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Like a Baby
By: Aquarius (31 May 2004, Monday)

Sarah stood in front of the mirror, her heart beating, her hands trembling. She looked at herself, a brown–haired girl with a white sweater and a denim skirt, with smallish breasts, narrow waist and round hips; a quite ordinary–looking girl of nineteen. Then she lifted her skirt and revealed her panties, and under them, the bulkiness of diapers. Sarah had been looking after her friend Anne's two–year–old daughter for some time while Anne worked odd shifts at the hospital. Once, as Anne had showed her where the diapers were kept, Sarah had noticed another package. Anne had laughed, a little bit embarrassed, and said she had had some problems after giving birth, you know, leaking a little... Sarah had been…

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Teaching Sam to have Fun
By: Dribblets (31 May 2004, Monday)

I had known Sam for about 5 years when I had my first encounter. But I almost never slept over at other people's houses, and had never stayed at her house too late. She had also never slept at my house either. So when my parents said they would be out of town that weekend, but weren't planning on taking me with them, I was excited– it sounded like the perfect opportunity to have the sleepover with Sam that I had been waiting to have. Sam's parents were going to visit her older sister, who had just had a new baby, so they would be gone as well, which left us either house available for our sleepover. Sam decided that she wanted me to stay with her at her house instead of coming to mine– and for some reason she…

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If Only
By: King Neptune (31 May 2004, Monday)

Zane Carson woke up feeling great! It was Saturday morning and he would be working on his house today. He needed to work in the attic and knew it would be best done early, before the Southern California sun turned the attic into an oven. Zane rolled out of bed, dressed and set up his ladder under the attic access door. He worked quickly, tossing all his materials, tools and water jug up into the opening. Ignoring the twinge in his bladder, Zane climbed the ladder and entered the attic. He was glad to see the generous vents at each end of his attic, which would help keep air moving. Zane had just settled in a Los Angeles suburb where he had obtained a good job in information technology. The active and fit 45…

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The Scan
By: Watcher (31 May 2004, Monday)

The instructions in the letter from the hospital were quite clear. "Drink at least 2 pints of water before you attend for Ultrasound scanning, and do not relieve yourself until after the scan. It is important for good results that your bladder is full at the time of the scan." Kate was a normally healthy, slender 18–year–old, but she had been having trouble with pains in her abdomen, and the doctor had referred her to the hospital for a scan to see if anything would show up. Now she looked at the letter again. The appointment was for 10:30 a.m., so she didn't need to leave the house until at least 10, the hospital was only about 15 minutes' walk away. On the morning of the appointment, the alarm clock rang…

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Sly Guy
By: Beemer Bob (30 Apr 2004, Friday)

I work in a real estate office and I get to meet and interact with all kinds of great folks. Having spent all my life in the retail business both working with and watching people, I've learned how to feed my fetishes by setting up scenarios without the players knowing what's going on. I know it's devious but I can't help myself as they just sort of fall into the act. Sometimes this talent comes in handy when you have some of the fetishes we all seem to enjoy. We often hold public open houses where we will open up a home and let the public tour it. It gives us the chance to meet new buyers and to help market a property we have listed. Sometimes those listed properties are new homes that have been built in…

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Locked in the Grocery Store
By: Dribblets (30 Apr 2004, Friday)

Blair was grocery shopping for the big party she was having the next day. All she could think about as she walked down the aisles was the huge amount of fun she would have with all of her girlfriends. Unfortunately, she had gotten so caught up in everything she was doing at home that she had forgotten to go to the grocery store until the very last minute. "I hope I can manage to get there before it closes" –she thought to herself. It was still open, but it was only 20 minutes from closing time. As she hurriedly made her way down the aisles, she was distracted by something going on in the back room. It sounded like an employee was getting fired, or at least yelled at a whole lot. So she hid behind a display…

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Birthday Shopping
By: Gillian (30 Apr 2004, Friday)

She rubbed her fingers over the imprinted logo; then slid her index finger into the slightly loose corner, tearing the envelope along the top edge, already knowing what was inside. The card, off white with a pink and blue speckled background with specks of silver glitter attached, simply read "Happy Birthday" with a big blue number "18" embossed in the lower right. Firework–like designs surrounded the big "18" emblem. She opened the card and quickly scanned the message, looking for a check she thought might be in there. "Happy 18th, honey. To a wonderful daughter on her special day! Love, Mom." Scribbled in black, from Mom's treasured 1940's fountain pen her grandmother had passed down to her. More importantly…

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Playing Sick Part 3
By: Susan Beach (30 Apr 2004, Friday)

Okay, earlier I had peed my panties sitting on the toilet (part 1) and peed my jeans on the bed (part 2). This was the greatest day ever! I was sure I was still drunk after all the rum I drank, but I still had 9 hours before anyone got home. It is not very often I get the house to myself so I decided to use it to the fullest. I drank more rum, but kept it slow. I wanted to stay in the joyous state I was in. I wondered what naughty thing was left to do. Then it came to me; what was more arousing than smoking? I had taken a few puffs before with friends, but had never smoked a whole cigarette before. I imagined peeing, masturbating, and smoking. What more could I want? Mom thought that I didn't know she sneaked…

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Wet, Wet Snow or a Wee Dance
By: Undine (30 Apr 2004, Friday)

It was just my luck that the night before we where to do the shopping for our house party, there was the biggest snowfall for years. Then to make matters worse, the strong winds had caused the snow to drift. Although the snow ploughs had made the main roads passable, the remainder of the thoroughfares were blocked to cars, even off–road vehicles. Ian, my husband, had dug paths along with the neighbors, so people could walk. But the nearest town was 6 miles away. After a lot of thought we decided on a plan of action, the nearest main road was one and a half miles across the fields. We decided to make a fun thing out of it and walk to the main road, then phone for a taxi. Then all dressed up in sweaters, wind…

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The Pretty Girl
By: Aimme (31 Mar 2004, Wednesday)

It was one of those days where I just felt randy, and it was about 4 in the afternoon. Time to get the mail. I went to the mailbox at my apartment complex, when I saw the prettiest girl walking along to the entrance door of my building. She was wearing a denim mini and a cute pink short sleeved shirt, so right away my mind began dancing with the idea of how lovely it would be to have a little of my kind of fun with her. As I thought of this, standing there at the mailbox, I let just a tiny dribble go in my pink boy cut panties, making sure none showed through my jeans. I headed back to the apartment, and who was standing at the door to my neighbors but the pretty girl. She was kind of dancing about strangely …

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Julia's Private Night
By: Aquarius (31 Mar 2004, Wednesday)

Julia watches herself in the mirror in the staff bathroom. Big meeting in half an hour, and as the new director of marketing she knows she has to make a good impression. She knows that is was her qualifications that got her the job, but looking okay is no disadvantage, right? Her hair is dark and curly and gathered in a ponytail, she is wearing a grey suit – a jacket and a straight skirt – above a white blouse, and her make–up is very discreet. She is a proper lady of twenty–five, single, who keeps a friendly distance to her suitors at work. Julia straightens her skirt and drinks a couple of mugs of water from the cooler. It's Friday. She's ready for the meeting. Afterwards they are served sandwiches and…

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Tales of Janis - Part 2
By: Janis (31 Mar 2004, Wednesday)

This is part two of my story. I almost didn't send it in. After reading my first installment on the Web I sort of panicked, I was afraid that someone could figure out whom I really am and that it might cause problems for me. I was also a bit embarrassed to read such intimate details about my life on a forum that basically anyone with a computer could read. Strangely enough, it was Carol who persuaded me to send in this next part. She read the first one after I told her it was going to be posted and wanted to read the rest of my impressions of that week. Now that some time has gone by and I've thought about it I think it would be pretty hard for someone to track me down, and even if it is embarrassing at times…

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Tropical Rain - Chapter 1: Darren's Storm
By: ShadowAndFlame (29 Feb 2004, Sunday)

Prince Kadrid stood at the silk–draped doorway to his royal harem, smiling at the sight of almost two dozen women from around the world, dressed in sheer dresses and skirts, lounging in the gorgeous rooms in the tropical sunlight. Holding back the silks, he entered, pulling behind him the new visitor to the palace, Darren, a tall, muscular man with a dark tan and short hair. Darren was a distinguished quest, and therefore was to have a pair of women for the night. Darren gaped at all of the women, and slowly walked around the rooms to find the ones he liked best. Finally, Darren pointed at two slender, tall women who were among a group talking softly together on the patio, sipping at tall pink lemonades. Cara…

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The Glade
By: Dan (31 Jan 2004, Saturday)

The sun was hot and the sky clear when Maryann set out in the morning. She carried a small lunch and a towel. Today she had decided to go off by herself and spend a quiet, private day in the forest. She had lived in these hills all her life and she knew every path and stream. At eighteen, Maryann was in full bloom. She wore close–fitting shorts and a man's white shirt with the shirttails tied across her bare stomach. With one part of her mind Maryann knew where she was headed and what she planned to do when she got there, but with another part of her mind she pretended she didn't know at all and was just out for a good long walk. On up into the hills she wandered, following paths she had known from early…

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A Small Wet World
By: King Neptune (31 Dec 2004, Wednesday)

Officer Jim Collins has been on traffic patrol for 7 years now and is pretty sure he has seen it all...except what he wants to see. He has heard the other traffic officers discuss seeing it from time to time, and has tried to get details without being "too" interested. His former patrol partner had pulled over a lady just last month for weaving in traffic. She had been about 28, pretty, and very drunk. She had gotten out of her car and flooded her panties while trying to walk a straight line. Jim had seen her at the station, but he could see nothing of her wetness; her dress had remained dry and he didn't think it would be wise to request a peek. Jim wants to see a genuine wet accident. He wants to pull over a…

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