Deliberate Wetting

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Like Mother, Like Daughter
By: Debbie and Jason (30 Jun 2009, Tuesday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, and Accidental & Deliberate Wetting. 'Hurry up, Lucy! It's Saturday, don't forget – if we miss the train, there won't be another for more than two hours, and I really don't want to take the car.' 'Coming!' Rebecca grinned to herself as her daughter crashed down the stairs. Although in age technically and legally an adult she may be, but Lucy could still be a noisy adolescent when she wanted to. 'Okay, then. I'm ready.' Lucy put her arms round her mother's neck and gave her a hug. 'Thanks, Mum– I've been looking forward to today for ages and ages.' Today they were going on a shopping trip to London. It was a belated treat for Lucy's 18th birthday – belated by…

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The Walk - Part 2
By: JJ (30 Jun 2009, Tuesday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Masturbation. The bus arrived and Ann and Linda got on. When they were sitting Ann looked around. They were sitting at the back of the bus and no one was near them. Ann leaned over to Linda. "I do it here IF you promise to pee through your panties on the toilet in the mall." Linda thought about it for a few seconds. She was wearing black jeans so it wouldn't show a wet spot if she pulled her pants up to her wet panties. "Deal, but I only promise to try, I don't know if I can do it!" Ann just got up a little bit and pulled her skirt out from her bottom. She sat back down, folded her skirt up so it wasn't conspicuous but clearly…

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You'll Pay
By: Remos (30 Jun 2009, Tuesday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, and Accidental & Deliberate Wetting. Tonight was the night. All week I had carefully monitored my fluid intake preparing for this special night. My girlfriend and I were going out to a party with some close friends and I was driving. Normally this would have been the short straw, but, my mock annoyance covered my anticipation and delight well. In the four hours we were there, I helped her drink down at least three pints of various liquids while sipping slowly at a simple glass of water. I couldn't believe my luck as we walked back to our car, as she still hadn't gone to pee and by now must have a bladder that bulged more than my erect cock. Luckily Jess did…

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Artistic Pleasure
By: Gopher (31 May 2009, Sunday)

This story is fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely co–incidental. Pauline and I had been friends since early childhood. We'd grown up together, played together, gone to school together, and done lots of things together. We knew each other pretty well, or so I thought. We both loved cycling and often went for long bike rides in the country, and it was on a summer's day that we were out cycling together, and had stopped for a drink and a break. Pauline also likes painting. Scenes, portraits, that sort of thing and she's really good at it. She asked me if I would pose for her, as she wanted to paint me. I'd done so before so I said, "sure, of course I will." "Great, " said Pauline, "We'll talk…

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The Pee Gang - Introduction
By: Da1337dude (30 Apr 2009, Thursday)

Most people thought of them as the most despicable/disgusting/unpopular girls in the school, but some thought of them as heroes – not to mention a real turn–on. The pee gang was a group of three senior girls – Rachel, Melissa, and Randy. They were famous for the wetting stunts they frequently pulled. Probably their favourite trick was to use a two code–word system. Most people had no idea how they did it, but then again most people didn't try to be around every time the pee gang put on one of their shows. They'd stage a casual conversation, use one code–word to indicate when they were ready, which would then be repeated by all the other members of the group to indicate that they, too, were ready, and another…

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By: Gopher (30 Apr 2009, Thursday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Masturbation, and Foreplay. This story and the characters in it are fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Margaret, Maisie and Mandy were sisters. Margaret was the oldest aged 22, Maisie was 20, and Mandy was 19. About 5 years ago, while she was in school, Maisie had taken part in a French Exchange visit, where she went to stay with a family near Lyons for two weeks, and then the daughter of the French family, Juliette, came to stay with them for two weeks. They had kept in touch, and Juliette, who was the same age as Maisie, was spending a fortnight's break with Maisie and her sisters. Of course, there…

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The Camouflaged Wetting
By: Millan (31 Mar 2009, Tuesday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Masturbation. This is another real life experience from me :) When I had finished cleaning up after my first accident, I was still pretty confused... I mean, I'm not supposed to wet my pants when I'm almost 20 years, how could such an odd thing be the best turn–on ever? I still haven't figured that one out, but I stopped bothering. It's the best feeling ever, I don't care if I can't explain it as long as I love it! Anyway, I had two full days alone still, and it's not often I get the opportunity to be alone like this. Also, with school over for the week and no particular homework I needed to care about, I had nothing to do…

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Cindy's Wet Parade
By: R.D. Winston (31 Mar 2009, Tuesday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, and Accidental & Deliberate Wetting. Cindy quietly cursed each cup of coffee she had drunk on that cool, busy morning. It was almost 9 a.m. and the parade was about to begin. Her uncomfortably full bladder worried her. Could she hold on for the hour or more the parade would take before ending at a shopping center 2 miles away? "Damn, damn, damn," she said under her breath while pressing her thighs together. "And I don't even like coffee," she said ruefully. The morning had not gone well. She had awakened at 5 a.m. with just four hours sleep after partying with friends the night before. She had a slight hangover and immediately gulped down a cup of coffee to get…

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Holiday Romance
By: David England (28 Feb 2009, Saturday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Humiliation, and Foreplay. Going on holiday to Cyprus was supposed to be so much fun! My friends, Alice and Barbara had talked me into the idea, but I had my doubts from the start. "Come on Janice, why don't you join us on holiday before we all go off to university! It will be great – promise you!" The first day was quite nice, exploring the coast, and lazing in the warm sun, but I found the evening hell! To be honest, I guess I was just not very good at mixing with people, and I really couldn't bear the idea of getting disgustingly drunk! That first night we all three went into Paphos town and ended up at a big, noisy disco–bar…

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Pee Virus
By: Da1337dude (31 Jan 2009, Saturday)

MAJOR CHARACTERS: Marilyn: The main character. She has long, blonde hair, a smooth, unblemished face, and sexy, but not overtly big, boobs. Julia: The leader of the group Marilyn hangs out with, and a rather popular girl. She is a little short, and has flowing, shoulder–length black hair. She has a slightly darker complexion than normal, but she is not an Asian or a black person (sorry if anyone interprets that as racist, I just want to make that part clear). Despite her smallish boobs, boys consider her quite hot. Kate: A member of Julia's group. Topaz: A member of Julia's group. She has fairly short, curly orange–blonde hair, and has a special role later on in the story. Rory: The girl who starts the…

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Wet Pants and Videography Experiences
By: Rayford (31 Jan 2009, Saturday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Exhibitionism. Over the years, the wife and I have had a lot of wetting experiences with other parties and privately. We never wrote about these, choosing to be anonymous at her request. She's passed away now, and I'm too old to be intimidated anymore so here it comes. First of all, we determined there were TWO kinds of pee. Ordinarily the kidneys filter blood and send the waste to the bladder. This contains, among other things, acetic acid also known as vinegar, and this gives it the yellow tint you see. We called this DIRTY PEE. However, if you drink a lot of liquid in a relatively short time (guzzling NOT recommended…

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Past Experiences 1
By: Sam (31 Jan 2009, Saturday)

Past Experiences Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Masturbation. My first experience with pee fun was when I was younger. I woke up at about 7am and lay there for a while as it was Saturday and I didn't have to be anywhere. After 5 minutes I was hit with a sudden urge to pee that made me cross my legs together under the sheets; however the urge went away as quickly as it came and I fell asleep again. I woke again half an hour later by an even bigger urge to pee as I had ignored the first one. Carefully but quickly I climbed out of bed but as I stood up some pee squirted out, enough to make a large coin sized patch on my panties. I managed to stop the flow and…

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Late for School
By: Captain Jack (31 Dec 2009, Wednesday)

It was 7:15 in the morning and Gabrielle Baker was going to be late for class. She had forgotten to set her alarm clock the night before and awoke to the sound of her mother banging on her bedroom door. The high school senior barely had the time to grab her books, let alone do anything else before she had to be out the door. She had far too many absences this semester and was dangerously close to not graduating if she missed any more classes. In her haste she threw on a black baby doll tee that was lying on her floor with a black bikini top underneath. She quickly jumped into a pair of extra short denim shorts, while keeping on the white cotton panties she had worn to bed. Gabrielle grabbed her keys, slipped…

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Wet Love for IT Nerds
By: David England (31 Dec 2009, Wednesday)

I had known Alice's secret for almost two weeks by now, and I still did not know what to do! I was working in a PC repair shop as a summer holiday job. After doing any hardware repairs, we would regularly scan the PC's for viruses and other dodgy software. Of course, we found all sorts of other things on people's hard disks, but unless it was illegal, we never even mentioned it to the customer. Of course, if anything illegal had turned up, it would have gone straight to the police – but that left a lot of other interesting things! This particular customer, called Alice, had brought her PC in because it was freezing every few minutes. Alice said her PC contained her university work, and she was quite…

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Service Call
By: Jeff Marconi (31 Dec 2009, Wednesday)

I pulled up to the address on my work ticket, and went to the door and knocked. She opened the door. 'Wow,' I thought to myself. She was wearing a pair of tight denim shorts over black shiny hose. Her red top was tight on her body, and showed her full female form. She looked great at that moment. But she had a bounce to her step, like she was agitated about something. I asked her where the air conditioner was so I could start my task and distract myself from her tightly wrapped body. She told me she would show me what I needed in a minute. She offered me a glass of water and I accepted, and she poured herself one too. When she thought I couldn't see her, I saw her cross her legs a bit, and shoot a hand to…

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