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No Bull
By: King Neptune (31 Oct 2003, Friday)

Homer Snikshot is a lucky man. This document begins the arduous and exhausting work, which chronicles the adventures of the infamous couple consisting of Homer Rufus Snikshot and Matilda Lou Cravencrotch. Matilda is considered a demure little thing in some circles. Say, a circle of hairy mastodons, which, coincidentally, are a pretty good likeness of the ...ahem ...little lady. But, being fair to the mastodons, if she had come along first they would now be known simply as mastodons. She is, as they are called in polite society, a large and lovely, albeit hairy, lady. How large, you inquire? If she had been around when toilets were invented they certainly wouldn't have been put in a closet and the pipes would…

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The Peeing Model
By: Pfella (31 Oct 2003, Friday)

Stacy switched gear and the car sped across in a frenzy. Her rapidly filling bladder was already giving distress signals. Stacy had very little time for her fashion show. She had a 45–minute drive ahead of her and she had no idea if she would ever reach the place in time. She hoped that she would. At the same time, she was very apprehensive. This was her first major show, and she was one of the girls who was selected, groomed and trained for the big show. She was part of a 30–member model team who were supposed to make their presence felt. Stacy had just turned 18 a month ago. She felt like a woman when she thought about her age, but at the same time, her body betrayed her falsely. Stacy was a brunette, stood…

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What Katie did with her Older Lover
By: Sunchile (31 Oct 2003, Friday)

After what had seemed like an interminable Friday of classes at the NYU Downtown Campus, Katie McDonald, a 21–year–old graduate student in political economics, neatly arranged her books and materials in her tote pack and strode confidently out toward Washington Square. During the walk, she exchanged pleasantries with her classmates Rita Kudner and Boyd Hamilton, though declined an invitation to a student sleepover at someone's parents' house on the Upper East Side. Katie had other things in mind. Nearing the park, Katie managed to disengage from Rita and Boyd, who were heading for the subway. She strode over to a bench on the west side of the park, straightened her medium–length navy blue skirt and India…

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Flat Mates
By: Aquarius (30 Sep 2003, Tuesday)

Gillian sat in the bus shelter with her flat mate Linda. The party was over, it was late and she had to pee like crazy. Pulling down on her short black mini–dress, she crossed her legs and put her purse in her lap. Linda glanced at her. Gillian smiled and rocked a little. –Got to go, she said. — Me too, Linda admitted, sitting on the edge of the seat with arched back. Her low–cut jeans revealed red thong panties where her tight sweater didn't reach. Gillian rose, hoping standing up would ease the pressure. It didn't. She rocked on her feet and rubbed her belly. –I really have to go, she said. Linda just bit her lip and squeezed her knees together. — And if I go behind those bushes, the bus will come and I…

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Ingrid's Interrupted Plan
By: Aquarius (30 Sep 2003, Tuesday)

Ingrid didn't really remember how it started. Probably some time in early childhood, when she discovered that putting off going to the little girls' room caused a mix between pain and pleasure that made her tingle all over. Like everybody else she peed in the sea when she had to, but eventually she always was careful to avoid the toilet before going to the beach. From just letting go under water, she began releasing her urine as she waded in, feeling the warm wetness in her bathing suit seconds before the water reached her crotch. Lingering in the shower after exercises at school, she let it run down her legs when nobody could see her. Soaking in the tub at home, she spread her legs as the water drained,…

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Tales of Janis - Part 1
By: Janis (30 Sep 2003, Tuesday)

Hi. This is a personal account of some of what is going on in my life right now. I only recently discovered that I wasn't the only person in the world who enjoyed wetting my pants, so the stories here have been a real revelation to me. After reading a bunch of them I decided to write about my own experiences, I hope you like them. This story is mostly true– I just changed enough details to make it pretty hard for someone to actually find me. I'm not going to publish my e–mail right now, maybe with a later installment. Enjoy! I sure enjoyed writing it – almost as much as I enjoyed doing it when it happened. –– Janis Where do things like this start in someone's life? Is there some event that triggers it– some…

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Fiona and I (part 2)
By: Rache (30 Sep 2003, Tuesday)

Fiona and I (part 2) This is a true f/f event After we had shopped ourselves out around the boutiques of Bristol, we sat in a coffee shop to talk. I was inquisitive as to whether or not Fiona was really into watersports, or it had just been a way for her now obvious lesbian tendencies to manifest themselves when we had been in the toilet cubicle. She told me that she had been wetting herself for about two and a half years, ever since she had not reached a toilet in time, and she had enjoyed the experience. When I explained to her, that in addition to enjoying the feeling of being wet, that I also liked wearing a nappy and plastic or rubber pants, Fiona was intrigued. She wanted to know when and where I…

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The Contest
By: Tom (30 Sep 2003, Tuesday)

Karen, Mia and I had been friends since going to college at Ohio State University. We had all had a few serious dating relationships since college, but always seemed to get back together when those relationships failed. This weekend we rented a cabin and a rowboat in the woods near a small lake in West Virginia. The cabin included just the bare necessities, and was pretty isolated from the rest of the campers on the lake. We started drinking beer about 7:00 pm, and decided to take the rowboat out for a trip around the lake. We took a cooler of beer with us, and headed out to explore the lake. Blond haired, blue–eyed Karen was wearing a white t–shirt, a pair of loose fitting blue and white cotton shorts, and…

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Ashley's Plan
By: AxMage (31 Aug 2003, Sunday)

Ashley took a deep breath and opened the door to her classroom; she had to be ready to execute her plan. You see, Ashley loved to piss her pants and panties; she loved the feeling of holding a full bladder as long as she could. But one thing she loved even more was the satisfaction of being humiliated and embarrassed while being seen in public. She got horny at the thought. So Ashley came up with a brilliant plan, she had asked for a study session with Mrs. Ross, a middle aged blonde haired woman, who was quite attractive. Ashley chose her for two reasons– one: the thought of wetting herself in front of her hot biology teacher made her insanely horny, and two: the fact that Mrs. Ross had some strict rules…

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Bad Daddy
By: Beemer Bob (31 Aug 2003, Sunday)

One of the great things about being a middle–aged dad is having older teenage kids. They are fun at that age and they like it when dad loses the "grown up speaks to child" demeanor and becomes one of them for a moment or two. In her 18th year, my middle daughter was a real knockout. She was tall and slender and kept after herself. As I look back, I miss all those girly things like shampoo and perfume smells, her music playing and her giggling with her friends when she filled the house with other pretty teens. Sometimes her friends would do the courteous thing and say hello to "the Dad" or give a nod or wink. What these kids choose to wear, or not to wear today makes me crazy and I confess, I get really hot…

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Fiona and I
By: Rache (31 Jul 2003, Thursday)

I have been peeing for ten years, but only by myself at home. This is the first time I have had the experience of playing with anyone else. Fiona arrived at my house at 7am for the 100–mile drive to Bristol for the shopping expedition that we had planned. I had known Fiona for about 20 years as the fairly attractive, but quiet daughter of my fathers' friends, but up until recently we had not really been friends, only acquaintances, which had changed after meeting by chance in the pub three months ago. We drove up the motorway in good spirits, looking forward to the day's shopping ahead. I was already starting to feel a little pressure on my bladder following the three cups on coffee I had drunk before…

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The Benefits of Working Out
By: Sandman (31 May 2003, Saturday)

First– I should tell you that when the opportunity to discuss pee comes up I take it. It happens on occasion and that is how this story starts. I was with a unit of Army personnel that I am not regularly attached to. I happened to begin talking to the most attractive Specialist and the word PEE was tossed out during conversation. I won't bore you with all that led up to that point, let's just say I took the opportunity and "ran" with it. I usually try to relate something to myself or someone else that I know, and this time I used my ex–wife. Knowing that I could relate pregnancy to peeing, I told her how my ex hated to sneeze or laugh too hard because it would cause her to wet her pants, sometimes a small…

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A Present from my Wife
By: Gold (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

My wife knows of my watersport fetish (although it's not my only one. I enjoy bondage too) and even though it's not her favorite sexual activity she appeases me now and then, sometimes as a surprise. We had been talking about sex one morning, getting each other horny and preparing for later that evening. We had a dinner planned at my parent's house about 20 minutes away, and looked forward to coming home and playing with each other after that. (In southern California most driving is measured in minutes not miles, since the driving time is more related to the road you take, not the distance). Anyway, we talked about various things. Me licking her, nibbling her in sensitive spots, tying her up, etc. She asked…

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A Fairy Tale
By: King Neptune (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

Melissa Barnes was running late for work. Her car was nearly out of fuel and she really, really needed to pee. She debated with herself about what to do. As a sudden spasm of her distended bladder came over her, she jammed her hand into her crotch to stem the impending flood. She rubbed her pussy, hard, barely getting control. It did not bother her that a small squirt of her golden fluid had escaped despite her best efforts. Melissa had always enjoyed peeing her panties, and just because it was not convenient was little reason not to enjoy it, especially if it was out of her control. She closed her bright blue eyes for a second, enjoying the feelings between her shapely legs. Melissa kept her ex–cheerleader's…

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My Politics of Pee
By: Patty (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

Peeing for me is both erotic and political. It's erotic because I first masturbated when wiping myself after a pee and found that it felt good to wipe in a certain spot. Peeing is political because piss, in our society, must remain hidden, it's nasty and smelly, and most people just don't want to see or touch it. Well it just so happens that the political nature of pissing and the erotic aftermath have gotten all mixed up in one of my fantasies. Here for the first time I have set the purgative of my pen to this experience in the hopes of expelling it from the depths of my psyche. I had spend most of my 18th summer at the beach sun bathing, wondering how my body stacked up in the eyes of the indigenous gentry;…

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