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Birthday Shopping
By: Gillian (30 Apr 2004, Friday)

She rubbed her fingers over the imprinted logo; then slid her index finger into the slightly loose corner, tearing the envelope along the top edge, already knowing what was inside. The card, off white with a pink and blue speckled background with specks of silver glitter attached, simply read "Happy Birthday" with a big blue number "18" embossed in the lower right. Firework–like designs surrounded the big "18" emblem. She opened the card and quickly scanned the message, looking for a check she thought might be in there. "Happy 18th, honey. To a wonderful daughter on her special day! Love, Mom." Scribbled in black, from Mom's treasured 1940's fountain pen her grandmother had passed down to her. More importantly…

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Wet, Wet Snow or a Wee Dance
By: Undine (30 Apr 2004, Friday)

It was just my luck that the night before we where to do the shopping for our house party, there was the biggest snowfall for years. Then to make matters worse, the strong winds had caused the snow to drift. Although the snow ploughs had made the main roads passable, the remainder of the thoroughfares were blocked to cars, even off–road vehicles. Ian, my husband, had dug paths along with the neighbors, so people could walk. But the nearest town was 6 miles away. After a lot of thought we decided on a plan of action, the nearest main road was one and a half miles across the fields. We decided to make a fun thing out of it and walk to the main road, then phone for a taxi. Then all dressed up in sweaters, wind…

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A Little fun at the Pool
By: Kristen (31 Mar 2004, Wednesday)

Tyler gazed around at the sparkling surface of the water of the crowded swimming pool. So many people seemed to have the same idea as him. It was a hot summer day, near the end of July and all of Tyler's buds had deserted him for their summer jobs. Bored and full of pent–up desires (solitary masturbation just isn't enough), Tyler donned a hot pair of swim trunks under his clothes, and headed over to the local pool. He was keen on all those dripping, scantily clothed females. Oh, how he envied the male lifeguards that worked there. He scanned the edge of the pool, looking for a friendly face. Seeing no one he recognized, he then turned his focus to the vacant poolside lounge chairs. He finally spotted an empty…

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Where Nobody Knows Her
By: Aquarius (29 Feb 2004, Sunday)

Penny turned her car off the motorway, headed for the center of town, and started looking for a hotel for the night. She was tired, hungry, and needed the bathroom. Still two hundred miles from home, she decided to rest rather than to risk an accident. She smiled to herself at the word accident; there were several kinds, not all of them unpleasant. She parked, grabbed her bags and went to check in. Her tight jeans left little room for her full bladder, so she unbuttoned her top button to ease the pressure. Being this obvious was part of the thrill. She put her bags down at the counter and smiled at the receptionist, a young fair girl in beige pants and a white blouse. — Do you have a room for me? — Sure.…

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Three Pees in a Pot
By: King Neptune (29 Feb 2004, Sunday)

Patty Richardson checked herself for the third time – ok, she had to admit that she really looked good. Her breasts flirted with the thin silky material of her blouse, tight against her nipples. She had no need of a bra and she liked the looks she got without one. Her long shapely legs looked even more remarkable under the tight mini. Her panties played peek–a–boo with her as she turned in the mirror, her perfect ass occasionally visible under the dress as she moved. Pretty short! She decided it was just right. The 28–year–old single mother worked long hours as a social worker and the mental anguish of the job often left her numb, but tonight was girls' night out. She allowed herself this luxury about once a…

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Truck Driver
By: Aquarius (31 Jan 2004, Saturday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Female Wetting, Foreplay and Sex I'm a truck driver. That doesn't mean I'm fat and sloppy – the girls say I look OK at thirty–one, and I have had my share of relationships. But spending most of my life in transit makes for a lousy home life, so I'm single. I was on an overnight ferry to the continent, going to Hamburg with a load of machinery. I don't drink much on these trips, but that doesn't keep me from spending the night in pubs or the discotheque. She was sitting by herself. I had seen her with two friends, but they were flirting energetically with a bunch of economists from Croydon (they were very loud) and this girl was not included. I didn't exactly…

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Sandy Part 3: Robert's Awakening
By: Bubba (31 Jan 2004, Saturday)

A week later, with only two weekends remaining before heading back to their respective schools, Sandy informed Robert that she was ready to take their relationship to the next level and spend the night with him. Both Sandy and Robert were extremely nervous yet excited about the idea, as they had both been saving themselves for the right person, and it seemed that their waiting would finally pay off. Robert spared no expense in planning the perfect evening. A quite impressive cook for a college student, he prepared a candlelight dinner of salmon and steamed vegetables, followed by white chocolate mousse for dessert, both served with plenty of punch. Neither Sandy nor Robert was keen on alcohol, Robert because…

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But you Enjoy Suffering, don't you? (2)
By: Sean (31 Jan 2004, Saturday)

But you Enjoy Suffering, don't you? (2) Part Two This picks up where Part One left off, obviously. So if you haven't read that, scroll down and catch up on your reading. This part will make a teeny bit more sense, maybe not much, but some. This portion here contains a little bit of, shall we say, consensual roughness between the two imaginary lovers. If you're uncomfortable with that, move on. Or even if you don't think you like it, try reading it. Gosh, you know sometimes we're surprised at what we find out about ourselves. *** "I'm totally serious. No more until we get home," I said. But looking down at your skirt, already soaked in various places, I knew I'd never be able to tell if you were behaving. …

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My Unbelievable Week
By: DM (31 Dec 2004, Wednesday)

This is a TRUE story, and I couldn't believe it when it happened to me. I have this friend; we'll call her Ruth. Ruth likes a bit of a drink, but recently, she has been drinking to excess, and has been losing friends. Ruth never stays in her own house, she tends to go out and go home with other people, usually her female friends but some guys too. Now, not everyone is into watersports and for some reason, people have been throwing Ruth out of their house after she repeatedly wet herself. I was hearing stories for weeks of how Ruth has been wetting her pants, and letting them dry out instead of changing, and I tried desperately to find her for a while. Last weekend, I found her in the corner of a pub. They…

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The U-Pee-S Lady
By: Grif (31 Dec 2004, Wednesday)

This story is fictional. The doorbell rang and I knew it was the UPS delivery I had been expecting. I opened the door and was greeted by a rather pleasant looking female delivery driver. She smiled at me in a slightly nervous sort of way and let out a bit of a groan as she set down the rather large box of parts I had ordered for my Alfa Romeo Spider. She straightened up and still seemed a bit fidgety, as she held out her electronic clipboard for my signature. At this point, I took a better look at her. She was about 5'7", with long dark hair and sunglasses on. Being the better part of August, it was already at least 80–degrees outside and she was wearing her 'standard issue' brown short sleeve shirt and…

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A Small Wet World
By: King Neptune (31 Dec 2004, Wednesday)

Officer Jim Collins has been on traffic patrol for 7 years now and is pretty sure he has seen it all...except what he wants to see. He has heard the other traffic officers discuss seeing it from time to time, and has tried to get details without being "too" interested. His former patrol partner had pulled over a lady just last month for weaving in traffic. She had been about 28, pretty, and very drunk. She had gotten out of her car and flooded her panties while trying to walk a straight line. Jim had seen her at the station, but he could see nothing of her wetness; her dress had remained dry and he didn't think it would be wise to request a peek. Jim wants to see a genuine wet accident. He wants to pull over a…

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Lisa and Michael Reunite
By: Kristen (31 Dec 2004, Wednesday)

Lisa flicked on her turn signal, quickly tucked her left hand back into her crotch and began to decelerate. She whimpered slightly as she swung her car over into the right lane. She had to pee so bad it wasn't even funny. She was one of that beautiful college girls– great body, lots of fun. She shifted around in her tight shorts, trying to relieve the pressures of her screaming bladder. Her nipples poked out against her hot pink tank top. She was trying to make it home, but finally gave up hope and pulled into the nearest clean gas station she could find. There few things she hated more than peeing in a dank and smelly bathroom. When she finally found a station nice enough for her standards, she was so…

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Laughing All the Way to the Bathroom
By: PhilHerUp (31 Dec 2004, Wednesday)

The sun was setting majestically on the ocean, and the crowds on the beach had dispersed, but there were still quite a few sun–worshippers there. The beaches never emptied entirely on their island. Through her sunglasses, Rosemary looked up from her novel and admired the sunset. Another long, slow, beautiful day in paradise was coming to a close, and after nearly ten years she was finally beyond the too good to be true stage. It was true. She really lived here, and she really was a hero for the very reason she'd been ostracized back home. She set the book down on her lap and pondered that thought once again. Naturally, since she'd stopped concentrating on the book, it wasn't long before Rosemary's attention…

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Jenny and Becky
By: Aquarius (30 Nov 2003, Sunday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Female Wetting, Foreplay and Sex Jenny's first thought when she awoke was, I have to pee. The second was, 'Please don't stop fondling my pussy.' The significance of that second thought took some time to sink in. She was lying on her stomach with one leg drawn up, and a probing hand was stroking her from behind, parting her butt cheeks, sliding all the way up and down, catching her moisture, slipping inside her openings. But as she felt herself rise to orgasm she remembered. A small spurt of pee escaped her as she climaxed. She lay for a moment, just breathing. Then she felt arms embrace her and the pressure of breasts on her back. Slowly she turned and met Becky…

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The Knot in the String
By: Tom (30 Nov 2003, Sunday)

Jenna arrived at my condo at 2:00 pm to watch a football game. Jenna and I worked together for a couple of years, but never dated. She was the classiest and best–looking female in the company, and was widely known for being unapproachable. When she arrived, dark–haired Jenna was wearing a black t–shirt and a pair of designer jeans that laced up in the front like a pair of tennis shoes. After watching a few minutes of the game and drinking a beer, she got a very odd look on her face. "Jenna, is something the matter?" "Well, I was with a friend named Erick before I came here. We were drinking at a bar for a couple of hours. I wanted to leave, but he wanted to talk in his car. As soon as we got in his car, be…

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