
24 stories

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Audition Agony
By: Gillian (31 Oct 2002, Thursday)

Saturday, 6am: Danielle paced nude through her hotel room, coffee in hand, the sunlight streaming through the windows, making geometric patterns along the carpet. She looked at her watch. Another hour, and she had to be down the block at the old loft. Thankfully it was a nice day outside, and the walk would be short. Danielle stared at her suitcase. Picked a pair of black tights, a very short plaid miniskirt and a black long sleeve top. She skipped the bra; 34A wasn't going to get anyone's attention, and she hated the things anyway. Plus, she thought, she liked the feeling of the supple fabric of her top against her bare breasts. Underwear, she thought, what to wear. Ah, a tight fitting pair of panties, a snug…

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Ashley's Orientation Day
By: Gillian (31 Aug 2002, Saturday)

The ice cubes rattled against the large frosted glass as Ashley sipped the last drops of the fresh lemonade her Mom had just made by hand. Two glasses, and she still wanted more, but Mom interrupted her. "Ashley, we're ready, say goodbye to your sister, and let's get this thing started." It was the day all recent high school graduates waited for with anticipation: the 1st day of college. The two of them had already packed up the car, cleaned out her room (that her younger sister Katie was inheriting) and was ready to go. Outside of the hot August temperatures, it was a perfect day for the three–hour drive to college. Earlier that day Ashley had taken her last morning jog through the familiar neighborhood,…

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Senior Night Humiliation
By: Gillian (30 Jun 2002, Sunday)

The night had been fun, for sure. Driving along the dark road back to their hometown, the two seniors were giddy with excitement. The Senior Night their high school had thrown for them was pretty cool, especially considering that it was the principal's idea. Surely his teenage son planned it, they had thought, laughing. Of course, the principal didn't know that over half of the seniors had snuck in alcohol, sneaking drinks in the bathrooms or out by their cars when the chaperones weren't looking. There wasn't going to be any alcohol in this car though, Amber thought, as she drove home, still with a slight buzz on. She couldn't believer her Dad let her take HIS car, his prized Mercedes, out on the town for one…

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Locked Bathroom Agony
By: Gillian (31 May 2002, Friday)

The minivan pulled up in the parking lot, packed full of stuff. Looked like the annual ritual of moving your child off to college. Hurriedly, she closed the passenger door of her Mom's minivan quickly, hopping out to the ground, yelling at her mother to hurry. Knees knocked together, the girl was in a panic. "Mom, hurry up!" she yelled, "I really gotta go to the bathroom, come on, let's go inside before I have an accident right here!" I had just pulled into the parking lot, ready to grab some lunch and I had to use the bathroom pretty badly myself. It was a long drive down I–95, and I hadn't relieved myself in a few hours and my black leggings were starting to fit snug against my body as my bladder swelled. It…

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Accident in Ballet Class
By: Gillian (31 Mar 2002, Sunday)

This story is based on something that happened in a ballet class I used to take. It was the first time I had witnessed a major accident by another girl who wasn't a child and I found the experience incredibly interesting. Emily rushed into the house, running late after spending too much time with her friends that morning. It was nearing noon, but there was no time for lunch as she had to rush off to ballet class in a few minutes. Thirsty more than hungry, Emily hurriedly downed a bottle of water and ate an apple, while Mom reminded her that she was running late for class. Emily had just been promoted to a trainee with the ballet company, and the rules were strict. If you missed just one class or were late…

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Punishment by Desperation
By: Gillian (31 Mar 2002, Sunday)

"Can we go to the mall tonight?" Kelli asked. "Sure, I guess." Meg replied, figuring anything was better than sitting around the house. Being a companion/tutor (babysitter?) was boring, but Meg needed the money. Grad School was expensive, and Kelli's parents paid better than anyone else she had worked for. Meg couldn't figure out why she really needed a companion. Kelli was a senior, she thought, and should have plenty of friends for companionship; although her small size fooled many into thinking she was younger. But hell, Meg thought, Kelli was a serious hottie. Good thing her parents didn't know of Meg's sexual preferences, she thought. And tonight Kelli looked pretty good, dressed in a pair of very tight…

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Lunch Rush Desperation
By: Gillian (28 Feb 2002, Thursday)

"Is this order for here or to go?" Melanie asked the customer across the counter. "Uh, for here, uh, I'll have a cheeseburger with bacon, large fries and a medium Sprite please," the customer ordered. Melanie stared up at the clock of the local burger joint. 11 a.m. A chain fast food restaurant, on the verge of the daily lunch hour rushes. Melanie worked the morning mid–day to mid afternoon shift, 5 days a week, while saving for night classes at community college. Recently having graduated from high school, Melanie needed steady work and this was close to home. She'd come in around 10 o'clock, do some prep work in the kitchen, and then shift to the front register during lunch rush, staying there until she left…

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Airport Humiliation
By: Gillian (28 Feb 2002, Thursday)

Traffic during the Christmas holiday was always hell. Jen sighed, looking at her watch, stuck in the middle left lane on the interstate as traffic crawled along. Her Honda Accord looked like an ant in the middle of an ant farm, insignificant when viewed from above. Another three exits ahead and she'd be at the airport, she thought, running late as usual. The airlines had been saying to get to the airport two hours early because of all the increased security, and she wasn't going to make that. "Oh well, they probably are making it out worse than it really is," Jen spoke out loud, to nobody in particular. Traffic stopped again. Jen turned down the heat in the car. It was a decent day for once and not as cold as…

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NYC Accident
By: Gillian (28 Feb 2002, Thursday)

The MD80 touched down at LaGuardia airport, fifteen minutes late. Rebekah was, as usual, stuck in the back half of the plane in 20A, waiting with her body half in the aisle, half in the seats for the passengers in front of her to get off the arriving plane. The flight hadn't been too bad, a couple of hours in the air, no major problems. Rebekah wasn't terribly fond of flying, but nothing that a few drinks at the bar wouldn't help. After a few minutes of waiting, she got off the plane and walked up the airway to the gate area. She'd been to NY before, but usually had driven; flying in was something new. She was surprised by how small the airport was compared to the one back home. It was good to be away, she…

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