
Below you can find the list of stories sorted from newest to oldest. You can use page navigation at the bottom of this page, filter by author or tag.

A Cyclist's Discovery
By: Jaxx (31 Jul 2007, Tuesday)

On a warm, calm spring evening, Steph decides to go for a bike ride. There are no good bike trails around her house so she drives to a trail entrance, parks, and takes out her bike. Pushing her long, blonde hair out of view, she gets on and begins to ride. She hasn't been out for a couple weeks and it feels good. Her athletic, 23–year old body responds well to her vigorous pedalling and she speeds along, aerodynamic in a relatively thick purple cycling bib with a tight long–sleeve purple and black shirt over top. She remembers that she probably should have gone to the bathroom before leaving, but she thinks that she'll have to learn to hold her bladder if she wants to do well in serious long–distance races.…

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Just Once!
By: Jay-Gee (31 Jul 2007, Tuesday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Female Wetting, Male & Female Urination, and Sex. Cathy and I were together for over three years. She was attractive, warm, kind, intelligent and witty. Everything a man could want, it might seem. Unfortunately not, if a man had tastes like mine. As far as my preferred fantasies were concerned, she was a sad disappointment. She wasn't shy or inhibited in any way; she would announce, "I'm going to the toilet" in a quite matter–of–fact tone. But that was all. Never did she admit to being "desperate" or "bursting," or to any kind of urgency. Sometimes when we came home she would head to the bathroom without delay, but never did she offer the slightest comment – "I…

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Jenny's Job at the Ski Rental - Part 1
By: The Golden Alchemist (30 Jun 2007, Saturday)

The warm morning breeze played through Jenny's chestnut colored hair as she rode her bicycle down the beach boardwalk and then off to the side trail that led down to the river and marina next to the seashore. It was Jenny's first day on the job at the Jet Ski rental booth and she was excited to be back in her hometown for the summer. The beach town was always an awesome place to be when the weather was warm and the boardwalk and surrounding shops were pulsating with activity all day and most of the night. Restaurants, bars, tattoo parlours, and bikini shops were filled with people here during the summer months and Jenny never missed an opportunity to be a part of it. Jenny had just turned 19 a few weeks…

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Internet Orders - Part 1
By: Olivia (30 Jun 2007, Saturday)

So I've been talking to this guy for a long time on this game I play. Most people call it SL (second life). He has a fetish for forcing girls to hold their pee. I also have a fetish to see how long I can hold it in. I have since I was about 12 years old actually. I told him about it, and that my fetish was in real life, not just chat, or on line. So we started this...relationship. I have a schedule now, when I am allowed to relieve my self. This is my routine: 2 hours after I wake up. (Since my urge is most strong in the morning) Then, if I am not at work, I must wait 6 hours. If I am working I must wait 4 (longer if I can). Then, I am allowed to use it once more 1 hour before bed. If I stay up later than…

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Summer's Summer
By: Amoeba (31 May 2007, Thursday)

'Oh fucking GOD it's too fucking HOT today,' thought Summer as she walked down the street with her friend. "Yeah it is," her friend Mandy replied. Summer's brain stopped for a second before she realized that she was thinking out loud. "So what are we going to do?" Summer asked, her long blonde hair falling almost seductively over her face, sweat dripping from her shoulders down under her tank top, making her 36 Cs glisten under the hot sun. The only thing on her that wasn't sweaty was her toned, tan legs, which looked especially sexy in her short pink & white striped satin basketball shorts. For being 25 she definitely looked like she could still be in high school and yet would get any guy's testosterone…

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My Waitress Job
By: Olga (31 May 2007, Thursday)

Last week I started a waitress job at this club. The first day, my shift started at 8, and they told me to get there by 7:30 because I'd need to change and fill out a bit of paperwork. The outfit they gave me was actually quite sexy. Tight t–shirt and a very short miniskirt that only covered half my butt and just barely covered my pussy. They offered me a couple of drinks to loosen my up (on the house of course), which I gladly accepted. Since it was a night shift there was no lunch break, but I would get 2 paid 15 minute breaks during my shift, which was to end at 5 AM. Things started getting really busy around 10. Around that time I also remember I started to feel a pretty strong urge to pee. It was so…

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Public Fun
By: Growth Spurt (30 Apr 2007, Monday)

Margaret shifted her weight, a carefully neutral expression on her face. She tugged at my sleeve and I leaned towards her, feeling the heat of her breath on my ear as she hissed quietly, "Let's get out of here. I'm not gonna make it if this queue keeps stalling like this." I nodded. The queue to the loos was truly impressive; people in various stages of discomfort were watching their places like hawks to ensure a few minutes of privacy in the smelly bluish interior of a porta–potty. Marge and I lined up ten minutes ago and we still were too far from the plastic grails, and when I say "we," I mean my wife, because I for one hadn't been drinking ale. Walking stiffly, Margaret followed me away from the…

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My First (and best ever) Experience
By: Julia (30 Apr 2007, Monday)

My First (and best ever) Experience My name is Julia. Though I'm still in high school, since I'm now 18, I feel liberated, in that now I can share my experiences with others. This story is about my first experience, when I first learned that peeing and watching others pee was such a turn–on for me. Though I like boys, I like peeing with other girls more than anything else in the world, and in that aspect, I guess I'm somewhat of a bisexual. This story is told in the third person. I chose to write it this way so that I could include every event that took place, since I wasn't in the same room as some of the other girls when they peed. Chloe, Claire, Julia, Ashley and Dani were all going over to Eliza's house…

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Oh, What a Relief it is
By: Moonshadow (30 Apr 2007, Monday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Male Wetting, Foreplay, and Sex. I have been living in Portland, Oregon for some time now and I like to go out and have a drink at a bar called Thatcher's. I have never known where the restroom is and as I particularly don't like to use the toilet anyway I have never asked. Well one day I left home and caught a bus. I stood out at that bus stop for what seemed forever when I began to realize I needed to go pee. I was meeting someone at Thatcher's and didn't want to be late so I decided to wait until I got to the bar and hopefully would find a quiet corner to pee in. As the bus came down the hill I was dancing back and forth trying…

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When Sisters Become Friends
By: Amoeba (31 Mar 2007, Saturday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Foreplay, and Sex. One day, 19–year–old Allie was sitting home alone in the summer time, just hanging out in her short denim skirt and pink camisole (and if you were looking up her skirt you would see her dark blue cotton bikini panties.) She sat there on the couch bored, watching TV and sipping at her Coke. She was quite a naughty and promiscuous girl, and got anyone she wanted when she wanted wasn't too hard for her; all she had to do was throw her long, brunette hair over her shoulder and smile her shiny lips at somebody, show off her perfect white teeth with the glitter in her brown eyes and she had them. She was…

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The Tricky Game
By: Anna J. (31 Mar 2007, Saturday)

As I mentioned previously, my original story was based on true events but not quite. What is true is that I am twenty and The Diet really has taken off at my office causing some pretty interesting events – well it's of interest to me anyway. While I am heterosexual something about seeing someone (regardless of gender) desperate to pee makes me crazy. Anyway, at the office there is this girl Hannah who is very pretty but not exactly a rocket scientist and is kind of full of herself. The truth is that I doubt we'd talk if we didn't go to the same gym. She came over to me the other week and casually asked me if I thought The Diet made me better at holding it. I replied that yeah, of course it did since it makes…

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Good Idea (Part 1)
By: Swordfish (31 Mar 2007, Saturday)

Good Idea (Part 1) It was a hot day, hot even for the south of Spain, and the three girls were all feeling the heat. The three girls in question are Courtney – a brunette of around 5'8", Hannah – a blonde with an inch of height on Courtney, and Tiffany – another darker brunette of around 5'6". All three girls were slim and fairly lightly built. The three girls had gone to secondary school together, and having just finished sixth form, were enjoying their summer before they went away to university. They started with a trip to Spain – they were to spend several weeks in the country, joining various tour groups and being shown the sights. On this particularly hot day, the girls were being shown around a museum.…

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The Sisters: A Day at the Park - Part 2
By: Gus74 (28 Feb 2007, Wednesday)

A month has passed since the holding contest, and Elizabeth had forgotten about her suspicions that peeing herself sexually arouses her sister Alyssa. That time, while she was peeing her clothes sitting on the toilet, she would've sworn that Alyssa was touching herself. But as the days passed by, she began to discard that idea, thinking that it was only her imagination, until something happened that reminded her of those suspicions. Yesterday they were alone at their mother's house playing cards, drinking tea and eating crackers. Once during the game Elizabeth felt the need to pee, but she ignored it because the game was getting interesting, and later the urge passed. When the game was over, they took the…

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By: Lexiana (28 Feb 2007, Wednesday)

Once upon a time there was a princess named Ella who had just turned 18. She was allowed to move out at age 18 so she found a nice castle thousands of miles away from the King and Queen and decided to move there. After getting settled into the castle, Ella realized that she would need some servants. She had also always wanted some personal companions who would keep her company and who would be her friends if she so wanted them to. So she looked through the phone book to find what she was looking for. She came upon a rather odd listing. There was a picture of four women in their 20's who were offering to come live with someone and attend to their every need, including just being a companion or best friend if so…

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10th In Line
By: Sparky (28 Feb 2007, Wednesday)

"Definitely, we'll be there!" says Mandy as she hangs up the phone, and smiles. "Hey Nick! Were going to a party tonight!" She stands up, from sitting on the edge of the bed, and walks over to the bathroom, Nick is running water, washing his razor blade as he stands there looking in the mirror half shaven, using the mirror he looks over. "Who's having the party?" He asks. "Oh Trev, apparently it's HUGE, everyone will be there!" Nick rolls his eyes, and smiles. "Alrighty, what time?" "Well, we could go early I thought, We could have a few drinks here before we go too, I wanted to drink that Chambord, I would take it but I don't want those assholes to get their hands on it, so we'll start drinking here, and…

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