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A Present from my Wife
By: Gold (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

My wife knows of my watersport fetish (although it's not my only one. I enjoy bondage too) and even though it's not her favorite sexual activity she appeases me now and then, sometimes as a surprise. We had been talking about sex one morning, getting each other horny and preparing for later that evening. We had a dinner planned at my parent's house about 20 minutes away, and looked forward to coming home and playing with each other after that. (In southern California most driving is measured in minutes not miles, since the driving time is more related to the road you take, not the distance). Anyway, we talked about various things. Me licking her, nibbling her in sensitive spots, tying her up, etc. She asked…

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A Fairy Tale
By: King Neptune (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

Melissa Barnes was running late for work. Her car was nearly out of fuel and she really, really needed to pee. She debated with herself about what to do. As a sudden spasm of her distended bladder came over her, she jammed her hand into her crotch to stem the impending flood. She rubbed her pussy, hard, barely getting control. It did not bother her that a small squirt of her golden fluid had escaped despite her best efforts. Melissa had always enjoyed peeing her panties, and just because it was not convenient was little reason not to enjoy it, especially if it was out of her control. She closed her bright blue eyes for a second, enjoying the feelings between her shapely legs. Melissa kept her ex–cheerleader's…

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The Bear Facts
By: King Neptune (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

Lisa Morrow woke up knowing something wasn't quite right. She had to pee really badly, but that wasn't what had awakened the voluptuous college senior. She glanced over at her companion. Sara Lennox was still fast asleep. Lisa puzzled for a moment, wondering what had awakened her. It was very quiet in the forest at this time of day. The first vaporous light from the breaking day penetrated the thick tree cover under which they had camped. The tent was still dark save the weak light from the glass covered candle lantern, itself burned to a nub. Lisa was just about ready to decide it was nothing and crawl back into the warm sleeping bag with Sara when she heard a noise. The sound was not loud but it did get her…

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My Politics of Pee
By: Patty (30 Apr 2003, Wednesday)

Peeing for me is both erotic and political. It's erotic because I first masturbated when wiping myself after a pee and found that it felt good to wipe in a certain spot. Peeing is political because piss, in our society, must remain hidden, it's nasty and smelly, and most people just don't want to see or touch it. Well it just so happens that the political nature of pissing and the erotic aftermath have gotten all mixed up in one of my fantasies. Here for the first time I have set the purgative of my pen to this experience in the hopes of expelling it from the depths of my psyche. I had spend most of my 18th summer at the beach sun bathing, wondering how my body stacked up in the eyes of the indigenous gentry;…

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An Act of Desperation
By: King Neptune (31 Mar 2003, Monday)

Gina Marstin sat at her computer with her hand between her legs trying to prolong the inevitable... a trip to the bathroom to relieve her torturously full and visibly swollen bladder. It wasn't that this would provide any help in keeping her silky white nylon panties dry; they had hosted her deliciously wet pussy for quite some time before her desperation (and her fingers) had entered the picture. As she contemplated her trip to the bathroom she thought how she, always so prim and proper, had arrived at this point. She and her husband were opposites in everything they did. She was an early riser and he liked to sleep in. Since their bedroom time was so different, they discovered early in their 12–year…

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Like Father, Like Son
By: King Neptune (31 Mar 2003, Monday)

Sue Frederick took a shallow breath and tried to maintain her composure. She had not accounted for the extra pressure on her bladder from the huge soft drink her employee had ordered for each of them at lunch. It had fallen in well with her plan so she had said nothing. Now she was beginning to wonder about her timing, to say nothing of her bladder capacity. Reminding herself of her goal, she gave herself a quick caress between her legs, then another because it felt sooo good the first time. Art would not know what hit him! At 135 pounds on a five foot three inch frame, the dark haired accounting supervisor could have been a bit chubby, but Sue had been blessed with a firm, ample bust topped by richly dark…

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The Night of the Cotillion
By: Sunchile (31 Mar 2003, Monday)

There are nights in the deep South which seem to suit the human temperament to perfection. Visitors from other regions are frequently overwhelmed by the explosive profusion of vines and flowers covering every tree, bush, and lawn, providing not only a dazzling kaleidoscope of color but also filling the air with intoxicating scents. At night, when the whippoorwills keen their haunting refrain and the warm breeze rustles the branches and Spanish moss in the high, twisted oaks, the South can seem like a universe apart from the dirt and bustle of modern America. I had been hired as a networking consultant at one of the most lavish country club settings in the South, far removed in distance, culture, and setting…

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Summer Job
By: Aquarius (28 Feb 2003, Friday)

I tightened my carpenter's belt and looked at the rotting foundations. I had taken on the job of building a new terrace on my uncle's summer house, a combination vacation and summer job. Actually there were two uncles who had built only yards apart on my grandfather's land, part of the deal being that my mother got the apartment in the city. I hefted a crowbar and tried to look mean. — Hi there! I turned. She was tiny, dark and beautiful, dressed in a blue micro–miniskirt and a skimpy top, sitting on the porch of the other house, looking expectantly at me. — Deena? She jumped up, came over and gave me a hug. –Terry! The last time I saw her she was a skinny imp, twelve or so, with her half Thai features…

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By: Sunchile (28 Feb 2003, Friday)

My virtual experience of Jill was one of scented rainbows, fluid motion, an animal sensuality that transmitted forcefully even across the airwaves. She called herself Gypsy Goddess, and I her Gypsy King. The effervescent mind of this young Up–Easter would not be confined to the humdrum drudgery of rural central Florida, try as she might. Nonetheless, I was largely unprepared for the flood of flaming femininity that accosted me, and I say accosted because I was almost immediately swept off–balance, when I first met her face to face. The experience can only be described as slightly hallucinatory. Her youthful beauty stood much more profoundly in evidence than I had imagined from her conversation and pictures,…

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May need Help
By: May (31 Jan 2003, Friday)

I get so hot and bothered down below, you know what I mean, when I play games with Robert that I sometimes want to loose control of myself completely. He says I shouldn't because our ages are so different. All I can do is tell you what went on last time we met and hope that someone can offer a solution. Robert has a boat and spends his life floating around the canals of England. Last weekend he asked me to meet him near Burton–on–Trent at 6 on Friday evening. After work I had a really good drink and caught the train. By 6 I had been on the way for 2 hours and it was another half hour walk to his boat. There's probably a lot of nice respectable people in Burton so they were probably rather shocked by seeing us…

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Tea in Bed
By: Robert (31 Dec 2003, Tuesday)

As an attempt to thank you for all the stories I've enjoyed at your site – here is an offering. It's not all true. There are in total 19 episodes and some are written by me (Robert), some by me and May, and some only by May. Here's episode 1: While cruising around the canals of England I stopped for the night in rural Warwickshire and wandered back along the towpath for a mile or so to an eighteenth century pub for a pint or two. On the way back the urge to pee arrived which is never a problem either in the country or on a boat, there's hardly ever anyone around. Being a half decent sort of chap I hopped over a gate into a field of sheep and had just opened up when a voice shouted, "There he is." I closed…

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Watersports at 90 MPH
By: Beemer Bob (31 Oct 2002, Thursday)

I have had this girlfriend for almost two years now but it has been just phone sex and hours of Internet foreplay. But... not long ago, we had the pleasure of a wild afternoon interlude and unbelievable watersport fun. This is a true story but it could be dangerous, so I wouldn't recommend it to everyone. Twenty–five years ago, we lived in the same town and we were lovers and roommates at the time but it just wasn't right for a long–term relationship. We broke up and I never heard from her again. She was really wonderful; it was I who was the jerk. Almost two years ago though, I found her on line as I was surfing some Internet site–– I couldn't believe it. We spent nearly a year getting caught up on the…

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Morning Coffee at the Kitchen Island
By: Erotica (31 Oct 2002, Thursday)

Morning light streams in the windows as she stands poised at the kitchen island counter, her mind wandering to thoughtless oblivion as she watches him stroll to the car, sipping on her second cup of coffee. The mere sight of him stirs a longing into her being. Her head drops to her chest and the fragrance of his cologne on his shirt that she wears assaults her nostrils. Her eyes close and the image of him unfurls, causing her to steady herself with her arms outstretched on the counter. The thoughts of him are so clear that she never hears him re–enter the kitchen. Silently, he stands against the door jam with his coat slung over his shoulder admiring her as she stood slightly leaned forward across the granite…

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The First Time
By: Simon (31 Oct 2002, Thursday)

This story is based on real facts. (Everything related in it its true and happened some time ago). On a fine sunny Friday of late May, my ex girlfriend and I decided to go on a trip to the mountains, just the two of us. (It was actually planned to make things work better between us.) So on that Friday afternoon we went to the station and we took the train to Brasov situated 140 Kilometers from our city. From there we took a bus to the resort where we were going. We arrived at about 6:00 pm, and we took out a room in a villa. Things were going really well. After settling down we went down to a club to spend our first evening. (This was at about 8:30 pm) My girlfriend, Maria, was dressed in a nice pair of…

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A Fantasy
By: Undine (31 Oct 2002, Thursday)

We had met and got on very well, the shared sex, after a panty wetting session, had been just terrific. Today we plan to go to the coast to stay in my mobile home, at Breckelsham Bay. You are wearing a green woolen sweater with a vee neck, which shows just a swelling of pink ample breasts, a blue pleated skirt, (which is quite short) over blue schoolgirl panties, with white ankle socks and white trainers. You look very attractive with your hair swept back. The car is comfortable and warm, and the weather sunny. After a time, we stop and have a drink at a pub. We are aware that it's holiday time so that we are relaxed and you drink two pints of lager. You don't have time to go to the toilet before we go, but…

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