Deliberate Wetting

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A Perfect Storm
By: King Neptune (31 Aug 2006, Thursday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Deliberate & Accidental Wetting, and Foreplay. He watches her openly, appreciatively, from across the park. She is awkward, appearing unfamiliar with her body. Even so, he likes the way she moves. There is something there. She is no teenager with a perfect body, but he knows she could and has looked much better. He senses her weight is a recent development. John Alden knows things about women. She sees him looking her way but cannot even muster the thought that he is looking at her or finds her in any way attractive. She assumes he is watching RudeDog's antics. He thinks she is probably in her mid thirties and he is correct. Jenny Donner is 37. He thinks she is…

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Ramona's Holly-Jolly Holiday
By: P. Maximus (31 Aug 2006, Thursday)

It was a snowy Saturday afternoon during Winter break after Ramona's first semester in college. Her roommates, with whom she had been good friends with since childhood, had all travelled back home for the holidays. Ramona would be left all alone in their vast apartment for three lonely weeks. On this particular day Ramona found her self parked in front of the television, reclining on the couch and enjoying her first real free time in months. Her peace was shortly interrupted by the twinge of nature calling her to empty her bladder. Ramona thought about getting up, but her favorite show was on. It could wait for now. But somewhere in the back of her mind the twinging of her bladder brought back memories of…

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Holiday in Japan
By: Go Home Smiling (31 Jul 2006, Monday)

My girlfriend and I had been discussing a mid–winter vacation for a few weeks, but still had not decided on a destination. I had my heart set on Las Vegas–I thought the dry heat and sun would be invigorating. Well, that's what I said to my girlfriend. She wanted to go to Japan. She had taken an interest in the country and the culture from travel documentaries on TV, and recently she had begun taking lessons in speaking Japanese. We decided to meet one evening after work to decide. We would discuss the matter over a few pale ales, persuading each other with pictures from brochures and well–reasoned arguments. She thought Vegas was tacky and decadent (exactly the point, I thought). I thought Japan would be too…

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Thrills and Spills
By: Indigo (31 Jul 2006, Monday)

Amanda put her nearly empty pint glass back down on the little cardboard drinks mat and glanced nervously around the crowded pub. There was no obvious sign of a ladies' room anywhere. She glanced at her watch, crossed her legs tightly, and leaned forward a little. Then she looked around the pub once again, studying the demeanour of her fellow drinkers. Two or three of them were taking a more or less obvious interest in her; and one of those, in particular, stood out. He was about six feet tall with a shock of unruly sun–bleached hair, a heavily tanned face and sparkling green eyes that seemed to smile at her encouragingly every time she looked in his direction. Mid to late twenties; on his own; and quite…

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The Sisters: Holding Contest
By: Gus74 (30 Jun 2006, Friday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Humiliation, and Masturbation. The sisters where going to be alone in their mother's house all weekend long. Their mother had gone on a trip, so they met there to chat and remember the past. And if there was something to remember from the near past, it was the time they all peed themselves returning from the pub... Michelle: "Oh, please don't remind it to me, how embarrassing!" Elizabeth: "but Michelle, it wasn't THAT bad..." Alyssa: "That's because you were wearing a skirt, so the damage was minimal, but we both ended up with soaking wet jeans." Elizabeth: "But you can't complain either, there was nobody in the street, so no…

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Carlene and I
By: Anni (31 May 2006, Wednesday)

I remember the first time I had let go in public. It took a while although I have regularly witnessed Carlene's "purposeful accidents" since the first time I had seen her do so. Several times my courage was just sufficient to wet my panties, not having more than one or two drops fall down between my legs. For a long time it has not been before my return home that I had the courage to completely relax my muscles – on the toilet or in the shower, of course without taking off my pantyhose, skirt or panties. It was on a Saturday. The whole department had a training seminar on our new customer care software. We had the training organised in a conference Centrum downtown, followed by a common dinner with the three…

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Searching For You
By: King Neptune (31 May 2006, Wednesday)

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Deliberate & Accidental Wetting, Foreplay, Masturbation, and Sex. Doctor Annabel Hart. The pretty young redhead's green eyes sparkled as she stared in amazement at the shingle hanging outside her office. She had thought, more than once, that this day would never come. Still, she had persevered, working long hours to support her schooling and even longer hours to pass medical school. The sleepless nights and heavy schedule had granted Annabel her most intense desire, but at the price of any social life. In fact she had no friends outside the stodgy little medical school she had attended. She thought it was worth it. Social opportunities would come when she…

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Nikki's Revenge
By: Nikki (31 May 2006, Wednesday)

Nikki and Tyler had not had as much time to spend together as Nikki wanted. She had been working hard and had been tired after work and Tyler had had to work late many nights. So by the weekend Nikki was ready to close out the whole world and concentrate only on each other. Friday night was a wash because Nikki and Tyler were so tired they just popped in a DVD and watched a movie until they fell asleep. However, Nikki woke up energetic and horny. Tyler was still sleeping when she climbed out of bed. She skipped her usual morning potty stop and held it until she stepped into the shower. She waited to turn on the water and stood there naked savoring her full bladder. She ran a finger between her vaginal lips…

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Tee Pee Wee-Wee
By: King Neptune (30 Apr 2006, Sunday)

Lee lies still, awake enough to know she needs to pee, but not enough to actually do anything about it. She watches as her friend Donna stirs in her sleep, moans, and goes quiet again. She and Donna are new friends; they have not yet learned the intimacies of the other's mannerisms and habits. Donna's covers are kicked back and Lee can see Donna's hand resting between her legs, where dark curls peek from under the crotch of her white panties. Donna's hand moves, ever so slightly, and she arches her back, just a bit. Another moan. Lee wonders if the hand has anything to do with the moan. It doesn't surprise the 23–year–old blond to realize she, and apparently her nipples, like the idea that it does. She had…

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Strange Habits
By: Anni (31 Mar 2006, Friday)

Hi, my name is Anni van Beek, and I found this site quite by accident. I live in Seattle, but I am of Dutch origin, and I have moved here with my parents when I was 9. (That is why neither my Dutch nor my English is close to perfect...) I would like to tell you how I got into what others would call "strange habits," and actually, I can tell stories that would fill a book. It all started when I met Carlene. We work in the same insurance company, two cubicles apart. We often had lunch break together (we still have) and became fairly open to each other. Back to Carlene– she looks like what the boys would call cute, seeming a bit naive sometimes. She had told me once that her parents had always been very…

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By: Indigo (31 Mar 2006, Friday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Foreplay. "Shall I top that up for you, Em?" Dave nodded towards Emma's half full pint glass, and held up a nearly full three–litre bottle of cider. "No, I'm fine," Emma replied. "I've got to think about going soon or I'll miss the last train. But it's been a great party, Dave: really it has." "Last train's not for quarter of an hour yet," said Dave, checking his watch. "It'll only take me a couple of minutes to run you down to the station in the car." "But you've been drinking," Emma protested. "I can walk it in ten minutes, so I'll be fine as long as I glug this down and make a start right away." Dave looked a little…

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Tales of Janis - Part 4
By: Janis (31 Mar 2006, Friday)

The next few days went by rather uneventfully. Neither Carol nor I wanted to make a mistake in our relationship, so we were very, very cautious. In fact, aside from the fact that we continued to sleep in the same bed, our relationship went back to what it had been in the past. I had arrived on Saturday evening and all the big revelations had taken place before midnight Sunday. While it was uneventful in terms of any wetting together or other sex play, we did get around a bit. We went swimming in Lake Coeur d'Alene, borrowed a friend's sailboat for a day, spent one whole day shopping and Carol tried to teach me how to play golf – sorry, but that's just not going to happen! Through it all there was, for me at…

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The Match - Part 2
By: Gillian (31 Jan 2006, Tuesday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Humiliation, Bondage, Masturbation, Foreplay, and Sex. Part Two The polished hardwood floor of the ballroom glistened; the lights from the chandeliers overhead were reflected in the varnish of the wood. Spacious, the room stretched from one end of the old mansion to the other, high ceilings adorned with artwork, sculptures embedded in the royal columns that supported the old roof. A long bar, covered in black velvet formed the right border of the room, in the back, a double doorway led to the hallway of the old mansion. Before the doorway, still in the ballroom, a small antique table with an old lamp on it and a set of ledgers…

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Party for 2 - Part 1
By: Gopher (31 Jan 2006, Tuesday)

It was the night of the party. Harry looked at the invitation closely. 7:30pm at Mandy's house. He glanced at his watch. It was 6:30. "Half an hour's walk to Mandy's," he thought, "Just time for a shave, shower, and spruce up" so he stripped off, shaved and showered, dried off and dressed. He glanced at his watch again. 7pm. Perfect. He put on his coat and set off for Mandy's house. He arrived at Mandy's dead on 7:30 but he was surprised to see no cars in the driveway. He re–checked the invite. Yeah, it was definitely the right day and time, so he rang the doorbell. After a few moments Mandy appeared at the door but she sure wasn't dressed for a party. She had on an old white tee shirt and a pair of pink…

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Lurking Within Tent
By: Indigo (31 Jan 2006, Tuesday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Masturbation, and Foreplay. The rain beat down remorselessly on the fly sheet of the tent while Helen tossed and turned in a vain attempt to get to sleep; but try as she might she could not get comfortable. Eventually, remembering something she had once read about the sleep–inducing qualities of the female orgasm, she gently lifted the hem of the long pink cotton T–shirt which had served her as a her night dress during her camping holiday with Andy, and slipped her hand down inside the front of her knickers. They were the same dark blue knickers she had worn that day at Byron's Pool when Andy had caressed her, and fondled her, and…

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