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It took only a few minutes for Marianne to return. She was dressed in casually cut, but a size too small jeans and a pink, wide cut tank top showing the laces and upper parts of her not color matching white bra. Still, the d'collet' gave a good impression of her large breasts. Laura wondered how she was going to support her apparently heavy backpack for hours, the straps directly rubbing on her skin. The jeans were apparently old, since the zipper didn't close all the way, making the jeans bulge out a bit below the beltline. "Here I am!" Marianne said, "And I brought a few bottles of water and some food for a picnic." "Okay, then let's go – we have provisions, too." The women answered and together they set…
Read →Oh no, I woke up too late! Glanced at the clock, quarter past eight I hurried into my pink panties and short skirt Covered up my C cup titties with a tight shirt Grabbed a quick bite and drink Already need to pee, but no time to I think I rush quickly out the door Already getting desperate for sure I made it to the bus stop just in time Got another soda, this one lemon & lime I let my blonde hair fall down So beautiful all the other girls cried and frowned I felt my bladder start to fill up Hoping I could make it to my bus stop So thirsty I had to drink another one Crossing my legs now, this should be fun Wriggling my legs while sitting on the bus Hoping to not wet myself and make a fuss I…
Read →It was my first day as a receptionist. I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a nice purple wool skirt, nice and tight to just above my knees then flared out a bit to just below my knee, a tight purple sweater that flattered my figure, underneath, a white satin lace–trimmed slip, sheer control top pantyhose, and matching lace–trimmed purple satin panties and bra. Everything was nice and tight, just like I liked it. I especially enjoyed the feel of my tight panties, pressing in my clitoral hood and the feel of the satin against my labia was delicious. I drank another glass of water before leaving.... Traffic was bad and the suburban bus was running late– all the coffee and water were adding up as I felt my…
Read →Lisa walked into the room and saw Christy going through her purse. She turned around and handed Lisa two twenty–dollar bills. Lisa looked up at Christy confused and Christy smirked at her, saying, "If you're going to be wetting your pants like a baby, then we need to treat you like one! I want you to go to the store and buy some diapers and a pacifier. Also buy a pair of handcuffs." Lisa threw her arms in the air and looked down at her soaking wet jeans. Christy smiled and said, "You're going just like you are now." She looked up at the clock. "Hurry, baby, I'm timing you." Christy lay on the couch and turned on the television. Lisa, red faced as ever, thought about telling Christy to go to hell, but in the…
Read →Victoria Gray smoothed down the skirt of her Armani dress, anxious that it should not wrinkle. She wanted to look every bit the $500 it had cost. It looked marvellous on her tall, willowy form, and she knew it. The choice made specifically for her performance evaluation that afternoon, looked smart, professional, and elegant, a garment to suit board members from the highly conservative to the outright lascivious. Victoria knew she was a hot contender for promotion to Assistant Regional Director of Highline Apparel, probably the fastest growing quality fashion chain on the east coast. She needed to look the part if she was going to go places within the company. After serving four years and working on…
Read →I was driving home from the office. I was alone in the car, and suddenly the traffic slowed and came to an abrupt halt. For the next half hour we started, crawled, and stopped, covering about half a mile. Up ahead there was a bus stop and about twenty folk waiting. I glanced in the mirrors and could see no bus behind me. I felt sorry for them because I guessed they'd got a fair wait ahead of them. As I looked at them I noticed one, a dark haired lady in her twenties jogging up and down. Suddenly her hand went between her legs and she bent forwards at the waist, bending her knees. Slowly she straightened up and seemed to regain control, but then she went into a pee dance, hopping rapidly from one foot to the…
Read →The other day I was at the public park when I saw two girls in their twenties showing clear signals of being desperate to pee. That's not unusual here. During these beautiful warm days women go out to enjoy the sun, and since it's hot outside they drink a lot of water that ends up in their bladders. Since there are just a few public toilets around, it's usual to see girls in different stages of desperation, or squatting behind a tree or a bush, or even once in a while peeing themselves, just a little or completely, while waiting in line for the toilet. What's odd about these two is to see them so desperate this early, when it's not even noon. Usually the best sightings are in the afternoon, after lunch,…
Read →Ellen was a colleague of mine at a large advertising agency. She and I were competing for the same promotion. The bosses at the agency made it clear that the winner got the job, and the loser had to leave. Ellen is a bright and attractive woman in her late 30's who was completely driven by work and success. So far as anyone knew, she had no private life. Her dress was stylish, but her in–office demeanor very prim. Ellen also never admitted mistake, nor showed any remorse. Her goal was to succeed by any means necessary. We did not work together, and our relationship was limited to saying hello to one another in the hallways. For six solid months Ellen and I competed for the coveted vice–president's position.…
Read →A few months ago my friend Melinda had given me a cigarette lighter. When she gave it to me I didn't smoke, so I thought it was a little weird. I guess because it led me to my first cigarette, I was not complaining– just curious. Why would she give such an odd gift? I got the answer today. Yesterday, Melinda and I were at the picnic table at school. We were just talking and gossiping as usual. As she did everyday, she opened the secret pocket in her book bag and pulled out a cigarette. She walked down to the "smokers ditch" and puffed away. As always, I followed her. As usual I seemed out of place in the smokers ditch. All of the others were Punks and Heads, the few that were lucky to have somehow gotten…
Read →I drank quite a bit this afternoon and now sitting at my desk, still in my work clothes, fully conscious of the way my bladder is filling. I'm at the point where I'm only slightly uncomfortable – I fidget from the time to time and although I try to keep my thighs from touching they snap together when I'm not being vigilant. Oh how I love this. Figured it was a good time to introduce myself. I'm a closet case. Twenty years old and my boyfriend doesn't know a thing about this little obsession of mine. I am very secretive about it. But I feel like sharing this bit of myself with you. Ever since I realized that being desperate gives me a huge thrill, I started experimenting with it. Drinking a lot in school and…
Read →Rachael would have given anything to thrust her hands between her legs and press her fingers against her pee–hole, but sitting at a supermarket checkout, it was not possible to hold herself without everyone seeing. And yet she would have to do something soon or she would piss her jeans before her shift ended at ten. The damned place was always short of staff, and her stints on the checkout were always far longer than they were supposed to be. She had started this session at five o'clock to cope with the influx of customers who stopped to shop for groceries on the way home from work. John Smithers, the supermarket manager, had promised that the evening staff would turn up by six and she would be free to leave…
Read →Don't ask me how it happened, because I just don't know. I'm a city boy, born and bred, you see. I go clubbing. I go to football matches. I work out at the gym. But I don't, never have, and never will "do" the countryside. I'm just not made for it– you see? And it, most certainly, is not made for me. The problem, though, is that from time to time a girl floats into the life that thinks the city stinks and the country is where it's at. Whereas, of course, as far as I'm concerned it's the country that stinks (literally, in many cases: I mean, have you ever actually smelled a pig farm or a stable yard?) and the city is where it's really at. If we can only agree to differ on this, then I guess it's possible that…
Read →This is another story from my younger days. As you might know from reading my other stories I had a problem admitting to other people that I had to pee, especially when I was younger. There was one incident where it could have gotten me into a ton of trouble both with my parents and the owners of an appliance store. Let me explain. Our refrigerator had broke, or was in the process of breaking so my parents decided to go shop for a new one after dinner. Now for some reason I had to come along. It was summer at the time, so I really can't think of a reason I would have been tagging along for something so boring. I must have been in trouble for something at the time but I can't quite remember if that was the…
Read →'T was the night before Christmas, when all through the house No creatures were stirring, except me and my spouse; Our bladders we'd been filling by the chimney without care, In hopes that even St. Nicholas our pants could not spare; Then we'd nestled down all snug in our bed, While visions of sexy accidents danced in our heads; And mamma in her panties and I in my cap, Had just settled in, but for much more than a winter's nap; When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, Our hands sprang to our pants stop the leaking from our bladders; Away to the window we flew like a flash, And stood crossing our legs while we threw up the sash; The moon on my wife's breasts, which were as white as snow, Gave the…
Read →It was a sunny but not too hot day in autumn. Carlene and I had agreed to meet after work to do a bit shopping and to enjoy the sun in a street cafe. It was already fairly cold in the morning, so that I had decided for an ankle length skirt and slightly thicker pantyhose. Carlene was wearing black leather pants that I had never seen on her before. They were skin–tight, reaching down to her lower legs, with zippers on the outside. Under those pants she was wearing black pantyhose and dark red ballerinas. Typically for her, her hose had runs at both heels one of which reached up to her pants. Although the ballerinas hid her toes, a huge run on her right forefoot allowed for the assumption that not too many of…
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