The Gentleman Rocks the Suburbs

By: Weasel
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

It was late summer. In six days Anna was leaving for college. Kayleigh was taking off in five. And in exactly 42 hours, Parker was leaving himself, off to a rather distant school. He and Anna had only been going out since May, and while it had been fun, they had agreed that with the distance between their colleges, it probably wasn’t going to work out. With the cloud of impending break up looming over their heads, they hadn’t been hanging out much the last few weeks, but when Anna called Parker up and proposed a small gathering at her house, he’d cheerfully agreed.
There had been maybe six or seven people, all old friends, and it had been good to hang out with them. But Parker knew that Anna had something more on her mind; she’d asked him to acquire some alcohol.
Parker’s older brother, 21 and happy about it, had had no trouble in acquiring some cheap booze, and had very little hesitation in handing it over to Parker. “Be safe, li’l bro,” he’d said, taking Parker’s cash, and that was that. There wasn’t enough for the whole party, though, so Anna had told Parker to keep it under cover in his car and wait until everyone else had left.
Before 10 PM everyone but Parker, Anna, and Kayleigh were gone. Anna told her mom that they were going for a walk to a nearby park, where she and Kayleigh had often played, for old time’s sake.
“Is Parker going with you?” her mother asked.
“Of course,” Anna replied.
“Okay, then,” her mom answered. “Do you know when you’re coming home?”
“We might walk around for a while,” Anna said airily.
“Don’t stay out too late,” came the motherly warning, but that was it. Parker smiled inwardly that his reputation was still that good, despite the fact that he and Anna had been doing things no mom would approve of, ever since May.
They took Parker’s car and drove to a nearby park. It was a small, well–shaded park on a gentle hillside, with a lot of trees and not very many lights, so after sundown it was quiet and fairly private. It would be easy to spot anyone coming, while it would be hard for anyone passing by to see them and what they were doing, and there were back ways out, too, so it was the perfect place to go drinking.
Parker broke out the twelve–pack of cheap cans and they split it three ways, sitting around a picnic table and talking in the dark. After one and a half cans, however, Kayleigh announced that she couldn’t drink all four of her allotment, and gave her unopened two to Parker.
Maybe twenty minutes later, Kayleigh giggled and whispered something to Anna, who was sitting next to her. Anna had been playing footsie with Parker, who sat across from them. Anna grinned a little at Kayleigh’s whispered comment.
“Hey, hey!” Parker said. “It’s not polite to keep secrets.”
“Kayleigh was just saying––” Anna began, but Kayleigh gave a playful little shriek and covered her friend’s mouth. “Don’t tell him!” she said.
“Okay, now I really want to know,” Parker said. “Is it about me?”
“No,” Kayleigh said, giggling again.
“We just have to pee, that’s all,” Anna said.
“Pee,” Parker said. “Good idea.” He got up and watered a nearby tree, to the sound of the girls giggling hysterically.
“Like you’ve never seen a guy pee before,” Parker said.
“It’s not that,” Anna said. She explained that Kayleigh had wanted to know how big Parker’s penis was, which Kayleigh hotly denied, and so the conversation continued. Every now and then Parker tried to steer it back to the pee issue, saying, “How did we get on this, anyway?” but it didn’t work until Kayleigh, squirming a little, had a whispered conversation with Anna again, and Anna leaned across to Parker. “Can you drive us to your house, Parker?” she said.
“Probably not,” Parker said, hoisting his fifth beer.
“Well, how soon can you?”
“Not for a while. How come?”
“Kayleigh really needs to pee, and there aren’t any bathrooms here.”
“Why my house? Your place is, like, four blocks away.”
“Six,” Anna corrected, “but that’s not the trouble. The trouble is, all our parents are home, and if they smell beer on us, we’re gonna be in so much trouble.”
“My parents are home, too,” Parker said, “and anyway, I shouldn’t drive for a long time. I figured we were gonna be out for a few more hours.”
“Well, we want to stay out,” Anna said, “but we do need to pee.”
“Just do what I did, pee right here,” Parker said.
“What, so you can get a good look?” Anna countered, teasing.
“That’s not what I meant,” Parker denied hotly.
“I don’t mind,” Anna said. “You’ve seen most of me already anyway. But I don’t think Kayleigh wants to show off quite that much… or maybe I’m jumping to conclusions! How about it, Kay, you want to flash Parker?”
Kayleigh blushed beet red and ducked her head.
“Suddenly I like the way this conversation is going,” Parker said.
Anna laughed. “You would!” Then her laugh turned to a grimace. “Shit, that makes me need to go bad.”
She stood up and looked around. Almost all the spots were equally dark, outside the light of the lamppost by the playground. “Doesn’t really matter,” she said to herself. She took two steps towards the nearest tree, turned back to face them, and unzipped her jeans.
“Do you want me to look away?” Parker said.
“Nah,” Anna said casually, pulling down her panties and going into her squat. She kept her butt up, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees as if she were leaning on a wall, not pissing in a park. “You’ve both seen me naked before.”
Armed with this approval, Parker simply stared… but in the shadows he didn’t see much. The pale flesh of her butt and thighs was somewhat visible, and the hiss of her pee was clearly audible, but nothing more.
Back at the picnic table Kayleigh gave a nervous little giggle and stared at Anna as well. She made no move to join her friend, but instead crossed her legs.
Anna returned to the table and sighed with satisfaction. “That,” she said, “felt good.”
Before long, Parker had to pee again –– the beer was going through him very fast –– so he stood and unzipped his fly right there next to the table. “Hey, Kayleigh, want to watch this time?” he said.
Kayleigh hung her head and looked away. Parker kept up his good–natured teasing, offering to show her just how big it was, until his need overrode his humor and he turned away to water the grass. When he turned back he realized at once that something was wrong. Kayleigh was hunched over, crying very softly, and Anna had an arm around her. “What’s wrong?” Parker asked, the sight sobering him (a bit).
Kayleigh sobbed something to Anna, who waved Parker away, but Parker instead knelt down in the grass beside the bench and told Kayleigh he wasn’t leaving until he knew she was all right and everything was okay.
“Nothing’s okay,” Kayleigh said, her voice rising. “All my friends are leaving and I didn’t get into college and I don’t have a boyfriend and I really, really have to pee!” This last was almost a shriek.
After this she resumed sobbing. Anna quickly filled in some gaps for Parker. Kayleigh was a virgin and was very self–conscious about her lack of experience. Also, apparently she’d had a serious crush on him several years ago. This had made his sex–tinged teasing of a moment ago pretty painful for her. Plus, her best friends were all leaving town, while she had to stay at home and work, having not been accepted at the colleges she’d applied to. And she was drunk and desperate to pee. All this had led to a spontaneous outburst of tears.
“Kayleigh, I’m sorry,” Parker said. He started to explain he hadn’t meant anything by it… that he didn’t know… but all the excuses he thought of sounded flat and stupid to him, so he simply said he was sorry again, and asked her forgiveness.
“I wish I’d known, back in the day,” he added. “We could have… we might…” he trailed off and waved his hands helplessly. Sure, he and Anna had kind of broken up, but it still felt awkward to say that he wished he’d gotten with Kayleigh before he’d gotten with Anna, and even more awkward to suggest that he’d be happy to take care of her virginity “problem” right here and now, if she wanted and if Anna permitted (or better yet, joined in). So instead he finished lamely, “You should pee, Kayleigh.”
“I can’t,” she moaned. “I’ve never peed outside before.”
“Well, what about…?” Parker said, thinking back to her wetting accident last May, but he stopped himself in time. That didn’t really count. He covered his near–gaffe by standing up purposefully. “Well, if nothing else, we can teach you how to do it,” he said. “Anna, you with me?”
“Sure,” his possibly–ex–girlfriend said. “Here, Kay, stand up. Can you stand?”
Kayleigh could, with some difficulty. She immediately crossed one tan leg over the other and bent forward slightly, her short shorts accentuating both her long limbs and her skinny–but–cute butt.
“Now, we need you to squat,” Anna instructed. Kayleigh tried to, but tried to keep her legs crossed at the same time, and overbalanced. Parker caught her before she fell. After a couple more attempts it became clear that Kayleigh was not used to squatting in such a position, especially when somewhat drunk, and needed someone or something to hold onto. Anna was either not strong enough or too intoxicated herself to do the job, so Parker filled the gap, holding Kayleigh by one arm as she struggled to hold her pee back with her other hand. Then she tipped to one side and Parker had to grab her other arm as well. Anna came to the rescue and simply pulled Kayleigh’s shorts down to her ankles.
Kayleigh flinched but started peeing a second later. Parker was, as usual, caught between impulses. Being young and somewhat drunk, his better instincts put up less of a fight than usual, and he stared down at the girl pissing at his feet, noticing with some interest he also got a glimpse of her breasts inside the thin fabric of her spaghetti–strap top. He felt himself stiffen.
After a long time Kayleigh’s bladder was finally empty, and with help from her friends the girl got dressed again. Parker weighed his options: right this second he was pretty darn turned on by Kayleigh, and really wanted to have sex with her right on the picnic table. But Anna was here, and he wanted to have sex with her, too, and it didn’t seem wise at all. So instead he told Kayleigh, “All right, we should get you home,” and started them walking back to Anna’s house.
Kayleigh lived on Anna’s street, three doors up, and they came to her house first. After satisfying themselves that Kayleigh was sober –– or at least sober enough to pass –– they said goodbye and watched the door close.
“Parker?” Anna said as they stood beneath the streetlight.
“I’ve got to pee again.”
“Well, your house is right there, let’s go.”
She shook her head. “I can’t go in yet.”
“Why not?”
She put her arms around him and kissed his cheek. “I don’t want to,” she said, and pressed her body against him.
Parker kissed her back. “Can you hold it until afterwards?” he asked.
“I can try,” she said bravely.
They ducked into the gate that led to her back yard. She poked her head around the side of the house to see if her parents were on the patio; they weren’t. She turned back to Parker and they fumbled with each other, unused to doing it upright, and finally Anna whispered, “Sorry, Parker, I can’t hold it anymore,” and dropped down to squat beside him.
When she finished, he was more than ready for her.
By: Weasel