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Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Humiliation. Ever since my last accident, I'd been thinking on how to best go about my next wetting. Every idea just seemed too bold for me. I liked what I felt to a certain extent, but most of my initial ideas would potentially put me in very socially dangerous situations. I kept arguing with myself in that regard, because it is entirely the point to feel that danger. The simple release is nothing without thought of losing it, the fear of utter humiliation. That's when I came up with my plan. I wanted to pee in front of someone but have it not matter. I wanted to experience the urgency of a consequence to flooding my pants.…
Read →Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Masturbation. This is another real life experience from me, about what I did right after my previous story, "The camouflaged wetting" =) I had tortured my bladder two times today already, and I didn't know how much more it could handle. After stepping out of the shower where I cleaned up after trying my camouflage kit out, I needed to pee really often, like every 30–40 minutes, even though it wasn't much. My bladder was very weak, but I still had the evening and night for further experiments. Now that I had found this new interest, I couldn't let any opportunity go to waste. I was hoping that if I didn't torture my bladder at…
Read →Note: This story contains Female Desperation, and Accidental & Deliberate Wetting. Ellen tried to remove her work shoes while she talked on the office phone, meanwhile ignoring her cell phone. It blared her alma mater's fight song and made her realize how annoying her ring tone could be. She knew the cell phone call was Stephen and that he was mad at her. She continued to ignore it and it finally stopped ringing, and then beeped that there was voice mail. "No use looking at that," she said to herself. She walked over to the window and looked down. Ten stories below she could see Stephen's red Mercedes idling at the curb in front of the building. She knew he was inside the car, fuming at her lateness. She…
Read →Note: This story contains Female Desperation, and Accidental & Deliberate Wetting. My name is Daisy and I wet my pants last Sunday. I have no idea when my fetish with wetting began, but ever since I was little, there's always been something magical about the desperate struggle with nature. My earliest memories of feeling attracted to someone were memories of helping a struggling friend make it to the restroom and watching her fail en route. With such a fetish for watching, I've always been a careful soul in regards to my own bladder. I've wet myself a couple of times as a little girl, but that's to be expected. In my middle school and high school years, I'd never let myself get even remotely near the "danger…
Read →Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Accidental Wetting, Humiliation, Bondage, and Spanking. Things were going well between Tanja and me. I was madly in love with her and I could feel that she had a growing liking to me as well. We did have our differences though. I wanted nothing more than to be with Tanja all the time. She was absolutely amazing in every way. She was the woman I had only seen in my dreams until now. However, Tanja was more non–committal and tended to shy away from any discussions of getting to know each other better. She seemed to want to keep her options open and rolled with life as it came, taking in all of each and every experience. I had told her that I was okay with…
Read →Suzy stared out the airplane window, fascinated by the slow transformation of rural landscape into sprawling suburbia. Soon, she would be home from her business trip to the opposite side of the country. Slowly, as her attention shifted back to the inside of the plane, she became aware that she had been jiggling her leg, subconsciously fighting back the urge to go to the bathroom. To her left was her co–worker Jenna, who had also come along on the trip. Currently, she was asleep, her ample breasts rising and falling slowly in time with her breath. Her sleeping face, hidden slightly beneath her blond hair, was a soft mask of innocence, with a softer, rounder structure than Suzy's own sharper–edged but still…
Read →This is an absolutely true account of my experiences. Where to start? I guess the best place to start would be second grade. That was the first time that I realized there was something I loved about seeing a girl desperate for a pee, or wetting herself. I was sitting in class one day, and a girl sitting a couple seats down from me asked permission to go to the bathroom. The teacher said okay, and the girl headed out the door. She came back after only a minute or so and sat down. Not five minutes later, we all heard a splashing sound. The girl was peeing herself! When the teacher asked her why, she said that she had been unable to undo her overalls by herself. I had the most amazing thrill, not only from…
Read →Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Masturbation, and Sex. Disclaimer: All characters in this story are fictitious and any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. Marge and George were decorating their bedroom. The old wallpaper had been stripped off, the paintwork rubbed down, and they had been to purchase the new paint and paper. When they returned, and pulled onto the driveway, Marge went to unlock the front door while George got the goods out of the car. As he stood up he was surprised to see a young lady in obvious great discomfort approaching him. She only took small steps and yet was hurrying, clutching her abdomen. "Excuse me," she said to…
Read →I'm not quite sure why I'm telling you this story; I guess if someone enjoys it I'll feel a bit happier about what happened. So here goes.... I'm Katy, I live in Cornwall, I'm about five and a half feet tall with shoulder length dark hair, and people often say I look a bit like Posh Spice. I turned 19 a couple of weeks ago and as an extra special treat for my birthday my mum took me to New York on a shopping spree (I'm so spoilt!!) On the morning of the trip I had a couple of coffees and a bowl of cornflakes with lots of milk –yum! We set off in good time to get to Heathrow, I was sipping my water bottle as we made our way up the M4 when suddenly near the Chippenham junction the traffic ground to a halt,…
Read →Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Accidental Wetting, Humiliation, and Sex. My new job has kept me very busy to say the least. I begin work at 9:00 am each morning and quit at 5:00 pm. There is usually a few hours of work left over that I complete at home for clients coming in the next morning. Despite the big workload, I am enjoying my job. A big reason for this is the money. It is nice to be able to eat real meals after living on Kraft Dinner for the past six years. I am even considering moving out of my rented apartment and buying a place within the next year, a big step for someone just a few months out of university. Without a doubt, the best part of my job is Tanja. I fell in love…
Read →Daniela was a model for a car club in her state. Today she was leaving a photo shoot dressed in tight black short shorts, pink pantyhose, a pink tube top, and pink heels. During the shoot she had drank plenty of water due to how hot it was out, and by the time they were wrapping she felt the first few twinges telling her she needed to find a bathroom. Driving towards home she remembers that she needs to stop by Walmart to pick up a few things, all the while sipping on a large 2–liter bottle of water. By the time she pulls into the parking lot her bladder is under siege by all the water she drank, and she knows she needs to find a bathroom, but she thinks she can hold it until she gets home, so she grabs a…
Read →So there I was, my jeans drenched and tears flooding down my face – it was like being submerged under water. It was a well–lit street, and though nobody actually stared, people could easily see that I was standing in a puddle of my own urine. I had never felt so humiliated and so totally isolated in my whole life. Then Paul put his arm round me and said: "Come on, Peach love, let's get you home." It was so wonderful to feel that he wasn't disgusted with me that I just cried all the more. Paul wisely recognised that there was nothing he could say that would make things any better, just shepherded me silently back to his flat. When we got there, he led me straight into the bathroom. I pulled off all my clothes…
Read →"Ugh, this is going to be so stupid," Kelly groaned. Her senior science class was going on a hiking field trip today. She was sitting on the bus on the way to the trail with her friend Sara. "I know– that's why I brought this!" Sara exclaimed, pulling a half–full water bottle out of her bag. "What? Water?" Kelly asked. "Vodka," Sara said. "I only snagged enough from my parents to give us a good buzz, we don't want to get hammered on a class trip." "Awesome!" Kelly exclaimed. "Hey, got enough to share?" asked their friend Kim from the seat behind them. "I suppose," Sara sighed. Ten minutes later, the bus arrived at the trail. "If anyone needs to go to the bathroom, there's an outhouse over there," announced…
Read →Note: This story contains Female Desperation, and Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Exhibitionism, Foreplay, and Sex. God, it was hot! In fact, it was one of the hottest days I can ever remember, at least in the UK. It was so hot, you didn't want to do anything; even breathing was an effort. My friend Claire and I were sprawled on a park bench, shaded from the direct sunlight by a large tree. Neither of us had any energy at all – we'd just used up what little we had drinking cold lagers in a nearby pub! 'Oh, Christ, Jen! This heat really is just too much,' Claire wailed, 'I'm absolutely busting for a piss, but I can't be bothered to move!' She could almost have been reading my mind. My own bladder was…
Read →Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Sex. We hope you enjoy our contributions, if not for the writing, then just for knowing that what we write is true. Hopefully others will find wetting with a partner is not an empty dream, but with the right encouragement, something intimate and enjoyable for genuinely sharing. I have a very special relationship with my partner Val, which works very much for both of us. She modelled very successfully for a while, making very good money. She now works in the fashion industry and we have just started our own business. Although she is not turned on by wetting directly, she is happy to play my games and I hers. She will wet…
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