King Neptune

21 stories

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Life is Good
By: King Neptune (31 Aug 2003, Sunday)

'Life is good,' thought Bill Williams as he cruised down the freeway. The college girls in the red convertible had slowed alongside his service van, allowing him a good look at their bikini clad bodies as they headed for a day at the beach. He was pretty sure the redhead had to pee, at least that's what she said to her friend who was driving. Bill really liked girls who needed to pee. The way she had been wriggling on the seat, he believed her! Bill worked all over Southern California doing bank maintenance for a national company. The job offered varied scenery, good pay and freedom in scheduling his time. The fringe benefits of driving the Southern California freeways had to be seen to be believed. He had…

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Alone in the World
By: King Neptune (30 Jun 2003, Monday)

Mary Ann Gardener wrinkles her pert nose in disdain as she walks, quickly, past the ladies' room. She and her husband Richard have spent the early evening dining and dancing at their country club and are getting ready to go home. She can make it home; She is a lady, a grown woman, not a child. She dislikes public restrooms anyway. She really doesn't like to pee in a restroom at all. It is no secret. There is more, but it is very secret. No one must ever know. Mary Ann is a lady. She keeps the arousing thoughts away. Richard would never understand. The petals of Mary Ann's flower part slightly, an immeasurable microscopic fraction of a millimeter, a yawn, the miniscule beginning of an awakening. She does not…

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A Fairy Tale
By: King Neptune (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

Melissa Barnes was running late for work. Her car was nearly out of fuel and she really, really needed to pee. She debated with herself about what to do. As a sudden spasm of her distended bladder came over her, she jammed her hand into her crotch to stem the impending flood. She rubbed her pussy, hard, barely getting control. It did not bother her that a small squirt of her golden fluid had escaped despite her best efforts. Melissa had always enjoyed peeing her panties, and just because it was not convenient was little reason not to enjoy it, especially if it was out of her control. She closed her bright blue eyes for a second, enjoying the feelings between her shapely legs. Melissa kept her ex–cheerleader's…

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The Bear Facts
By: King Neptune (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

Lisa Morrow woke up knowing something wasn't quite right. She had to pee really badly, but that wasn't what had awakened the voluptuous college senior. She glanced over at her companion. Sara Lennox was still fast asleep. Lisa puzzled for a moment, wondering what had awakened her. It was very quiet in the forest at this time of day. The first vaporous light from the breaking day penetrated the thick tree cover under which they had camped. The tent was still dark save the weak light from the glass covered candle lantern, itself burned to a nub. Lisa was just about ready to decide it was nothing and crawl back into the warm sleeping bag with Sara when she heard a noise. The sound was not loud but it did get her…

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An Act of Desperation
By: King Neptune (31 Mar 2003, Monday)

Gina Marstin sat at her computer with her hand between her legs trying to prolong the inevitable... a trip to the bathroom to relieve her torturously full and visibly swollen bladder. It wasn't that this would provide any help in keeping her silky white nylon panties dry; they had hosted her deliciously wet pussy for quite some time before her desperation (and her fingers) had entered the picture. As she contemplated her trip to the bathroom she thought how she, always so prim and proper, had arrived at this point. She and her husband were opposites in everything they did. She was an early riser and he liked to sleep in. Since their bedroom time was so different, they discovered early in their 12–year…

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Like Father, Like Son
By: King Neptune (31 Mar 2003, Monday)

Sue Frederick took a shallow breath and tried to maintain her composure. She had not accounted for the extra pressure on her bladder from the huge soft drink her employee had ordered for each of them at lunch. It had fallen in well with her plan so she had said nothing. Now she was beginning to wonder about her timing, to say nothing of her bladder capacity. Reminding herself of her goal, she gave herself a quick caress between her legs, then another because it felt sooo good the first time. Art would not know what hit him! At 135 pounds on a five foot three inch frame, the dark haired accounting supervisor could have been a bit chubby, but Sue had been blessed with a firm, ample bust topped by richly dark…

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