Deliberate Wetting

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By: Indigo (31 Mar 2005, Thursday)

In all my life I had never known anyone who was remotely as androgynous as Terri. Everything about her was just totally ambiguous, and I continued to harbour some residual doubts as to her true sex right up to the moment she began to wet herself. And even then, it was only the obviously "female" pattern of the wet spot spreading across the front of her jeans from a point slightly below the bottom of her zipper which finally convinced me that she had to be a girl, even though the visible fastenings on her clothes all did up on the "boys' side." She boarded my train at Mile End. I had traveled in from Loughton, so naturally I had a seat. By Mile End, however, the train was becoming crowded and several people…

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Doctor's Orders
By: King Neptune (31 Mar 2005, Thursday)

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, Foreplay, and Sex. Alexis Chambers looked with distaste into the toilet bowl as she dropped the square of pee–dampened tissue into the yellow water. How she hated it when she did that! So disgusting! She always tried not to look. The 41–year–old newly remarried widow hoped her new husband would be as proper about such matters as her previous husband had been. Odd, it was probably the only characteristic she had liked about her recently departed, unmissed, and unmourned mate. Her life had gone from merely livable to torturous over the 21 years she had been Mrs. Thadius Rushmore Monroe. She could hardly remember him now as the man…

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Tiffany & Tara
By: Amoeba (28 Feb 2005, Monday)

20–year–old Tiffany was late for class again. She knew that her professor was going to be very upset with her for being late again and would probably fail her on the lab that she was late for. She brushed her brunette hair that fell to her shoulders, wishing that she had a roommate to wake her up. She hated living by herself. Looking in the mirror she noticed she was standing there in nothing but a white pair of bikini panties and a white bra. She quickly slipped on a pink skirt with a matching belt and pulled on thigh high tan stockings. She threw on a white halter–top, slipped on shoes, gulped down a cup of coffee, and ran out the door. She started running to class when she realized that she had forgotten…

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The House - Part 2
By: Gillian (31 Dec 2004, Friday)

The hallway in the school of business building was brightly lit and full of busy students as the morning classes were about to start. The classrooms in the concrete building lined the outer walls while the center core was offices and other rooms. A large twenty foot wide corkboard with notices and advertisements lay on the inside wall, across from room 304, where economics 102 was starting in ten minutes. Windows into the classrooms had curtains on them so the class had the option of closing them for privacy. 304 had the curtains open, the room was still mostly empty, only a few students had gathered to sit down. Across from 304 were the restrooms, men's on the left, ladies' on the right, with a unisex…

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The Bedwetting House - Part 1
By: JJ (31 Dec 2004, Friday)

I'd like to tell you about some of the strange things that happened to me after I went to college. I went to a different state, with two of my best friends, and our parents bought a house for us to live in. They did it on a few conditions. We had to maintain the building (they would pay back the bills, but we had to arrange the repairs and if we could do them ourselves. We had to progress in college, so no partying all night, each night. We had to come back home on a regular basis and finally we had to take care of the bills. We didn't have to pay rent, but they didn't give us any money to live off of (they did pay college tuition and our books and stuff). We thought it to be a good deal and we took it. We had…

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By: Wiket (31 Dec 2004, Friday)

*** Why Is The Bed Wet? I met this girl named Kate about a year ago. We were both 25 at the time and we have been dating since. Things were going well for us. But recently Kate began having this problem... "Kate, Why is the bed wet?" I asked as I woke her up from a sleep. "WHAT?" Kate yelled as she sat right up in bed. "Oh my god! I ... I wet the bed!" Kate was sitting in a large puddle in the bed. The sheets were wet enough that you could see liquid being squeezed out of the fabric as she moved. I woke because I felt the wetness seep over to my side of the bed and found my pajamas wet as well. Kate had a sheer panic look on her face and tears were forming in her eyes. "Shhh ... Kate it's ok, accidents…

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The House - Part 1
By: Gillian (30 Nov 2004, Tuesday)

Kandra put both of her hands onto the rails of the lifeguard chair and lifted her body up into a standing position, her bare feet curled onto the rungs of the chair below. She arched her back to stretch and she tilted her head back, her long straight blond hair flowing straight down, shimmering in the remaining rays of late afternoon sunlight that shone through the large plate glass windows of the indoor pool. She looked like the letter "C," her athletic body arched as she paused in the position, working the kinks out of her back after sitting for so long. Her red official lifeguard one piece bathing suit fit tightly against her slightly tanned body, her toned abs taut underneath the red fabric, her legs…

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Going Home
By: Sweet T (31 Oct 2004, Sunday)

Remember my trip out to Indiana? Well, it takes just as long to drive back home again. After we got off the bikes we decided to stay the night in town, getting up early the next morning to start the drive home, though we were still gonna split the drive into 2 days. We were in no rush to return to the real world. We were much more interested in playing. We're good at that. So the next morning we hit the road. First stop – breakfast. We'd ridden our bikes over hundreds of miles of hills and eaten our way across an entire state and back again... but we were hungry. We pull into a Cracker Barrel (shoving aside several cars in an effort to find a parking place) and I headed for the door. Mind you, it's early…

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Hold it with Sarah
By: Derbyshire Pee Lover (30 Sep 2004, Thursday)

As promised, here's my next posting in the "Sarah" series. I've researched this carefully this evening and the timings seem about right. I was loading the washing machine after 90 minutes this evening, but I already had a cup of tea and a beer inside me when I started. Read on – you'll see what I'm going on about! Once again, this is pure fantasy, sadly there is no Sarah, and all events are fictitious. After our experiences on the beach, I couldn't wait to find out what Sarah had in mind for a holding on contest. I had to wait until we got home, because she said what she had planned would be far too messy to contemplate in the B&B we had been staying at in Cornwall. The following weekend she outlined the …

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Early Memories - Part 2
By: Helen (30 Sep 2004, Thursday)

I eventually got into the habit of mostly holding on all day at school and not going to the toilet. I think this probably started from spending so much time with the boys. While girls often tend to go to the toilet together, boys are much more haphazard. For example, if we were in the middle of a game of cricket or something during lunch time we'd keep playing as long as we possibly could after the bell rang, and only when it was too late to go would I realize I really could have done with a visit to the toilet. The only acceptable option then would be to just hold on for the rest of the afternoon, which I always managed to, refusing to ask to be excused during class. Having always been quite a tomboy I was…

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Jamie, Jamie, Diaper Baby
By: Dribblets (31 Aug 2004, Tuesday)

Jamie was at her aunt's house, visiting her sick cousin. Nothing serious, just a bout with the flu, but her cousin was too tired and exhausted to get out of bed for anything, including to pee. So her aunt had bought her dear cousin Marie teenager–sized diapers, to make things easier on her. Her aunt needed to run some errands, so Jamie stayed to keep Marie company. "So, um, I'm really sorry you're sick." "Yeah, me too, but it's not so bad being waited on hand and foot, and having your diaper changed like a baby." "Geez, I don't know about you, but I could never go back to diapers, having someone know when I've peed or pooped, and having them change me." "Oh, but I enjoy it. Not to mention, between you and…

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Game, Set, and Wet
By: Gillian (31 Aug 2004, Tuesday)

No resemblance to any living characters is intended or implied. Kristine had two fingers pressing on the track's hard surface, her other arm cocked at her left side. Her Nike track shoes were pressed against the starting blocks, white socks barely showing above the edge of the shoe line, her calve muscles taut, her perfectly shaped, sleek yet athletic thighs tensed as she awaited the starting gunshot. A slight sheen of perspiration shone on her legs and arms. A single drop of perspiration fell from her nose, falling to the tracks surface, a small dark circle where it fell. Crouched in starting stance, her face stared down the straightaway of the track, her butt sticking up in the air, her short green nylon…

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Experiences #2
By: Janis (31 Aug 2004, Tuesday)

I went shopping today. I don't do that real often, at least not the cruise–the–mall, visit–every–store kind of shopping. But today I needed to buy some clothes so I found myself in a mall. There was a sale going on and I wanted to get a couple of blouses and a skirt that had been advertised, so I first went to get them, but when I got to the car with my purchases I decided there was no reason to head for home and I might as well take a wander around. I must have spent an hour or so wandering up and down the mall, checking out different stores and finally stopping to get a cup of coffee. For a while I just sat and watched the people go by, wondering about their stories and making up stories to go with their…

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Experiences #1
By: Janis (31 Jul 2004, Saturday)

July 25, 2004 I did something new last night. I've been reading the stories on this site for about a year and enjoying them and some of the pictures. What I've most enjoyed is the knowledge that there are other people out there who enjoy the same sort of thing that I do. I thank you all for being there and helping me enjoy being the person who I am. But about last night... I enjoy wetting myself. If you've been reading my stories from last summer that should be pretty obvious. I've been wetting my panties for several years and discovered the thrill of actually wetting my pants last summer. I can hardly get enough of that feeling when I first start to let it go, when I can't quite tell if I'm getting wet or…

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