and Cassie looks behind her. Seeing a car full of teenaged boys, she remembers that her sarong is very thin: with the light behind her, the boys can see her just as clearly as if she were naked. She only hopes they can’t see the stream gushing from between her legs or the puddle at her feet, but she can’t get back into the car until she’s finished and dripped dry.
Now only Penny and AJ are left. AJ’s bladder is not really that full, but the pressure of Penny’s ass in his lap isn’t helping. It’s offset by the hard–on she’s given him. Penny has no such help, however. She can’t even properly cross her legs; there’s not enough room behind Dio’s seat. “I’m seriously going to wet myself,” she tells AJ quietly.
“You’re wearing a sarong, you could try Cassie’s trick,” he says encouragingly.
“I can’t,” she says. “I’m wearing a one–piece. I can’t take it off, I’ll be naked.”
“Fine by me,” AJ says, stroking her arm, “but I see the point. You could squat and pull the crotch to one side.”
“Not very well,” Penny says, a little shocked that she’s admitting all this to him. But, after all, he’s being so nice about it. “This suit’s a little too tight, I don’t think I’d be able to get it out of the way.”
“I did notice it looked a little small on you. It brought out the best in you, though,” AJ whispers into her ear, cupping her breast.
“Stop it,” Penny says, more happy than irritated, but she does move his hand away. “Seriously, though, I’ve gotta pee so bad… it hurts, it really hurts.”
“Then just pee,” AJ says.
“What???” Penny’s incredulous. “You’ll get soaked!”
“Sure, but who cares? I don’t want you to suffer any more. Besides,” he adds seductively, “it might be kinda hot.”
“It’ll get all over the seat.”
“Not really. It’s gonna get all over me, sure. But since I actually went into the water, unlike some scaredy–cats I could name, I have a towel under me. If you peed straight into it you’d wet the seat, but I’ll get most of it on my lap, and the towel will take care of the drips.”
“I dunno, AJ…”
“Penny, you’ve gotta pee really bad. I know, because I can feel it,” he says, lightly touching her taut abdomen. “So just let it out. Let me help you.”
“You’re sure,” she says.
“I’m positive.”
She sighs and leans back against him. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her again, and waits. But nothing comes. He can feel her relax a bit, but still she’s fidgeting.
“C’mon, sweetie, just let go,” he says.
“I’m trying,” she says. “It just won’t come out! This sucks: I’m desperate to pee, I’m trying to pee, and I can’t pee! This is so unfair!”
“Here,” AJ says, and squeezes hard around her waist. She shrieks a little, but still her tightly clenched sphincter refuses to open.
Helena, who’s been watching the proceedings, says, “AJ? She’s really, really ticklish right under her boobs.”
Armed with this advice, AJ proceeds to tickle his girl mercilessly until he feels a hot, wet squirt on his lap, then another, and finally a steady, pulsing flow. He leaves off tickling Penny, instead enjoying her sighs of relief as her bladder empties into his lap. It takes almost a minute for it all to come out.
“Better?” he asks.
“Much better,” she says. “How about you?”
“Well, if I pee my pants now, who’ll notice? So that’s cool. Trouble is, though, I’m desperate for something else now.”
He whispers it in her ear.
By: Weasel